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Blackpill When people say "I see unattractive men with hot women all the time"

Teutonic Knight

Teutonic Knight

Mar 2, 2019
It's because they can't fucking rate men for shit. I can't blame them because I couldn't either before the blackpill.

I used to cope with that too. To be honest, personally I view a lot of these Chads as "ugly" as in being repulsive physically, especially the Nordic ones. As a man, I can't rate them because I'm not attracted to them. So I used to qualify a lot of men who women probably see as handsome as "unattractive", not knowing what their taste is. However after watching the videos of the likes of FaceandLMS where he breaks down the physical traits, where you see certain patterns in how the bone structure and appearance of male models looks, when you're exposed to heightpill and racepill, you observe things much differently.

Now I realize that the "unattractive" men I saw with girlfriends before are either 1) tall lanky dudes 2) have strong masculine jaw 3) hunter eyes 4) have most of these traits: nw0, average height or above, maxilla, good eye area, blue eyes 5) if they're darker more "ethnic" looking they usually have at least three of these four things: good jaw, hunter eyes, nw0 or nw1 and average or above average height.

They always seem to have something going for them even if they don't exactly look like models. They are the guys that most men would see as not attractive or even unattractive.

The other types are simply obvious older betabuxxers.

I also noticed that the better looking the guy is, the less bitchy and bratty women act around him.

The heightpill is also ridiculous, it's like 3/4 men I see with girls are 6'3'' and taller (I come from a country where the average is 5'11'' and women still go out of their way to found guys who look like potential NBA players).
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This is true tbh. People also overrate women I think, they're all queens after all.
This, so much.

People post a looksmatched couple and say the guy is ugly because of some minor detail or because he's darker than the girl, I've seen it a hundred times.
This is true tbh. People also overrate women I think, they're all queens after all.

Yeah. "I saw what you call Stacy with a really ugly guy."

Turns out it's a 5/10 with a lot of make up who's only good trait is that she's skinny dating a 6'2'' tall white guy with hunter eyes who maybe looks a bit nerdy.
Yeah people also overrate the female a lot tbh
Yeah pretty much, particularly when women say it. I've straight up known women call chad tier men "average", meanwhile they'll call chubby ass women who've not even put minimal effort into themselves hot.

Yeah, that's another thing. I had men in mind when I oppened this thread because you can't take women seriously anyway as they rate 80% of men as bellow average and see even some Chads as meh or "kinda good looking" at best (yet would still fuck these Chads if given the opportunity).

Women are also downplaying how attracted they are to men who rejected them or that they can't get. You see women writing all the time how Meeks is not attractive to them. If that is so, where did all the women who established his career came from?

It's the equivalent of a man saying "I wasn't attracted to her anyway" after a Stacy brutally rejects him like garbage and fucks his best friend who is a 6'3'' Chad.
This. I’ve been saying this for years. Straight men cannot understand what foids are attracted to.

Primary things are height, shoulder-hip ratio, hand size, strong chin/jaw, blue hunter eyes (not round).
The dude is also most likely moneymaxxed and statusmaxxed
This is true tbh. People also overrate women I think, they're all queens after all.
Foids put more effort into their appearances, so if you're holding people's looks up to bluepill standards, foids are objectively better-looking.

Only when you accept the blackpill and evaluate people based on their inherent genetic quality do you realize that men date down and (if they're lucky) across.

Yeah pretty much, particularly when women say it. I've straight up known women call chad tier men "average", meanwhile they'll call chubby ass women who've not even put minimal effort into themselves hot.
Body fat up to a certain point doesn't matter at all. Chad (or Stacy in this case) can have a dad (mom) bod and slay while the ugly person can be 8% (12%?) body fat and struggle.

I see fatass guys all the time with girlfriends when I go out. This used to piss me off to no end when I hadn't fully digested the blackpill. Now that I have, I see their superior height, jaws, and NW0/1 hairlines, and I know the truth.
Yeah people also overrate the female a lot tbh
This tbh.
Most men just think with their dicks, and will call every single skinny foid a stacy, even if she has a 3/10 face.
1,90 m tall blue eyed white men have alway girlfriends, even if they are fat.

Women are attracted to genes. Any retard can become slim if he puts some effort.
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Yeah people also overrate the female a lot tbh

"I know this totally average looking dude who landed a hot 9/10 wife because of his great personality"

Then it turns out they look something like this

"I know this totally average looking dude who landed a hot 9/10 wife because of his great personality"

Then it turns out they look something like this

Yeah I always take those statements with a grain of salt tbh
"I know this totally average looking dude who landed a hot 9/10 wife because of his great personality"

Then it turns out they look something like this


"Average man" for femoids in 2019 is a 6'1' tall NW0 white Chadlite.
God ive waited so long for this thread.

Cant tell you how many times ive seen girls i've known get with these fat swamp creatures of men and swoon over them like they landed Brad Pitt or some shit. Glad I bust my ass in the gym and try to "work on myself" as a man just to see shit like that....Also, 5' 4" so, who am I kidding...
This, so much.

People post a looksmatched couple and say the guy is ugly because of some minor detail or because he's darker than the girl, I've seen it a hundred times.
I often see white men with dark ethnic women tbh

Altho all this is very true
I remember during some international football competition (I can't remember if it was Euro or World Cup) there was a poll in some local football magazine on who the ugliest football player on the tournament was.

Obviously the vast majority of people who voted were men since a) women don't give a shit about football as much to notice the ugly men who are playing b) women are virtue signalling and won't actually go out of there way to call men they have zero connection with "ugly"

They ended up voting for Spanish defender Carles Puyol as "the ugliest football player" on the tournament.

This is how he looks like (he's 5'10''):



Reminder, this is who men consider to be the most ugly player out of hundreds of players many of whom were short ethnic manlet chincels. This is what the call an "ugly man".

He's not exactly a model but he is 1) white with blue eyes and light-ish brown hair 2) average height 3) solid robust facial structure 4) masculine looking 5) no balding at all

6'1'' Nordic-looking blonde blue-eyed football player Domagoj Vida also gets called ugly


Then one of such guys who look like this (and aren't statusmaxxed) gets a 3/10 girlfriend at one point in his life and they go like "I know this extremely ugly guy who got a cute girlfriend"
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God ive waited so long for this thread.

Cant tell you how many times ive seen girls i've known get with these fat swamp creatures of men and swoon over them like they landed Brad Pitt or some shit. Glad I bust my ass in the gym and try to "work on myself" as a man just to see shit like that....Also, 5' 4" so, who am I kidding...
Ouch, that's gotta hurt. Can I ask why you work out? Why put in the time, and disciplined diet, when you can LDAR and just eat bagels?
1,90 m tall blue eyed white men have alway girlfriends, even if they are fat.

Women are attracted to genes. Any retard can become slim if he puts some effort.

"I saw this ugly fat guy with a hot wife"

Before I took the blackpill and started studying lookism, i didn't know what was attractive either. I used to see guys i thought were average with girlfriends but now looking back i realize they were at least high tier normies. And one thing they all had in common was height.
Another proof that men can't rate who is ugly or not at all.

This is the list of the supposed top 100 ugliest athletes of all time.

JFL, there are legit Chads and Tyrones in there.

7'0'' tall Aryan Dirk Nowitzki as the 45th ugliest athlete of all time?


6'4'' hunter eyed nw0 blue eyes white Chad with strong jaw Bobby Holik as 55th ugliest...


These are the kind of men they have in mind when they talk about "ugly guys" getting girlfriends all the time.

It's a very clear pattern, they think that if a white or black guy looks ogre-ish and caveman-ish he's "ugly" despite the fact that this can actually increase his SMV and make him more masculine.

Men are completely clueless as to what is actually attractive to women.
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"I see unattractive men with hot women all the time"

*rates 80-95% of men as unattractive*

Or the guy has benefited from his large social circle/core group of friends. Also men “hit the wall” or gain a bunch of weight, which often explains a cute, thin foid with a fat dude. Having kids together also often explains it, as does “they met at work” (with him usually having the better job.)
Ouch, that's gotta hurt. Can I ask why you work out? Why put in the time, and disciplined diet, when you can LDAR and just eat bagels?

Honestly, I just workout to keep my heart somewhat healthy and get some cardio in so I dont become a complete blob. Ive been programming it in my head lately that I cant be working out to attract women anymore, and that this has to be for me. Just because I have shitty luck doesnt mean I should let myself become a person I hate (yeah the height sucks, but other then that I know who I am as a person). But anyway. Yeah, its been rough to say the least. I dont know what to do anymore. All I want is a relationship but time and time again its just rejection after rejection.
Cucks usually sayy this and when they show proof the cuck is a 5/10 and the whore is like a 3/10 at best jfl
Yeah pretty much, particularly when women say it. I've straight up known women call chad tier men "average", meanwhile they'll call chubby ass women who've not even put minimal effort into themselves hot.
A: These women are almost never hot (8+), but average to above average.

B: The unattractive men are jestermaxxing cucks who lucked out with social circle game. Without jestermaxxing, cuckmaxxing (i.e. being subservient to foids) and the benefit of social circle (high school, university, work, house parties, weddings, friend of a friend), foids would treat these unattractive men as gutter insects.

Honestly, I just workout to keep my heart somewhat healthy and get some cardio in so I dont become a complete blob. Ive been programming it in my head lately that I cant be working out to attract women anymore, and that this has to be for me. Just because I have shitty luck doesnt mean I should let myself become a person I hate (yeah the height sucks, but other then that I know who I am as a person). But anyway. Yeah, its been rough to say the least. I dont know what to do anymore. All I want is a relationship but time and time again its just rejection after rejection.
Seems you are doing a lot of positive stuff, so that will put you ahead of most manlets, and assuming you are white have you tried SEA yet? China may not work they would prefer height over face, but rest of Asia you might be able to ascend, especially if you have SOME money and status
It's because they can't fucking rate men for shit. I can't blame them because I couldn't either before the blackpill.

I used to cope with that too. To be honest, personally I view a lot of these Chads as "ugly" as in being repulsive physically, especially the Nordic ones. As a man, I can't rate them because I'm not attracted to them. So I used to qualify a lot of men who women probably see as handsome as "unattractive", not knowing what their taste is. However after watching the videos of the likes of FaceandLMS where he breaks down the physical traits, where you see certain patterns in how the bone structure and appearance of male models looks, when you're exposed to heightpill and racepill, you observe things much differently.

Now I realize that the "unattractive" men I saw with girlfriends before are either 1) tall lanky dudes 2) have strong masculine jaw 3) hunter eyes 4) have most of these traits: nw0, average height or above, maxilla, good eye area, blue eyes 5) if they're darker more "ethnic" looking they usually have at least three of these four things: good jaw, hunter eyes, nw0 or nw1 and average or above average height.

They always seem to have something going for them even if they don't exactly look like models. They are the guys that most men would see as not attractive or even unattractive.

The other types are simply obvious older betabuxxers.

I also noticed that the better looking the guy is, the less bitchy and bratty women act around him.

The heightpill is also ridiculous, it's like 3/4 men I see with girls are 6'3'' and taller (I come from a country where the average is 5'11'' and women still go out of their way to found guys who look like potential NBA players).
Everything you wrote I relate to. I used to not be able to rate men but after the blackpill I can spot a chad or an incel easily
never see it in my area at all
Women are overrated and hot guys underrated. Foids underrate hot guys and losers overrate ugly foids.
Obviously those men weren't that unattractive if they could attract a woman. I've never seen a guy that looks like me with a woman. In fact, I don't think I have seen a guy that looks like me out in the wild. My wrist is smaller than a 5'0" female.
Seems you are doing a lot of positive stuff, so that will put you ahead of most manlets, and assuming you are white have you tried SEA yet? China may not work they would prefer height over face, but rest of Asia you might be able to ascend, especially if you have SOME money and status

Yeah thats the plan, to try and get ahead, doubt it will work but im going to try. And no I havent. I am white, and my preference is white, which makes things an uphill battle, especially around where I live where foids could either go the way of fat swamp creature, or chad. Though, as I get older, im seeing more and more settling for the average looking dude rather than ripped Chad so, guess that gives some hope. Though some would probably say thats just coping and getting leftovers..
Everyone agrees incels are unattractive but no one agrees on which Chad looks best (unless its chad vs gigachad)
When people say “I see ugly guys with hot women all the time!”, they are ignoring the fact that the “hot woman” is a single mother in her 30’s and the “ugly guy” in a overweight normie with a decent stable job.

Very, very rare for a ugly, broke, sick guy to have a young girlfriend, or any girlfriend at all. Normies find it entirely normal to marry a whore that has fucked a dozen men more attractive than their husbands. That’s “normal”!
Chads are ugly. But not for primitive mind of femoid
I used to think this before I learned about height and bone law
I don't know what the fuck people are talking about when they say this. I'm basically forced to be outside daily and I never see this.
Remember, 80% of men are below average looking to women. When a woman says "I see unattractive men with women all the time" they mean they see 5-6/10 guys with girls. To them 6.5/10 is average looking.
its because a.) they are NT / confident and actually ask out girls

and b.) the girls are using them for money/ child support.

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