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What's your opinion on internet vigilantes?



May 13, 2018

Guys who LARP as underage girls on chatrooms and social networks, then meet with men who want to have sex with them so police can arrest them or they just publicily humilliate these men. Tbh it's pretty cucked to do the police job for free kek
irl whiteknights, thats why you should always carry a knife or a gun
No one of peoplt they've caught is good looking hmm
They're justifying bullying ugly males like they probably have done their entire lives.
It’s all a charade for virtue signaling points
I'm against taking the law into your own hands.Wether It's morally right or wrong,It ends in nothing but chaos.
I really hate them tbh, some loser feminists that does everything to keep non-chads away from foids.
bluepill overload.

the typical "hero archetype" is about being exploited by others.
they've fallen prey to such a primitive way of mind control. being a selfless hero is not a trend started by comics / culture, but war propaganda.

as such being a hero/vigilante for justice equals being beta cuck cannon fodder.

it's pretty cucked to do the police job for free kek
these people are complete faggots. Even chris hansen was somewhat a faggot even though it was very entertaining, these guys are just faggots with none of the entertainment value of to catch a predator. Oh wow, you caught a guy attracted to 15-16 year olds while doing nothing about the plutocrat pedophiles who run the world. great job guys
Defending females on the internet is one thing but this??????
Fagpilled idiots who hunt down the less cautious of cunnysseurs. They're funny, I suppose.:yes:
They're justifying bullying ugly males like they probably have done their entire lives.
Nice profile pic, thats one ugly ass fucker right there
Pretty entertaining ngl. The guys who end up in these are always subhuman oldcels. Imagine being so low IQ you believe that after a lifetime of celibacy and rotting, prime jbs are suddenly attracted to you and want to fuck you JFL.
Fuck them, I believe in vigilante justice but wanting a JB who already herself wants to have sex shouldn't be a fucking crime.
They are cucked white knights tbh
I hate white knights in general but I dont feel sympathy for the stupid fucks they catch tbh, they're retarded thinking they actually managed to seduce a 14 year old, they know they are breaking the law and they know the social repercussions yet they are still stupid enough to show up to these meeting places ffs. Even if these old fucks want young foids, is it really too much to settle for an 18 year old prostitute (or even 16 in alot of places)?
Ragefuel for @catfishman23. :feelskek:
instead of trying to protect retarded kids who deserve to get molested (for being stupid) they should focus on getting sand niggers deported and degenerates arrested if they did that i would respect them
chris hansens better

Guys who LARP as underage girls on chatrooms and social networks, then meet with men who want to have sex with them so police can arrest them or they just publicily humilliate these men. Tbh it's pretty cucked to do the police job for free kek

is this not illegal?
what the fuck is with these people? prime foids are not even interested in these unattractive men. Nobody even stops to question why young foids are slutting around
Just one more way to torture subhumans. Every norman feel joy when they see subhuman torture
They need to be put down, obviously
so low IQ you believe that after a lifetime of celibacy and rotting, prime jbs are suddenly attracted to you and want to fuck you JFL.
these people are complete faggots. Even chris hansen was somewhat a faggot even though it was very entertaining, these guys are just faggots with none of the entertainment value of to catch a predator. Oh wow, you caught a guy attracted to 15-16 year olds while doing nothing about the plutocrat pedophiles who run the world. great job guys


Like cops who pull you over for speeding but they're too much of a coward to confront and arrest that obvious drug peddling tyrone at the corner.
Would be nice to see videos of those "vigilate" fags getting beaten. Sad I cannot be tough guy and do that myself :c
I find it very disgusting! Like said about, they target only ordinary, or underprivilleged people. Why don't they enter in some private properties, and film/record bad actions of the "elite" or real criminals to diffuse it on the internet instead?
Because, they are cowards!

Moreover, this practice is very common in Anglo-Saxon countries, not in Continental Europe, thankfully we do not have such "traditions" to humiliate ordinary/underprivilleged people in a croud, or all over the world on the internet.

Quite the countrary, in Poland, a few years ago some workers of a fancy restaurant did record the Polish "elite" where a lot of them were meeting, big "businessmen" bribing politicians, speaking of the "disgusting Poles and Poland", committing crimes, and diffuse it latter on the internet and it was on TV/radio as well, used in courts, etc. No need to mention, it made a big scandal in the public.

Furthermore, in many continental European countries it is illegal to film/record someone in public and/or diffuse his face/voice without his consent. Of course, you can film someone committing a crime and give it latter to the police, per example, but you can't diffuse it publicly/on the internet (you can however cloud his face, in most case). Making such "traps" is also illegal. I find these laws very senseful.

But, in a few countries if you use a recording/video as an "evidence" of a crime/misdemeanor without the consent of the person in question, in a private space/property, like recording an abusive person, boss, people bribing, comitting crimes, it's irrecevable in a court of law. This is utterly stupid.

Like cops who pull you over for speeding but they're too much of a coward to confront and arrest that obvious drug peddling tyrone at the corner.
As far as I can say for Poland, it's the opposite, no drug dealers on the streets, sentences are pretty harsch for this matter, and they don't control that much for speeding, mainly in highly accident-prone areas. I haven't seen tyrones here tbh. Ethnics, especially Blacks are very few in Poland, and in EE, in general.
13 was a legal age for thousands of year until the 20th century. Suddenly these men are mentally ill, evil and deserve death.
I hate white knights in general but I dont feel sympathy for the stupid fucks they catch tbh, they're retarded thinking they actually managed to seduce a 14 year old, they know they are breaking the law and they know the social repercussions yet they are still stupid enough to show up to these meeting places ffs. Even if these old fucks want young foids, is it really too much to settle for an 18 year old prostitute (or even 16 in alot of places)?
Delusional oldfags grew up in different times. They actually think teenagers are pure and like older guys who are "experienced."
Teens want Chad, not old subhumans.
Watching the videos (s...t I gave more views to these scums), I can say that these people, sorry these retards, are quite stupid to engage in a conversation with these self prophesed "vigilantes" or say their name in front of them, instead of just leaving and/or insulting them back.

If parents were truly do their family obligations and care for their children, they would accompaign their child to such meetings, giving a strong lesson to such people, personally not on the internet/in public, and these situations would never happen.

As a matter of fact, even an 80 years old man could quite easilly find 16-18 years old prostitutes in many Continental European countries.
13 was a legal age for thousands of year until the 20th century. Suddenly these men are mentally ill, evil and deserve death.
But they’re not duh-veloped yet :soy::bluepill:
But they’re not duh-veloped yet :soy::bluepill:
Well, the life expectancy is much higher nowadays then before the 20th century (at least in First World countries).

Saying that, if parents would look after their daughters they would never let them turn into sluts, in some cases as low as 10 years old, at least to their legal majority. In a normal society.

So, it's a set of problems related to each other, bad parenting, plus cultural and social "devolution", the criminal atheistic education system, over-protecting laws for foids and even more for teen ones (that are not really teens anymore), laws against parents protecting and educating properly their child, white knightings, messed this all up, giving place for even more degeneracy.
Whiteknight cucks who should be burned at stakes.

"H-here, young ladies, see, I've shown this old ugly creep who wanted a date with a 15 yo girl for real! N-now you can get triply analized by young Chads in peace!

I'm not surprised the vast majority of these come from Anglo lands, Anglos are the most cucked race to have ever existed.
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