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JFL When Cuckflix makes a show about incels, they use a teen female to depict the "incel"!

More gaslighting,femcels are a myth and an attempt to gaslight incels
ultimate cucking
Oh I've seen the trailer for this shit.
Bad looking girl gets to have a chadlite
(of course)
Doesn't seem to be specifically about incels or what it means to be incel. Just seems like a drama about teenage self esteem. Doesn't look so bad actually. Netflix produces some good content, better than HBO back in the day even. And you don't have to agree with the message to like a work of fiction btw for any low IQ people who might say I'm white knighting for it or something.
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Why doesn't she just date a fat disgusting piece of shit like herself instead of chad chasing? Problem solved you useless fat smelly cunt.
JFL at "femcel" fantasies
This is like making a movie on poverty and depicting Jews as poor people that are struggling.
Normies aren't impressed it seems, just look at the comments lmao.
This is like making a movie on poverty and depicting Jews as poor people that are struggling.
:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: You're fucking obsessed with those crooks
are there any good truecel movies?
are there any good truecel movies?
HAHAHAHAHAHA being fat is something thats definitely under your control these sluts wouldn't know hard work if it hit them in the face.

Thank you, yes. Fantastic movie. The thing that was most interesting to me about that movie is how much it rides the line between bluepill and redpill while still being authentic.

Nick Cage's characters are a perfect capture of how much looks/personality matter and yet also sometimes don't. Both the twins he plays look the same. Both should be incels from appearance. But one is low inhib, goes with the flow, charismatic, has a mentality that appeals to normies (eg. writing blockbuster movies rather than intellectual films), and as a result he still gets laid. The other is neurotic, obsessive, anxious, awkward, and has unusual interests/tastes, and thus can't really connect to anyone and is truecel tier, fapping in his bedroom alone.

One might say that's "bluepill" but the truth is most of our personality is hardcoded just like our looks. I have only watched the movie 2 times, but I have thought about it many times since it came out. I relate to both of the brothers in different ways.

Chris Cooper's character also embodies why some unremarkable looking guys are capable of running cult game. He plays the type of character that could suck in foids like that that are desperate for meaning and purpose in their lives.

Loved that movie right from the opening scene.
Being overweight as a woman doesn't matter and has never mattered when it comes to dating/fucking/love/all that shit.
My contribution to truecel movie suggestions would be The Lookout


Joseph Gordon Levitt goes from being a normal popular guy at the start to being a dim witted brain damaged loser after a massive car accident at the start, and gets manipulated by a girl who is using him into a heist he can't understand or control.

Vanilla Sky of course as well. Tom Cruise gets disfigured (again in a car crash) and loses everything.

Storytelling likes character arcs, so you either have one of two things when you're talking about these types of movies.

1) Chad/normie gets destroyed and becomes an incel loser (eg. The Lookout, Vanilla Sky)
2) Incel loser ascends through magic and becomes a normie (eg. Stranger Than Fiction, Punch Drunk Love, Drive)

I prefer #1 of those two. Rare to find movie where the main character starts as incel loser and ends as incel loser, because then nothing has changed, and to Hollywood relationships are key to everything so something must change in this respect.
We should honestly make our own movie
Story of my life
Why doesn't she just date a fat disgusting piece of shit like herself instead of chad chasing? Problem solved you useless fat smelly cunt.

She is catfishing chad and Stacy is helping her
My contribution to truecel movie suggestions would be The Lookout


Joseph Gordon Levitt goes from being a normal popular guy at the start to being a dim witted brain damaged loser after a massive car accident at the start, and gets manipulated by a girl who is using him into a heist he can't understand or control.

Vanilla Sky of course as well. Tom Cruise gets disfigured (again in a car crash) and loses everything.

Storytelling likes character arcs, so you either have one of two things when you're talking about these types of movies.

1) Chad/normie gets destroyed and becomes an incel loser (eg. The Lookout, Vanilla Sky)
2) Incel loser ascends through magic and becomes a normie (eg. Stranger Than Fiction, Punch Drunk Love, Drive)

I prefer #1 of those two. Rare to find movie where the main character starts as incel loser and ends as incel loser, because then nothing has changed, and to Hollywood relationships are key to everything so something must change in this respect.

Thanks for the suggestion. Vanilla Sky is a must watch for all truecels.
We should honestly make our own movie

It would be nihilistic as hell. They already did the school shooter route so that's played out. I've thought about this before. It's hard to make a movie this dark and have people like it.

Probably the only real incel > incel story arc I can think of is:


Loser chases a girl. His Chad friend knocks her up. Loser pays for her abortion. And in the end she goes back to Chad and loser goes home crying.

People don't want to watch that shit. They want a fantasy, usually a "just world" one where everything works out for the underdog.
It would be nihilistic as hell. They already did the school shooter route so that's played out. I've thought about this before. It's hard to make a movie this dark and have people like it.

Probably the only real incel > incel story arc I can think of is:


Loser chases a girl. His Chad friend knocks her up. Loser pays for her abortion. And in the end she goes back to Chad and loser goes home crying.

People don't want to watch that shit. They want a fantasy, usually a "just world" one where everything works out for the underdog.

Yes, but I was thinking more about an accurate portrayal of incels in the form of a documentary. Something that the incel community can actually agree with and show the world. If presented correctly it could blackpill A LOT of people by using facts, science and logic which all support our beliefs
Oh I've seen the trailer for this shit.
Bad looking girl gets to have a chadlite
(of course)
It's almost like a meme.

In fairness Hollywood's been doing the reverse for decades.

eg. American Pie (Jim & Nadia):


eg. Revenge of the Nerds:


The differences are when ugly men get the hot girl it's "comedy". When an ugly girl gets the Chad it's "drama" or "romance" since it happens all the time, so it's believable.
*while catfishing*

“They’re my words, he’s falling for me”


personality chads are volcel. Love is all about your soul
Imagine thinking that women can be incel.
In fairness Hollywood's been doing the reverse for decades.

eg. American Pie (Jim & Nadia):


eg. Revenge of the Nerds:


The differences are when ugly men get the hot girl it's "comedy". When an ugly girl gets the Chad it's "drama" or "romance" since it happens all the time, so it's believable.
God level IQ
I've lost all respect for Netflix now, not that I even had much respect for it anyway. Just full of trendy, hipster progressive shit like "BoJack Horseman", "Queer Eye", and "Big Mouth".
The differences are when ugly men get the hot girl it's "comedy". When an ugly girl gets the Chad it's "drama" or "romance" since it happens all the time, so it's believable.
Being overweight as a woman doesn't matter and has never mattered when it comes to dating/fucking/love/all that shit.
It matters when it comes to love if they chadlite chase. No chad lite will actually love a fatty, then when they're old and used up even most soyboy cucks won't want to marry and provide for them.
In fairness Hollywood's been doing the reverse for decades.

eg. American Pie (Jim & Nadia):


eg. Revenge of the Nerds:


The differences are when ugly men get the hot girl it's "comedy". When an ugly girl gets the Chad it's "drama" or "romance" since it happens all the time, so it's believable.
high IQ, congrats on the mod position :feelsautistic:
this whole thing is "thank god an ugly fatty started her sex life at 18 like a normal person. phew."
Why doesn't she just date a fat disgusting piece of shit like herself instead of chad chasing? Problem solved you useless fat smelly cunt.

They never do. More delusions for netflix watching hambeasts to feed off of, get pump and dumped by chads/tyrones in their teens and 20s then left wondering why there are no good men, all men are dogs by mid 30s while their looksmatch roped 15 years ago.
loool @catfishman23
I think she waiting for the male model
Why doesn't she just date a fat disgusting piece of shit like herself instead of chad chasing? Problem solved you useless fat smelly cunt.
And some people are paying for that garbage.
I'd fuck her. Done, volcel confirmed.
If it was an ugly guy being a catfish, he would be considered a creep.

Also, fatcel = volcel
are there any good truecel movies?
Some of the Houellebecq books have been made into movies, I know the elementary particles from 2006, it's German and supposedly good though I haven't seen it myself.
It matters when it comes to love if they chadlite chase. No chad lite will actually love a fatty, then when they're old and used up even most soyboy cucks won't want to marry and provide for them.
Cope tbh, most normies would be desperate enough to create and try to maintain relationships with fatsoes.
Chadlites and chads just have access to higher sm value women more easily and therefore have no reason to be so desperate for fatties.
Cope tbh, most normies would be desperate enough to create and try to maintain relationships with fatsoes.
But in this show she chadlite chased. If a fatty wants a normie tier guy she has to commit to him while she's young without riding the cock carousel.
But in this show she chadlite chased. If a fatty wants a normie tier guy she has to commit to him while she's young without riding the cock carousel.
Tbh the show is science fiction.

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