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Serious When do you think women will be slaves again with no choice in who they mate with?



Defeated By Fate
Sep 11, 2022
How many years/decades/centuries will it take to bring down women back to domesticity where they're bound to obey their husbands?
Never, I seriously doubt the damage that feminism has done can be reversed.
That never existed, unless males also had no choice and were force married.
This is my answer:

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the damage that feminism has done can be reversed.
It can, with qualitative attacks in GTA 5 like the following one:

I think that will never happen. This world will be going downhill for at least a couple of centuries, then maybe some minor improvements
It really depends on what the near future has in hold for us; honestly, times were better even 50 years ago when they still weren't slaves, and yet they still continued to complain and complain about s false sense of oppression and subjugation for increased privileges and ability to indirectly and directly discriminate against sub 5 males. :society:

Though victory may yet come, it will be a time beyond our prime; with globohomo-pushing corporations, bluepill-promoting elites, and various gaslighting foids and deluded cucks, as well as even scamming redpill PUAs, the opposition and protest against any wrongthink at all against the hypergamous hegemony will be fiercely fought against... :feelsclown:

I am hopeful for the eventual growth of more and more subhumans, however, realizing the bitter truth that is the blackpill and campaigning against modern degeneracy, as hypergamy and foid standards increase while civil and economic upheaval shows no sign of stopping; change and collapse is inevitable, it only depends on however more long it will take. :feelshehe:
It can, with qualitative attacks in GTA 5 like the following one:

View attachment 690876
True, but it needs to be done by more than a couple countries in the middle east. Right now the Americas and Europe have basically made feminism a religion, or countries like china where genders are basically equal, as long as they're still in power no chance.
How many years/decades/centuries will it take to bring down women back to domesticity where they're bound to obey their husbands?
perpetual state of war all around the world is necessary for this

it depends on where you would draw the line for the bottleneck point at which the economy is too impeded by the demographic shift and an aging population to take care of. Japan serves as a baseline example as it has very little immigration coming into the country unlike the western nations which look to compensate low birth rates by bringing in foreigners, though that's not to say that this method of patching up the population size is not bound to come with its own set of consequences. it's hard to tell what destiny has in store for us, but population trajectory seems like the most reliable guide as it reflects the direct consequences women's rights and modern-day gender relations have had on the world even without knowing what kind of events might ensue out of it.
When do you think women will be slaves again with no choice in who they mate with?
Funny thing is: foids are slaves NOW. Just they're slaves to the jews. Foids don't have any "choice" anymore than a mollusk or a anemone has any "choice" in what to do. Foids are merely animals that live by instinct, and their instincts are all controlled by the jews.

How many years/decades/centuries will it take to bring down women back to domesticity where they're bound to obey their husbands?
Foids remain the same domesticated beast they have always been --- the issue is that today they're not obedient to their husbands because their husbands have no power to compete with the jews. Since jews (and jewish institutions) are the biggest "husband" any foid can get, the foids dedicate their instinct of obedience not to simple husbands, but to the jews, and their proxies --- the State (that jews control), credit cards (that jews control), drugs (that jews control), and marketing scams (that jews control) etc.
If things stay in the status quo we will develop AI sentience and mind uploading technology in several decades, so the woman question will no longer matter. Our consciousness will inhabit a digital realm of our choosing, and we could have AI manifest GFE experiences beyond our wildest imagination

That's the good ending. The bad ending is society collapses from nuclear warfare or warfare over climate/resources/geopolitics. The vast majority of us die but the few who remain do revert to tribal ooga booga society and rape and pillage as they please
How many years/decades/centuries will it take to bring down women back to domesticity where they're bound to obey their husbands?
Who gives a rats ass? You'll be dead long before anything happens, things which won't ever happen. Everything is stable an comfy, which isn't so bad if you know how to live alone
Whenever the current world order collapse
Only when a societal collapse happens. @MarquisDeSade
When white people stop being cucks and spreading feminism BS

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