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SuicideFuel When an incel tries to ascend



Jun 19, 2018
Something that happen to somebody I know.

Once upon a time there was an Eastern European incel. And he had a oneitis: A gorgeous 9/10 Stacy that allowed him to adore and to orbit her.

And one time he got lucky. He won the green card lottery (USA government sets a lottery every year with 50,000 green cars - permanent resident cards). First thing that he did is to call his oneitis and to offer her to marry him, so she can go to USA with him (part of the lottery rules) and they will build a family. She agrees with a condition that she will allow him to touch her only when they will arrive to USA.

So, they got married, passed the interview in US consulate, he payed for tickets and everything, they flew to USA, passed the interview in the airport, got their passports stamped, and now they are officially permanent residents of USA.

And just after they passed the customs and went on the way to the taxis and buses, who appears at the waiting hall? Of course! A 9/10 chad. Her friend from school. They kissed in passion, and she told the incel that he will get the divorce papers in the mail.
Can't a green card be revoked if the marriage ends in less than two years?
Fucking lol if a bitch did that to me I would go and beat myself with a belt. Then I would contact the authorities and say that her and her family forced me to marry her for the immigration papers.

Then I would say they had done it before and actually ran a trafficking ring. Just randomly pick members of her family and friends.

She would go to prison and I would laugh.

I might be an incel, but if girls aren't going to fuck me then there is no way I am going to let them fuck me over. Scorched earth, bitches
And one time he got lucky. He won the green card lottery (USA
USA is a shitty land of dumpsters and long decayed culture populated with landwhales, niggers, spics, chinks, feminists, transgender and other ultrasubhuman trash. How come he's lucky? More like he's an idiot and a cuck.
Lol @ randomly giving out PR to 50,000 useless deathnics every year. The UK has been absorbing 300,000 a year and we aren't even the size of Texas. No wonder we are so close to collapsing.
Lol @ randomly giving out PR to 50,000 useless deathnics every year. The UK has been absorbing 300,000 a year and we aren't even the size of Texas. No wonder we are so close to collapsing.
USA is a shitty land of dumpsters and long decayed culture populated with landwhales, niggers, spics, chinks, feminists, transgender and other ultrasubhuman trash. How come he's lucky? More like he's an idiot and a cuck.
The US won't even be around by 2050
Sounds like a LARP story, but if that happened to me I'd legit kill her.
any proof this happened?
Can't a green card be revoked if the marriage ends in less than two years?
Not in this case.
Sounds like a LARP story, but if that happened to me I'd legit kill her.
I know it sounds larp. I personally did not believe when he told me first. I just laughed so hard on his naivety and stupidity. Did he really believe that he can get a 9/10 Stacy and to keep her after getting to US? What on earth was he thinking? Degenerate.
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USA is a shitty land of dumpsters and long decayed culture populated with landwhales, niggers, spics, chinks, feminists, transgender and other ultrasubhuman trash. How come he's lucky? More like he's an idiot and a cuck.
Better then any socialist eurofag country.
any proof this happened?
how did chad get there?
no, it's not :feelshmm:
Welp I guess if you like not having free speech and countries that are full of white guilt and love of faggotry and let in millions of of rapefuges then Europe is the place for you.....Not to mention the 40% tax rate in the socialist countries.
And just after they passed the customs and went on the way to the taxis and buses, who appears at the waiting hall? Of course! A 9/10 chad. Her friend from school. They kissed in passion, and she told the incel that he will get the divorce papers in the mail.
If it really happened like this he must be fucking low iq
I'm actually originally from Eastern Europe, so I can vouch on this.

WOMEN who want to leave their country (in my case, Russia) and who will go and follow any cuck with a green-card to leave as soon as possible, never, absolutely NEVER trust them with anything.

They are leaving their OWN COUNTRY where they were born and raised, they aren't loyal to their nation and to their people, like 99% of women are. If they shit on their country and try to leave as soon as possible, why would you think she would be loyal to you, if she cant even be loyal to her mother country?

Now, let me make it clear, I left Russia when I was only 7, I didnt have any choice, I have always wanted to stay in Russia. Im moving there when I grow up more, to return to my homeland and to escape the degenerate American hellhole that I lived most of my life in.
I'm actually originally from Eastern Europe, so I can vouch on this.

WOMEN who want to leave their country (in my case, Russia) and who will go and follow any cuck with a green-card to leave as soon as possible, never, absolutely NEVER trust them with anything.

They are leaving their OWN COUNTRY where they were born and raised, they aren't loyal to their nation and to their people, like 99% of women are. If they shit on their country and try to leave as soon as possible, why would you think she would be loyal to you, if she cant even be loyal to her mother country?

Now, let me make it clear, I left Russia when I was only 7, I didnt have any choice, I have always wanted to stay in Russia. Im moving there when I grow up more, to return to my homeland and to escape the degenerate American hellhole that I lived most of my life in.

I think you're missing something here. A lot of guys get brides from Thailand or Philippines and they treat the man well and take good care of him.

The difference is two factors.

1) Russian women are cold as fuck. Russian people in general are cold. While Thai/Filipino people are generally much more warm, agreeable, and family oriented.

2) A Russian woman in North America has top tier SMV. A 5' Thai foid has low to mid SMV. So that Russian Stacy has no incentive to stay with her mail ordering husband. While the Thai foid somewhat does.

My mom actually has encouraged me to get a mail order bride. I'm not that dumb though.
Can someone be that stupid?

Only answer to that "touch me there only"-bullshit would be "talk to my hand"
I can't even get mad when the victim is such a retarded cuck. He exhibited idiocy on par with falling for a Nigerian spam mail when he accepted her no-touch deal. He should have had at least a year of fucking like rabbits as a condition before he would take her to US.
Sounds like a Larp. Too fucked up to be true, in thst ridiculous short span of time.
I believe it.

I once knew a guy who dropped out of college and moved from the West Coast to the East Coast to a different college just because a girl he once knew asked him if he wants to have a cup of coffee with her. Needless to say she ghosted him as soon as the plane landed.

Sub8 men will pretty much poison their own family to get as much as a hug from an average girl.
I believe it.

I once knew a guy who dropped out of college and moved from the West Coast to the East Coast to a different college just because a girl he once knew asked him if he wants to have a cup of coffee with her. Needless to say she ghosted him as soon as the plane landed.

holy fuck cant be true.
Once upon a time there was an Eastern European incel.

Blackops 4
I'm actually originally from Eastern Europe, so I can vouch on this.

WOMEN who want to leave their country (in my case, Russia) and who will go and follow any cuck with a green-card to leave as soon as possible, never, absolutely NEVER trust them with anything.

They are leaving their OWN COUNTRY where they were born and raised, they aren't loyal to their nation and to their people, like 99% of women are. If they shit on their country and try to leave as soon as possible, why would you think she would be loyal to you, if she cant even be loyal to her mother country?

Now, let me make it clear, I left Russia when I was only 7, I didnt have any choice, I have always wanted to stay in Russia. Im moving there when I grow up more, to return to my homeland and to escape the degenerate American hellhole that I lived most of my life in.
This is interesting. I was also taken from USSR to the west at your age, and never in my worst dreams wanted to come back. Do you have any plans? Are you familiar with the culture? Do you know the language? Because Russia changed a lot.
This is interesting. I was also taken from USSR to the west at your age, and never in my worst dreams wanted to come back. Do you have any plans? Are you familiar with the culture? Do you know the language? Because Russia changed a lot.

Oh yes of course, why would I not be.

I replied to your other post just now on loneliness and having no friends, where you said that we are lucky to have the internet nowadays. So, when it comes to interaction with people in real life, I actually use Russian much more during the summer than English. Because in my household, my parents ONLY speak Russian, and Im a very good Russian speaker. I can type well (though with a few misspellings here and there, but even people living in Russia misspell hard words), I can read very well, and I listen to Russian state news and watch TV pretty much daily. I speak Russian with no accent whatsoever, unlike most people my age, who have came to the US when they were 7. Im very proud of my culture, country, and my language, and I refuse to give it up. This is why I plan on returning to Russia. Even though Russia may have a harder economic situation nowadays, I feel a duty to serve for my country where I was born. Most people won't understand this, especially the Russian immigrants in the US. Let me emphasize this; Russians in the United States are not 'real' Russians. They are not the type of Russians to be loyal and very kind to others. Most Russians in the US currenty came here during the 90s after they got rich off of racketeering and gangbanging, or most of them are Russian Jews or Ukrainians who hate Russia. Others are those people who saved up and left Russia, and they are usually very against Russia. There are a few people like me though.

Am I familiar with Russia? Well yes very much so, like I said I watch the news everyday in Russian, speak the language, hear it, and I spent my whole last summer in Russia in fact. Ive been there for about 2 months long, a year ago.
Oh yes of course, why would I not be.

I replied to your other post just now on loneliness and having no friends, where you said that we are lucky to have the internet nowadays. So, when it comes to interaction with people in real life, I actually use Russian much more during the summer than English. Because in my household, my parents ONLY speak Russian, and Im a very good Russian speaker. I can type well (though with a few misspellings here and there, but even people living in Russia misspell hard words), I can read very well, and I listen to Russian state news and watch TV pretty much daily. I speak Russian with no accent whatsoever, unlike most people my age, who have came to the US when they were 7. Im very proud of my culture, country, and my language, and I refuse to give it up. This is why I plan on returning to Russia. Even though Russia may have a harder economic situation nowadays, I feel a duty to serve for my country where I was born. Most people won't understand this, especially the Russian immigrants in the US. Let me emphasize this; Russians in the United States are not 'real' Russians. They are not the type of Russians to be loyal and very kind to others. Most Russians in the US currenty came here during the 90s after they got rich off of racketeering and gangbanging, or most of them are Russian Jews or Ukrainians who hate Russia. Others are those people who saved up and left Russia, and they are usually very against Russia. There are a few people like me though.

Am I familiar with Russia? Well yes very much so, like I said I watch the news everyday in Russian, speak the language, hear it, and I spent my whole last summer in Russia in fact. Ive been there for about 2 months long, a year ago.
If you are going back, just one thing, don't toss your american citizenship. Be prepared for very hard times. I would suggest to learn software engineering so you can work from home for american company. With american salary on Russia you may ascend with a Stacy. Or Nastia. I hope that you have a VK account.
If you are going back, just one thing, don't toss your american citizenship. Be prepared for very hard times. I would suggest to learn software engineering so you can work from home for american company. With american salary on Russia you may ascend with a Stacy. Or Nastia. I hope that you have a VK account.

Yes, thank you for the advice. I'd like to say that everything of what you said, I have already considered and further. I tend to plan everything out very well before I act on something or do something. I actually just recently RECEIVED my American citizenship, literally a month ago, so that won't be tossed anytime soon. Though, I will be the lifelong wagecuck of Uncle Sam, as you are required to pay taxes to the IRS from your earnings overseas. I have considered working online, and in fact, I already do as an 18 year old high school student, and Ive so far earned $13,000 my whole life. Unfortunately, Im not a good programmer as far as I know, but I can do many other things on computers and work online for American corporations.

In fact, this is somewhat of a lifelong dream of mine. Work online from Russia. I could be so rich there, much richer than if I were to stay here in the US and work online for the same salary (everything in Russia is much cheaper, other than electronics). Though of course, the risk is the chance of being very dismally poor if things don't work out

When you mention hard times, its really ironic for me, as if I had not faced hard times in the US. My family is often on the brink of homelessness and always struggles to pay basic things like rent. Right now, my family cant even afford car insurance, short by $300 which we urgently need but just cant get anywhere right now. If not for the money that I earn online currently, my family would have literally frozen outside during the previous winter.

I hate these types of guys and cucks as much as any other incel/MGTOWer does, but I wouldnt really laugh at this. This is pathetic at best, absolutely horrible at worst
How do you not see that coming. I mean if you are that blind you deserve to be cucked.
Deserved. dumb ass cuck shouldve went to live in SEA
I hate these types of guys and cucks as much as any other incel/MGTOWer does, but I wouldnt really laugh at this. This is pathetic at best, absolutely horrible at worst
Cucks deserve to be mocked.
Welp I guess if you like not having free speech and countries that are full of white guilt and love of faggotry and let in millions of of rapefuges then Europe is the place for you.....Not to mention the 40% tax rate in the socialist countries.
your batshit and delusional, go blow uncle Sam then
Another larp story from a greystarcel. There needs to be a minimum post level before you can make threads.

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