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Discussion What's your greatest fantasy?

becoming the dictator of the united states
fucking sexy ass milfs, and other hot chicks as much as i can
to be an attractive vampire
Burning Jesus' body so that it doesn't resurrect. No Christianity = no feminism.
Money. Enough to live peacefully in a small, quiet apartment.

And a Snapdragon 870 phone, so I can emulate PS2 games.
to be an attractive vampire
embarrassed adventure time GIF
Death in sleep
Damn, they ruined such a good show. I thought the pink haired princess was supposed to be with the protagonist?
Pretty sure this happened cause a foid took control over creative control of the show and just wanted to fuck over the protagonist and make it into a girlboss power fantasy
Pretty sure this happened cause a foid took control over creative control of the show and just wanted to fuck over the protagonist and make it into a girlboss power fantasy
fuck jews for empowering foids
Pretty sure this happened cause a foid took control over creative control of the show and just wanted to fuck over the protagonist and make it into a girlboss power fantasy
Good thing that wasn't during my childhood. Even so, they still ruined such a good show.
Having huge amounts of money.
gREycels shouldn’t be allowed to have a PFP until they hit a thousand posts.

Change it, .is isn’t a porn site my guy
I don’t know, maybe not getting attack by pitbulls when I go outside is a good start
You mean the Jews are massacring the Palestinian shitskins?
they sure are. At least some foids got captured during the surprise attack. I think that's enough for me
kikes did it in the modern age, communigger.
The kikes did it 2000 years ago. The kikes exist in Europe because Christcucks let them in in the first place. Blaming the Jews is like blaming women for feminism - the culprit is the White man's psyche, not external parasites.
Having a good life
The kikes did it 2000 years ago. The kikes exist in Europe because Christcucks let them in in the first place. Blaming the Jews is like blaming women for feminism - the culprit is the White man's psyche, not external parasites.
Cope @Adûnâi Bluecel also are you coming back on jewcord and make an Incels wikia account
The kikes exist in Europe because Christcucks let them in in the first place.
jews exist in europe because (pagan) Romans brought them over as slaves and even if all of Europe decided to stay pagan jews would have stayed
if all of Europe decided to stay pagan jews would have stayed
Europe went full pagan in 1933-45. My country (W Ukraine) suddenly became judenfrei. Funny how that works.

Almost as if praying to a Jewish god makes you love the nose.
Europe went full pagan in 1933-45. My country (W Ukraine) suddenly became judenfrei. Funny how that works.
"europe went full pagan" is kinda innacurate given only some select few gigaspergs like himmler, rosenberg and the ahnenerbe were actual convinced pagans and German society being ~90% Christian and these fellas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Christians_(movement) being a thing + Nazi antisemitism being inspired by Protestant Christian ideology like Luther's "On the Jews and Their Lies"

that being said you could make the argument that in a possible german victory the nazi leadership would've wanted to move into paganism, but I personally think that what-ifs and whether or not they actually would are questions that should be asked for entertainment and shouldn't be seriously discussed
"europe went full pagan" is kinda innacurate given only some select few gigaspergs like himmler, rosenberg and the ahnenerbe were actual convinced pagans and German society being ~90% Christian
The last time I checked, American Christians are the most loyal supporters of Israel, and Orthodox Russian priests are calling themselves spiritual Jews. (Oh, and the Pope is washing nigger feet, but you know that.)

So like... Christians do not behave the way the Hitlerians did. Christians never exterminated the Jews. They burned and skinned pagans, sure. Destroyed pagan temples & libraries. But Jewish synagogues have always been protected - even in the supposedly anti-Semitic Byzantine Empire.

Hitler was a panentheist, read Richard Weikart.
The last time I checked, American Christians are the most loyal supporters of Israel, and Orthodox Russian priests are calling themselves spiritual Jews. (Oh, and the Pope is washing nigger feet, but you know that.)
This is the result of one of the biggest psyops in history, happened in the Cold War, rather than any inherent pro-Jewish nature in Christianity. France was Israel's main ally until the Suez crisis, then Israel found itself trying its hardest to shill for American protection, which happened originally under convenience to prevent Soviet interests in the region, later due to a new feeling of "obligation" resulted from aforementioned propaganda as well as ungodly amounts of lobbying that used shit like the "clash of civilizations" thing to portray Arabs negatively and Jews as friendly partners who "believe in the same God".
Even in the years of JFK Protestants were extremely cautious about outsiders and many considered JFK, a Catholic, winning the Presidency to be nothing short of a miracle. The pro-Jewish slant in Christians is a new phenomena
not work a day in my life and live as a soyciety parasite
This is the result of one of the biggest psyops in history, happened in the Cold War, rather than any inherent pro-Jewish nature in Christianity.
The Christians were literally killing each other to worship the big nigger dick in the 1860s. Holy cope.

Even in the years of JFK Protestants were extremely cautious about outsiders and many considered JFK, a Catholic, winning the Presidency to be nothing short of a miracle. The pro-Jewish slant in Christians is a new phenomena
JFK led the desegregation effort to turn Whites into mulattoes.
The Christians were literally killing each other to worship the big nigger dick in the 1860s. Holy cope.
You mean the colonization of Africa? I don't think it had anything to do with religion. After the Enlightenment it stopped being an important factor in foreign policy
You mean the colonization of Africa?
I mean the American Civil War.

After the Enlightenment it stopped being an important factor in foreign policy
I suggest reading Tom Holland - Dominion (2019). He advances the same idea as César Tort does that the Enlightenment merely secularised Christian values of mercy towards foreigners - actually putting them into overdrive. This is neither the Americans could exterminate the Japanese, nor even the Jews can exterminate the Palestinians - because Christianity has won so thoroughly.

... Sincere apologies for derailing this thread. Should have gone with something horny like
>Lick a female's finger.
Have a hot blonde thin aryan wife that's constantly horny and have sex with her multiple times a day
I mean the American Civil War.
I see
I suggest reading Tom Holland - Dominion (2019). He advances the same idea as César Tort does that the Enlightenment merely secularised Christian values of mercy towards foreigners - actually putting them into overdrive. This is neither the Americans could exterminate the Japanese, nor even the Jews can exterminate the Palestinians - because Christianity has won so thoroughly.
Thanks for the rec. I'll put it in the backlog. Just to make it clear, I'm agnostic. I just feel a connection towards Christianity.
Sincere apologies for derailing this thread.
Living as 17-25 on loop for eternity.
Consensual Handholding

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