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What's your realistic endgame as an incel?



Dec 6, 2017
In our community there are 3 "endings" to the incel struggle, but let's be honest noone takes any of them seriously because they're all sensationalist babble.

1) escape inceldom and eventually get a girlfriend you love
2) ER
3) rope

I have a more "realistic" endgame in mind, one that I will actually stick to if I can never achieve #1

1) get a good job
2) move out of my parent's house
3) get a modest apartment somewhere in the city
4) rot there in career stagnation: once my job is tolerable enough and pays the bills comfortably, I won't care about any promotions or climbing the corporate ladder.
5) Just go to my job, come hope and smoke weed and play video games and call escorts to my house every week

My OTHER endgame:

1) if I can't get a good job with my degree, I'll find a slavery job that still pays okay
2) forklift driver, tow truck driver, etc.
3) live in a tiny basement
4) hire low-tier dirty methead hookers instead of premium escorts

So...what is your endgame?
Betabux a woman in my late 20s.
Good job. Plenty of LDAR money to afford gadgets cars and other good copes. Spend time with family
1) get in an LTR then get dumped or cucked and become MGTOW forever.

2) dont get an LTR and lose my virginity to an escort at 25 then become MGTOW forever
i want to lose my virginity
escorts dont count
I, by the way, after doing whatever I think I need to do in society, will (if I can, I hope I can) leave society and spend the rest of my life in a desert island. This may be my incel endgame, but I can change my mind.
Travel to every country in the world until women find me attractive
I, by the way, after doing whatever I think I need to do in society, will (if I can, I hope I can) leave society and spend the rest of my life in a desert island. This may be my incel endgame, but I can change my mind.


If all fails, plan on living as a hermit in some forested region in Appalachia (US).
Having my curry son
have a full time job, regardless of the pay. rent out a basement suite or something similar. come home and play video games alone, no noise around me. I fucking hate people, especially femoids, so no gf or roommate. Repeat til I die lmao.
Refer to my gif in the sig thats what gonna do soon tbh
Either getting a girlfriend in college, rope or going ER.
I sincerely doubt any incel here is going to escape. Hypergamy rises, women become more demdning in temrs of both looks and status and we ar ejust too underveloped to ever catch up. I mean, there are incels among us who are still lviign in 2012-2014, the glorious days of PUAhate and based 4chan.
I sincerely doubt any incel here is going to escape. Hypergamy rises, women become more demdning in temrs of both looks and status and we ar ejust too underveloped to ever catch up. I mean, there are incels among us who are still lviign in 2012-2014, the glorious days of PUAhate and based 4chan.
I agree, time flies too, in 20 years from now all you fucks will be in your 40s. With the cancer mindset here nothing will change for anyone. I remember things at 25 like yesterday.
My "realistic" game plan is super unlikely in either scenario.

Plan A: Meet cute young chick and date her. See how that goes.
Plan B: Remain incel for the rest of my life. Cope with technology & hopes of Singularity.
I agree, time flies too, in 20 years from now all you fucks will be in your 40s. With the cancer mindset here nothing will change for anyone. I remember things at 25 like yesterday.
Aaand banned.
Coping with leisure and hobbies until I die. The old-fashioned cope of every incel/volcel who ever lived before us.
Living in Saigon/bkk on my family money
Getting a High score
Hopefully some geniuses make strong AI and I can live in the virtual world with my anime waifu.
So the gist of all incel endgames seems to be the same rolling motif:

- cope with entertainment and hobbies:
anime, video games, drugs, gymcelling, etc.

- for those who can't handle the sexual frustration: escortcel.

- just live your days away and end it all naturally
So the gist of all incel endgames seems to be the same rolling motif:

- cope with entertainment and hobbies:
anime, video games, drugs, gymcelling, etc.

- for those who can't handle the sexual frustration: escortcel.

- just live your days away and end it all naturally
Pretty much
have a decent job in my field (computer engineering) don't care if it's shitty just something were i don't have to worry about 24/7

and make a room like this

Not dying alone. I want to die knowing that someone cared about me.
have a decent job in my field (computer engineering) don't care if it's shitty just something were i don't have to worry about 24/

Do you have a good HD wallpaper of the girl in your avatar? Also, what clip is your signature gif from?
It's still up in the air for me. Lots of possibilities: dropping out of society to become a hermit, becoming a truck driver and escortcelling on the side, teaching English in Southeast Asia, working for the Peace Corps or an NGO in sub-Saharan Africa where JBW is also legit, or killing myself if life ever becomes too unbearable.

Some things I don't want to do going forward:
  • Living in a fucking suburb
  • Living within 1,000 miles of here
  • Working in an office environment
  • Wasting any more of my life
Do you have a good HD wallpaper of the girl in your avatar? Also, what clip is your signature gif from?
avatar is red saber/ nero claudius fate/extra . I found it on some JP website but a reverse search might find it.

and the signature is saber of red/ mordred fate/apocrypha

heres the scene

Probably gonna put a bullet in my head sometime down the road
Depends on how well I'm able to do financially. My grades are alright but I'd probably rather rope than work for 50+ years especially when I'm unlikely to get a loving wife+kids out of it. Hopefully I'll be able to find some cheap housing with an internet connection and enough for food and other basic necessities, something I could pay for with a low-wage job, but I doubt that's very likely unless the economy really starts to boom. I'm probably going to be forced to either wageslave indefinitely or find some way to NEET. Both options will probably lead to me to rope.
Escape is clearly impossible and we're too high inhibition to go ER.

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