It's how to be recognised, voluntarily or not. For example, I have a fairly distinct bunny avatar; quinn has penis n drugs; blacktar is beta as fuck; weeb25 is clown question man; insomniac is good looking mentalcel; knajjd is notorious ban man also doesn't like fags; lastgerman car lift etc; mainlander and wizardcel are men of culture; Napoleon is self explanatory; serge is a jew; ritalin has unique stuff. That kind of thing.
You might think "oh yeah that's loads of people" but it's only a couple, because most go unnoticed, and as such think that everyone is popular but them and for some reason they're not being recognised, but we're all the same in whom we recognise. It's like we're in a dark room and only a few people have a candle, so they think that everyone has a candle but them. Also kinda like how females can only see 7+ dark triaf men, and so think "wow men are so picky I'm alone because men are trash and won't commit".
You might think "oh yeah that's loads of people" but it's only a couple, because most go unnoticed, and as such think that everyone is popular but them and for some reason they're not being recognised, but we're all the same in whom we recognise. It's like we're in a dark room and only a few people have a candle, so they think that everyone has a candle but them. Also kinda like how females can only see 7+ dark triaf men, and so think "wow men are so picky I'm alone because men are trash and won't commit".