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What's your opinion on 4chan and especially r9k board?



Is it just me or is it getting crazier out there?
Nov 15, 2017
Do you like it? Is r9k our ally?
It's infested with normie LARPers who use every opportunity to brag about their successful sex life. The sole reason I'm here is that r9k became a shithole.
Jockcel said:
It's infested with normie LARPers who use every opportunity to brag about their successful sex life. The sole reason I'm here is that r9k became a shithole.

All places turn normie unless it’s unpopular like wizardchan which no one cares about.
I only use the hentai, ecchi, and yaoi boards when I need to empty the peter.
I love adult gif and /b/ for looking at gore/rekt and porn. I like yoia, flash and /pol/.
First i got redpilled, now im getting blackpilled

Jockcel said:
It's infested with normie LARPers who use every opportunity to brag about their successful sex life. The sole reason I'm here is that r9k became a shithole.

This is true. Normies will ruin anything if it gets popular enough
I like it. Shame about all the NSFW content though.
Literal cancer and autism
Jockcel said:
It's infested with normie LARPers who use every opportunity to brag about their successful sex life. The sole reason I'm here is that r9k became a shithole.

Exactly. Same here. As soon as fembots or whatever became a consistent thread on r9k, it turned to shit
It got a lot worse in the past 2 years because normies jumped in when it made the news.

Its got better for a little bit when incels got banned but now its just normie larpers saying "kms havent had sex in 2 years"
/r9k/ was kinda like incels, except for the hikki/weeaboo type people. the type of dudes who stutter through text.

its okay occasionally but its soooooo focused on female worship
Kointo said:
I only use the hentai, ecchi, and yaoi boards when I need to empty the peter.

not /c/?

Eh, sometimes I may look something up and it leads me to a 4chan link and I read the thread, but i dont really use 4chan. I use 8chan instead
It's where I came from. Just became unbearable the past two years. 4chan in general has, really. Spend more time on cripplechan these days.
coldmachinery said:
It's where I came from. Just became unbearable the past two years. 4chan in general has, really. Spend more time on cripplechan these days.

what happened?
grayjedi90 said:
what happened?
Another 2007 happened, like a whole new class of normalfags just came in between 2015 and now.
@"a good friend"
A Good Friend said:

No. Not stimulating or sexual enough. I go on 4chan for a good fap. Not a kawaii tea party.
Kointo said:
A Good Friend said:
No. Not stimulating or sexual enough. I go on 4chan for a good fap. Not a kawaii tea party.

>implying a kawaii tea party isn't a good fap

Too many weebs.
I lost interest in chan culture sometime in the mid 2010s.
Anonymous said:
Too many weebs.

That's the point of the site. It was created with otakus in mind.

A Good Friend said:
>implying a kawaii tea party isn't a good fap


It isn't.

Good faps are subjective anyway.
Chans are garbage. It's just porn, traps, ugly girls, normies that think because they use the internet a little bit more than everyone else and know about memes that their weird, and autistic people that can get away with it because they're tall or have decent looking enough faces,
4chan was my only social interaction and now I'm permabanned except for phoneposting. This is my home now.
fucking normies and 80% shitposting gets old real fast. with shitposts you can rarely ever have an actual discussion.
henryofmonmouth said:
4chan was my only social interaction and now I'm permabanned except for phoneposting. This is my home now.

You have us now.

r9k is very hit and miss. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's full of normies and high school kids.
lanturn said:
r9k is very hit and miss. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's full of normies and high school kids.
this, Time of day seems to effect the quality of posts as well, gotta get on when normies are asleep
/pol/ fashcel checking in
A bunch of failed normies betacucks orbiting the femoids there plus a bunch of normies, fuck that cancerous place i glad that i left that shithole.
/pol/ is fun. It's somewhat blackpilled.
Kointo said:
Or when the kids are at school.

No, thats not safe anymore, in 2018 kids phonepost during lunch, recess, naptime, field trips, hell even during Parent teacher conferences
i only use 4chan to jerk off on /gif/. everything else is gay and will make you gay. ive never started having homosexual thoughts until 4chan. r9k is full of cuck and BLACKED threads and trap shit. stay there and you will start to want to suck a cock or fuck something with a tiny dick.
Futurecel2.0 said:
i only use 4chan to jerk off on /gif/. everything else is gay and will make you gay. ive never started having homosexual thoughts until 4chan. r9k is full of cuck and BLACKED threads and trap shit. stay there and you will start to want to suck a cock or fuck something with a tiny dick.

Too late. Traps and twinks are bae.
Too much racebaiting. It's not even funny anymore.
disposableman said:
fucking normies and 80% shitposting gets old real fast. with shitposts you can rarely ever have an actual discussion.
80% of my time there is unproductive drive-by shitposting
disposableman said:
You have us now.
open borders ftw
I'm late 20s and have been going there on and off since the early 2000's. Believe me, it used to be A LOT better.

coldmachinery said:
Another 2007 happened, like a whole new class of normalfags just came in between 2015 and now.

I specifically remember when that happened.
If one looks past the shitposting and shill/bait threads most of 4chan is all right, /r9k/ is alright as well but it is NOT FOR INCELS. I repeat NOT FOR INCELS.
Used to post everyday. Now I just think its cringey and avoid. Hopefully I can do the same with this site
incellooksmaxer said:
Used to post everyday. Now I just think its cringey and avoid. Hopefully I can do the same with this site

Why would you want to do that?
Smaller boards are okay, you can actually talk to people there. I dont understand how anyone can browse huge boards like /b/ or /pol/ though, they move way too fast for me to get anything out of them.

As for /r9k/ I dont like it at all in its current state. The place is filled with teenagers who orbit women, there are entire threads dedicated to just worshiping women and discussing their lives. Whats worse is there are even teenage girls posting claiming they are incels and whatnot while posing with their friends, just fucking lol at that shit. The fact that they have a no selfies rule should tell you everything. Imagine how infested a board must be with attentionwhoring highschoolers that you need a no selfie rule to keep order. Most people there are "normies" and post there for shits and giggles.
F E M B O T S is why I hate r9k
Some decent threads, but infested with normies.
Ive heard of it but have never been there

does it attract mostly hackers ? trump supporters ? thats what got from 4chan

they seem very smart and its like they know a lot about things most people dont know-like pizza gate
Kointo said:
Why would you want to do that?

tbh this website isnt good for your mental health. I think most people would benefit from filling the void of lack of romanticism with a hobby over sitting on a forum.
grayjedi90 said:
Do you like it? Is r9k our ally?

It's shit, I hate them, it's pretty much le edgy memes xD normies who believe that everyone who thinks outside the box is just "edgy" ... and then they tell them to go back to reddit for whatever reason, although it was these fuckers who came from reddit and facebook in the first place. 

/r9k/ used to be hardcore, now its living off of past glory.

But the internet is generally in a sad state these days. While the mainstream sites are increasingly censored and the only people left are feminist open border SJW, the alternative sites are increasingly becoming fascist echo chambers, debating "the JEwish question" and whether Catholicism or Neo-Paganism is the best way to stop "degeneracy"

Now you have all these edgy meme normies leaving reddit and co. and then they come/came to 4chan. And while they don't like the SJW, these people are still normies and they make places normie friendly ... and then suddenly the board is full of attention whores who are not like all the other girls tehehe. And these normie white knights defend them, worship them ... they are total manginas. 

So one thing leads to another and the board turns into a giant "OBEY"-cap.
4chan is normified cancer. Go to krautchan or wizchan.
A bunch of orbiters and gay trap-threading LARPers with the occasional female hate threads, i always end up miserable when browsing it so i quit.
4chan mods are a bunch of cucks


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