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Brutal When I was in the Philippines I kept seeing videos about suicide in the recommended feed

Zhou Chang-Xing

Zhou Chang-Xing

Feb 16, 2022

View: https://youtu.be/vwW9SWtbRFo?si=63yKEK394XvHqiZM


Interestingly enough, a man with reasonable facial harmony. Which means that there are thousands of stories of men who look like us that they're not reporting on because they know that nobody will have sympathy for us.

View: https://youtu.be/AKcV6C6HxFI?si=NAKxozwz3Q2-zf7U

Then this video entitled "Men are dying and nobody cares" appears on my feed talking about how men living the best lives still end it.

Being born male is always a shitty situation, even Chad and Tyrone have shitty lives, even the richest amongst men can't trust anyone. Life as a male ALWAYS sucks. After watching these I went for a walk and just started observing people, groups of girls were always giggling and having an amazing time, groups of boys always just looked tired and depressed or angry and aggressive. As we're in Gookland here there's basically 0 difference between children and adults so these observations were also true for the adults.

While I personally wouldn't end it myself, I got the suspicion that Google wanted me to do it. Google just started bombarding me with these messages and literally a week later the guy whose house I was staying at told me that one of his "batchmates" (apparently Pinoys grow in batches, Asians really do grow in fields) committed suicide. Though of course, while suicide is a mostly male thing, it's still very much a genetic thing, a fortnight later his sister also committed suicide. Weird how someone of such a privileged birth would ever do it.

I like the metaphor, suicide isn't as much a thing any man desire, it's like being stuck in a burning building where the fires catch up to you and the only option is to jump out.
Fellow Singaporean Paul roped. I am actually happy for him, for he has escaped the many ills and evils that accompany us to old age.
They want us dead and gone. Sometimes i talk about something with my brother and 10 min later i get youtubes videos about it and he facebook adds. Im pretty sure that some bots are spying on us using phone microphone or some shit.
For them, if one of us ropes they see it as nature taking its course. No sympathy and empathy for men. We’re seen as disposable and replaceable most of us. Instead people will even be making jokes and making fun of the deaths of people like us. That’s just how it is. Brutal as fuck.

Foids have inherent value because they’re capable of birthing children and have beauty and all retards get captivated and blinded by beauty and ignore the fucked up psychology of foids.
They want us dead and gone. Sometimes i talk about something with my brother and 10 min later i get youtubes videos about it and he facebook adds. Im pretty sure that some bots are spying on us using phone microphone or some shit.
Literally Google does that. If youve got a Google phone its controlling you
Literally Google does that. If youve got a Google phone its controlling you
In the future phones will auto call police when elaborate plans of rope is heard. We’re fucked in the future. Mind reading and implants all of that tech BS. There will be brain implants that will auto detect suicide thoughts and will alert authorities
In the future phones will auto call police when elaborate plans of rope is heard. We’re fucked in the future. Mind reading and implants all of that tech BS. There will be brain implants that will auto detect suicide thoughts and will alert authorities
Have you heard about the Microsoft Windows 11 Update? It includes SPYWARE. An AI is onserving your screen 24/7 and sending the Information to central.

If you watch porn - they know.
If your on Incels.is - they know.
If you trade stocks - they know.

They know everything.
Have you heard about the Microsoft Windows 11 Update? It includes SPYWARE. An AI is onserving your screen 24/7 and sending the Information to central.

If you watch porn - they know.
If your on Incels.is - they know.
If you trade stocks - they know.

They know everything.
Fuck that lol time to move to Linux as much as I hate that too. I hate to sound like those 1984fags but that’s literally what’s happening right now
I don't get when those normies with gf , job, social circles suicide.
Google has it out for you, bro! Better degoogle yourself before its too late!
I recently learned that around 700,000 people die from suicide per year. It's something like 1 person every 40 seconds.

We live in a fucked up world man :feelsbadman:
For them, if one of us ropes they see it as nature taking its course. No sympathy and empathy for men. We’re seen as disposable and replaceable most of us. Instead people will even be making jokes and making fun of the deaths of people like us. That’s just how it is. Brutal as fuck.

Foids have inherent value because they’re capable of birthing children and have beauty and all retards get captivated and blinded by beauty and ignore the fucked up psychology of foids.
Very true bro. I used to be coworkers with this delusional and incredibly narcissist ic new age spirituality foid that has this "Matrix ideology" about life. She told me that whenever someone gets killed or commits suicide it means that the Matrix deemed them useless and that natural selection was doing it's act. I asked her what does she think of the innocent poor children that are victims of warcrime and she responded with that "there was a reason for that to happen"" LMAO.

The most brutal thing out of anything tho is that she gave birth to a twin pair that she's coping mega hard with. Not only they will grow lookikg like truecels just like his father, but 1 of them has autism while the other one is deaf. I'm wondering what purpose are they going to serve in this life based on her cucked and animalistic ideology
Fuck that lol time to move to Linux as much as I hate that too. I hate to sound like those 1984fags but that’s literally what’s happening right now
Nothing rly wrong with sounding as an 1984 fag as this is literally the only fiction i fully relate with.
but 1 of them has autism while the other one is deaf. I'm wondering what purpose are they going to serve in this life based on her cucked and animalistic ideology
When they rope or get killed is she gonna deem them useless and say natural selection was taking its course :lul: You know she probably hates their guts deep down
"there was a reason for that to happen""
Lol there’s not really a reason why it happens. In the abstract sense, there’s a root cause + chain of events and that sort of stuff that leads to events happening But not a solid, god ordained reason. The world doesn’t work like that. The world is some sort of chaotic system where things just happen but just having to follow the rules of nature. Sounds paradoxical as fuck but I’d call it “structured chaos”.
When they rope or get killed is she gonna deem them useless and say natural selection was taking its course :lul: You know she probably hates their guts deep down
You are not very far from the actual truth there.
Once i remember when our shift ended and went our way back home, she lost her shit and was struck (not exagerating) by the beauty of some random 2 year toddler walking with his grandma.
As much as she loves coping with them by talking about and being proud of her kids non stop, after what she witnessed she straight up told me she REGRETS THAT HER KIDS DIDN'T LOOK HIM AND FOR RESEMBLING THE TRUECEL FATHER.
He was everything she wanted her kids to look like - Blonde, beautiful, white and blue eyed. LMAO. Such an amazing, caring, empathic and high vibrational spiritual mothER.
As much as she loves coping with them by talking about and being proud of her kids non stop, after what she witnessed she straight up told me she REGRETS THAT HER KIDS DIDN'T LOOK HIM AND FOR RESEMBLING THE TRUECEL FATHER.
He was everything she wanted her kids to look like - Blonde, beautiful, white and blue eyed. LMAO. Such an amazing, caring, empathic and high vibrational spiritual mothER.
IMG 0259
This is her

View: https://youtu.be/vwW9SWtbRFo?si=63yKEK394XvHqiZM

View attachment 1178345

Interestingly enough, a man with reasonable facial harmony. Which means that there are thousands of stories of men who look like us that they're not reporting on because they know that nobody will have sympathy for us.

View: https://youtu.be/AKcV6C6HxFI?si=NAKxozwz3Q2-zf7U

Then this video entitled "Men are dying and nobody cares" appears on my feed talking about how men living the best lives still end it.

Being born male is always a shitty situation, even Chad and Tyrone have shitty lives, even the richest amongst men can't trust anyone. Life as a male ALWAYS sucks. After watching these I went for a walk and just started observing people, groups of girls were always giggling and having an amazing time, groups of boys always just looked tired and depressed or angry and aggressive. As we're in Gookland here there's basically 0 difference between children and adults so these observations were also true for the adults.

While I personally wouldn't end it myself, I got the suspicion that Google wanted me to do it. Google just started bombarding me with these messages and literally a week later the guy whose house I was staying at told me that one of his "batchmates" (apparently Pinoys grow in batches, Asians really do grow in fields) committed suicide. Though of course, while suicide is a mostly male thing, it's still very much a genetic thing, a fortnight later his sister also committed suicide. Weird how someone of such a privileged birth would ever do it.

I like the metaphor, suicide isn't as much a thing any man desire, it's like being stuck in a burning building where the fires catch up to you and the only option is to jump out.

Gook Ia disgusting I’d rather be burned alive
considering Philippines has alot of open land making it a good place to dissappear for good.

View: https://youtu.be/vwW9SWtbRFo?si=63yKEK394XvHqiZM

View attachment 1178345

Interestingly enough, a man with reasonable facial harmony. Which means that there are thousands of stories of men who look like us that they're not reporting on because they know that nobody will have sympathy for us.

View: https://youtu.be/AKcV6C6HxFI?si=NAKxozwz3Q2-zf7U

Then this video entitled "Men are dying and nobody cares" appears on my feed talking about how men living the best lives still end it.

Being born male is always a shitty situation, even Chad and Tyrone have shitty lives, even the richest amongst men can't trust anyone. Life as a male ALWAYS sucks. After watching these I went for a walk and just started observing people, groups of girls were always giggling and having an amazing time, groups of boys always just looked tired and depressed or angry and aggressive. As we're in Gookland here there's basically 0 difference between children and adults so these observations were also true for the adults.

While I personally wouldn't end it myself, I got the suspicion that Google wanted me to do it. Google just started bombarding me with these messages and literally a week later the guy whose house I was staying at told me that one of his "batchmates" (apparently Pinoys grow in batches, Asians really do grow in fields) committed suicide. Though of course, while suicide is a mostly male thing, it's still very much a genetic thing, a fortnight later his sister also committed suicide. Weird how someone of such a privileged birth would ever do it.

I like the metaphor, suicide isn't as much a thing any man desire, it's like being stuck in a burning building where the fires catch up to you and the only option is to jump out.

how was philipinnes

i am going there soon

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