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Venting When I was a kid I would have never imagined I'd be a virgin almost half way to 30



permavirgin failure
Apr 19, 2019
It's just a brutal thought. When I was like 5 or 6 I imagined at this age I would be married with a kid already and my own house and car.

But I'm still in the same position now as I was when I was 5. No car, no home, no job, no girlfriend, no money, nothing. The only difference is now I'm older and uglier.

What a living nightmare this life....

Edit: not halfway to 30, I meant halfway through my 20s
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I used to think the same. Now, I question myself that why I was even born.
I thought i was gonna be a fucking slayer like Drake Parker
brutal ngl
It's just a brutal thought. When I was like 5 or 6 I imagined at this age I would be married with a kid already and my own house and car.

But I'm still in the same position now as I was when I was 5. No car, no home, no job, no girlfriend, no money, nothing. The only difference is now I'm older and uglier.

What a living nightmare this life....
I'm older than you, i'm 20 and in your same exact position, potentially even worse off tbh
Yeah man, this shit was completely unexpected!

It was so far off the radar it was invisible!

The only way i can believe it's true is by personal experience!

It's so outlandish and strangè!
i didn't even know what to think when i was that young, i just lived in the present
Yeah man, this shit was completely unexpected!

It was so far off the radar it was invisible!

The only way i can believe it's true is by personal experience!

It's so outlandish and strangè!
As a kid, i thought i was gonna have a bright future jfl
If kid me could see me now, it would be too brutal for him. Poor kid.
Fucking brutal, I'm 19 years old and still desperately trying to ascend, time is ticking and if I fail I'm destined to be a complete failure and opposition to the vision of my self as a child.
But I'm still in the same position now as I was when I was 5. No car, no home, no job, no girlfriend, no money, nothing. The only difference is now I'm older and uglier.

What a living nightmare this life....

How u get food with no money, job, home.. ?
Exact same life as me..

But I assume most of us here can relate lol
Yes bro. I think there are many pros when it comes to living with parents but also a lot of cons
This is actually sort of our own doing, and also the reason we hate on our boomer parents so much.
We EXPECT that what is around us, will continue. We also BELIEVE that what is around us is the same as what came before.
So as kids we look around us and see couples in happy relationships, where looks don't matter. We also see older kids hooking up with girls, even though they are ugly.
We didn't even think there would be an internet, tinder, feminism, the pill, abortion, GFC, which basically shattered all that and gave us the world we have today
internet, tinder, feminism, the pill, abortion, GFC, which basically shattered all that and gave us the world we have today
I agree. Those things shattered it all. If there was a sliver of hope before those things, it's certainly gone now. I feel bad for ugly males who are children now. When they're our age, they'll rope for sure
It's just a brutal thought. When I was like 5 or 6 I imagined at this age I would be married with a kid already and my own house and car.

"Get a load of this kid. With hopes and dreams and shit."
I agree. Those things shattered it all. If there was a sliver of hope before those things, it's certainly gone now. I feel bad for ugly males who are children now. When they're our age, they'll rope for sure
Will they? Not likely bro. They have grown up seeing all this female degeneracy, seeing a world outside and on TV where only Chads have any high value.

More likely they will attend coding camp, become ugly IT or STEM guys and have good copes, or if they white they will SEAmaxx or date the noodle programmers they work with
Society tells us that its just something that comes naturally dont listen to them
Brutal. I'm 26 myself. Most of this forum is younger and they already think it's over, what does that say about us? Those may actually get in a relationship before they're our age, however, we're confirmed trash.
I never imagined I'd be a virgin at 30, yet here I am, drinking away the pain.
I never imagined I'd be a virgin at 30, yet here I am, drinking away the pain.
31 here on the way to 32 in about 2 months.

Try being 30+, NEET, a virgin, Kissless, and living with folks. Man I never thought I'd grow up to be such a loser, yet here I am a big loser posting on a forum full of virgin lonely men. Who would've had the idea that so many men are like us? Sigh what a cold cruel world we live in.
Try being 30+, NEET, a virgin, Kissless, and living with folks.
I don't have to try. That's me. :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: Fuckin' sucks, bro. But at least I don't have to pay rent. There's always an upside.
Oh, except for the NEET part. I'm a wagecuck. I imagine that's worse.
I don't have to try. That's me. :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: Fuckin' sucks, bro. But at least I don't have to pay rent. There's always an upside.
Oh, except for the NEET part. I'm a wagecuck. I imagine that's worse.
It's nice, my folks provide me food and shelter and whatnot and I can cope in peace, but my mom does nag me to find work or to go to school, I brush it off and it goes away, only to come back sometime later, my dad just LDAR all day every day, but sadly we can't live this way forever, since our folks won't be alive forever. Sigh. I don't want to participate in society, I like being away from the evil world crawling with automatons, incapable of thinking for themselves. It sucks not having the option to not work and not be out on the streets, Sigh.
My parents (mostly mother) drilled into my head from a very early age, long before I was even old enough to be interested in girls, that I'd be "beating them off with a stick". I never bought it because I was a social outcast with no friends. At 21, I paid a hooker to take my virginity because I didn't want to be a 30-year-old virgin. Were it not for that very wise decision, I'd be a 25-year-old virgin or dead right now.
I thought I will get laid at 16. Here I am a 29 y/o khhv...
Same here brah, my dumbass thought the second i turn 18 id be drowning in pussy.
Reality is often disappointing. :cryfeels:
I remember the movie 40 year old virgin coming out in 2005 when I was 16, I was a virgin back then and panicking like crazy about being a khv, so many people were losing their v card and there was immense peer pressure to get laid.

Being 40 seemed a million years away, I'll easily be laid by then I thought. Now as a 31 khv I know for a fact that I'm going to be a 40 year virgin, thats fucking so surreal.
I remember the movie 40 year old virgin coming out in 2005 when I was 16, I was a virgin back then and panicking like crazy about being a khv, so many people were losing their v card and there was immense peer pressure to get laid.

Being 40 seemed a million years away, I'll easily be laid by then I thought. Now as a 31 khv I know for a fact that I'm going to be a 40 year virgin, thats fucking so surreal.
Brutal as fuck. I'm heading that way if I'm not dead by then
I was raised conservatively when it comes to sex and stuff like that. I couldn't say things like "pussy" at home and my mom always playfully told me I was only allowed to marry after 40.

As soon as I reached puberty and started really getting interested in relationships beyond silly childish onitis stuff, it was clear to me pretty quickly that my prospects were very poor.
25 yo Kissless Virgin here
in February I will do 22 years old khhv :feelsbadman:
Well most people don’t have the stability you are describing at 25. Most people buy a house in their thirties, not twenties. Most people in their twenties are still in the scrubby parts of their career, and most men aren’t married with kids.

Most have had some kind of meaningful relationship, but I dint think you need to be worried about not having things most people acquire at 35 at 25 just because when you were 5 people in their twenties looked old.

It's just a brutal thought. When I was like 5 or 6 I imagined at this age I would be married with a kid already and my own house and car.

But I'm still in the same position now as I was when I was 5. No car, no home, no job, no girlfriend, no money, nothing. The only difference is now I'm older and uglier.

What a living nightmare this life....

Edit: not halfway to 30, I meant halfway through my 20s

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