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When was the last time you asked a girl out



Nov 8, 2017
I wanna see something.

For me it was early 2016. Pretty much lost all hope after that
2 and a half years ago, a girl had known for a while from my workplace who tried making me an orbiter after she rejected me.

only thing ive tried since then is online dating but that was pointless when your an incel.
About 8 years ago, in the first year of high school.
i gave online dating my 6th or so serious try a couple months ago after graduating and having a good job (at the time, i quit a couple months ago because depression overtook me) hoping that it would increase my odds

after messaging about 50 girls I actually got a conversation with one girl, asked her out after a few messages and she stopped replying. turns out it was a pity conversation

pretty much gave up after that. i dont know why i keep thinking its going to be different each time i try to date. i remember after my very first experience with online dating like back in 2007 or something i realized quickly that women only care about looks first and foremost, and after i discovered that i told my normie friends at the time who tried to convince me otherwise (using the same platitudes you all know), i dont know why i fuckin torture myself going back into the dating scene just to come to the same fuckin conclusions over and over again
Technically the last girl was 1 year ago. I got her number but she told me shit like "I don't know my scheduel... I'm hangover... I think we should wait ... I have a boyfriend". Didn't like her much anyway. But the last tiem I asked a girl out was last year and I blackmailed her to it by sending desperate messages.
a few weeks ago. i know i dont have a chance, but there the slimmist of chances that shell say yes
I'm an oldcel and never did actually.
Spring of 2015.
Never but I already know that they hate me just by having a normal conversation
2017 summer. It took about a month to figure out, but as soon as she realised that I was after her, she came up with excuses why she has no time or slipped dates. "She wasn't looking for a boyfriend" in the end. Related story as late summer/autumn 2016, "I'm not looking for a boyfriend rk" and 2-3 weeks later she finally found the right guy with 18 while I saw them only arguing.
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About 3 weeks ago. A small outgoing african girl.

I went straigth: ''I think you're more than cute, would you like to go on a date.''

Apparently she had someone and asked me not to have false expectation so I can't blame her for refusing.

Prior to that, it was a fat (really fat) chick on an online dating site but she outright disresepcted me when I tried to console her when she complained about her weight...that's what you get for being the nice guy...

No hope. No rope. Just cope.
i gave online dating my 6th or so serious try a couple months ago after graduating and having a good job (at the time, i quit a couple months ago because depression overtook me) hoping that it would increase my odds

after messaging about 50 girls I actually got a conversation with one girl, asked her out after a few messages and she stopped replying. turns out it was a pity conversation

pretty much gave up after that. i dont know why i keep thinking its going to be different each time i try to date. i remember after my very first experience with online dating like back in 2007 or something i realized quickly that women only care about looks first and foremost, and after i discovered that i told my normie friends at the time who tried to convince me otherwise (using the same platitudes you all know), i dont know why i fuckin torture myself going back into the dating scene just to come to the same fuckin conclusions over and over again

How many times have I attempted online dating only to return even more bitter and sour internally than before...

I remember the days, weeks I spent on carefully preparing my personal info on my page, stating my hobbies, interests and personalities.

Then I would check the girls around, picked the one that were on my league and down, read their bios and try to come up with an interesting starter line...

I would sometimes get a ''lol''...

Most of the times, I would receive a notification stating that the girl had come to visit my page (proably to look at my pictures) and then nothing...no reply, no answer...

Online dating? It's over...

I also had the tinder ''bug'' for months..0 match...
Lol @ all the guys who wrote never.
If the answer is never, you should be banned from this site.

You're damn near a fakecel if you have never even tried. Pussy doesn't fall into your lap (unless your Chad).

it very well does, if the female is attracted to you. what is the point in going after a female that isn't attracted to you? do you believe that you'll win the female over once you show her your great personality? maybe once you "kino escalate"?
Yesterday, I'm still here so you know how it went down.
Since High School, that was about 7 or 8 years ago and she told me to get the hell away from her.
it very well does, if the female is attracted to you. what is the point in going after a female that isn't attracted to you? do you believe that you'll win the female over once you show her your great personality?

Attraction is not a binary value. A girl might not be attracted enough to ask you out but might be attracted enough to go along with you asking her out. She might not be attracted enough to have sex on the first date but could warm up to you if you don't say/do something incredibly stupid. It's not as if only Chad gets laid. 95% of the male population are not Chads and almost all of them (except incels) get laid eventually.

If you don't at least try, you're an idiot. You're also an idiot if you get like 100 rejections and you keep trying.
Ask 20 girls out at least. You can do that in a week.
Attraction is not a binary value. A girl might not be attracted enough to ask you out but might be attracted enough to go along with you asking her out. She might not be attracted enough to have sex on the first date but could warm up to you if you don't say/do something incredibly stupid. It's not as if only Chad gets laid. 95% of the male population are not Chads and almost all of them (except incels) get laid eventually.

If you don't at least try, you're an idiot. You're also an idiot if you get like 100 rejections and you keep trying.
Ask 20 girls out at least. You can do that in a week.

females are wired to go for people that have good genetics and genuine attraction is purely physical. there is no "warming up" phase, you're either attractive the moment it sees you, or not. if it "warms up" to you later, it has ulterior motives behind it.

it is funny to consider what normies have as "getting laid" and putting it together with what Chad has when their relationships are akin to long-term prostitution. they pay for sex. the only person that doesn't is Chad that gets one night stands with ease. now THAT is genuine attraction, not some hag deciding you're fit to leech off of after weeks of being their personal spineless jester.

if you really believe that, go ahead, try a bunch of PUA tricks and see how well it works out for you. "it's just a numbers game", am i right? lmfao
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females are wired to go for people that have good genetics and genuine attraction is purely physical. there is no "warming up" phase, you're either attractive the moment it sees you, or not. if it "warms up" to you later, it has ulterior motives behind it.

it is funny to consider what normies have as "getting laid" when their relationships are akin to0

if you really believe that, go ahead, try a bunch of PUA tricks and see how well it works out for you.
Attraction is not a binary value. A girl might not be attracted enough to ask you out but might be attracted enough to go along with you asking her out. She might not be attracted enough to have sex on the first date but could warm up to you if you don't say/do something incredibly stupid. It's not as if only Chad gets laid. 95% of the male population are not Chads and almost all of them (except incels) get laid eventually.

If you don't at least try, you're an idiot. You're also an idiot if you get like 100 rejections and you keep trying.
Ask 20 girls out at least. You can do that in a week.

One word: Propinquity.
Never, I don't ever talk to females.
it very well does, if the female is attracted to you. what is the point in going after a female that isn't attracted to you? do you believe that you'll win the female over once you show her your great personality? maybe once you "kino escalate"?

My brother is a Chad (Tyrone) so I got a good idea what females do if they're interested in you. They pretty much do anything and everything except approach. Although some girls approach guys, the vast majority still wait for the guy to make the first move. If you've never even tried than you better be a High tier Chad or else you're gonna be a vocel for life
2004. The way it went down put me off being honest about my feelings for life.
I never even spoke to a girl, jfl at asking them out they'd call the police in 0.3 sec
asked a coworker to lunch in nov 2016, she went, but didn't eat. and never accepted again.
My brother is a Chad (Tyrone) so I got a good idea what females do if they're interested in you. They pretty much do anything and everything except approach. Although some girls approach guys, the vast majority still wait for the guy to make the first move. If you've never even tried than you better be a High tier Chad or else you're gonna be a vocel for life

then i’m sorry to say that your dear brother is no genuine Chad. you’re just overrating him.
asked a coworker to lunch in nov 2016, she went, but didn't eat. and never accepted again.
Fakecel out!

The last time for me was in Spring 2017. Not planning to do it again anytime soon.
I don't even have the chance to ask one out. I go to a technical college and there are literally no women
I’ve never asked a femoid out or to be my girlfriend in my 20 year existence
females are wired to go for people that have good genetics and genuine attraction is purely physical. there is no "warming up" phase, you're either attractive the moment it sees you, or not. if it "warms up" to you later, it has ulterior motives behind it.

Whatever the reason non-Chads can't get laid on the 1st date but will get laid by 3rd or 4th date, that thing. Is it "genuine attraction"? If not, does it make it worthless? I know guys who don't have money and who are not Chad but still get laid and have girlfriends. It's not a big deal among normies. The girls won't be super psyched about having sex with those guys and may dump them as soon as some Chad twitches his cock in their direction, but who cares? Got laid, not incel.

It's pure delusion to equate non-Chads and incels in any way. It's also pure delusion to think women will necessarily approach guys they're attracted to. Shit, even a lot of guys don't approach women they're attracted to.

if you really believe that, go ahead, try a bunch of PUA tricks and see how well it works out for you. "it's just a numbers game", am i right? lmfao

I first tried PUA techniques in 1999 when you weren't even born. Figured out it doesn't work for ugly guys by 2001 when you also weren't even born.
Teenagers OUT.
One word: Propinquity.

Nice word, that's what I meant. It's why high school girls hook up with high school guys even though objectively better guys are available in huge quantities.
Nice word, that's what I meant. It's why high school girls hook up with high school guys even though objectively better guys are available in huge quantities.

Uni, as well.
Uni, as well.

Workplaces too. Like how many actresses hook up with their co-star, like Megan For and Shia LeBeouf. Was he the most attractive guy she knew? She was more famous than he was, so it wasn't a status/money thing.
Whatever the reason non-Chads can't get laid on the 1st date but will get laid by 3rd or 4th date, that thing. Is it "genuine attraction"? If not, does it make it worthless? I know guys who don't have money and who are not Chad but still get laid and have girlfriends. It's not a big deal among normies. The girls won't be super psyched about having sex with those guys and may dump them as soon as some Chad twitches his cock in their direction, but who cares? Got laid, not incel.

It's pure delusion to equate non-Chads and incels in any way. It's also pure delusion to think women will necessarily approach guys they're attracted to. Shit, even a lot of guys don't approach women they're attracted to.

I first tried PUA techniques in 1999 when you weren't even born. Figured out it doesn't work for ugly guys by 2001 when you also weren't even born.
Teenagers OUT.

if you‘d be alright with being used by a bunch of females and being their jester for God knows how long just to pursue that tiny, teeny shred of hope that MAYBE it will grace you with the sight of its cunt, be my guest. why don’t you try orbiting online too? you know, that’s exactly what you’re telling incels to do right now. orbit, orbit, orbit and orbit hoping it’ll work out.

of course guys are hesitant about approaching females... it’s risky. for a female? not at all. they have zero reason not to approach. not only is it almost guaranteed to be successful for them, there’s also no chance that they’ll be seen as a “creep”, or assaulted, etc.
if you‘d be alright with being used by a bunch of females and being their jester for God knows how long just to pursue that tiny, teeny shred of hope that MAYBE it will grace you with the sight of its cunt, be my guest. why don’t you try orbiting online too? you know, that’s exactly what you’re telling incels to do right now. orbit, orbit, orbit and orbit hoping it’ll work out.

It's what 90% of guys do and it works for them, they're having sex. Here's a black pill for you: sex isn't reserved for Chads. Pretty much all guys (except incels) are having sex, and that's how it happens: they hang around a coworker or fellow student or whatever and their proximity makes up for their deficiencies. Someone who's never tried asking a girl out isn't an incel, they're just a low sex drive high inhib coward.

Besides, asking a woman out on a date is not orbiting. Being on a date is not orbiting.
Five months ago. To this day I am 0 for 19.

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