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It's Over Whats the worst thing you have ever been called?



Feb 4, 2025
One time a friend told me that I looked like a school shooter. Jfl guns are not even legal in my country :feelscry:
The worst is when they dont insult you they just look you in the eyes and tell you you are ugly as fuck cause you know they mean it. I wanted to hide from the world after that
worst is when they won`t even approach you for studies or work and approach my friend instead so he can tell the work or whatever it is to me
my dad called me a faggot a lot
I've been called just about every nasty name in the book.
ugly, pedo, ratface, weird face
Retard, sped, faggot, and I've overheard people saying that I look like x character from x movie.
my dad called me retarded
spic maybe idk ive been called all sorts of things
Probably “lazy little bastard” when my dad was angry at me once.


“Fat fuck” by my giga Chad “best friend”.
i guess “faggot” by my dad idk
Brutal, did people legitimately call you ugly, like adults or was it like in middle or high school?
In school, yes, they did call me ugly sometimes, and other insulting nicknames. After the school years, it became more glares, scowls, sometimes sniggers.
Told I look mentally disabled a lot in high school, even though I was in honor roll and in all advanced classes

I was just that ugly I guess
I've been called gay and an idiot by my dad and assumed gay by my mom. I've been called stupid by others, "ew", creeper, school shooter.
Ugly,Weird,Disgusting,School shooter
I've heard all of the above in this thread, but one time a girl told me "You seem to think about me a lot, I never think about you."
I've probably received about a dozen accusations of being a pedophile just for discussing female behavior. As for remarks about me giving off school shooter vibes I take those as a compliment, it's best to be feared if one can't be loved and my entire social circle expects me to snap one day.
My mother and sister told me I'm disgusting, babyfaced and a psychopath, all on different occasions.

Normies in school called me gypsy, babyface, nigger and a bunch of other names.
I'm Croatian, but I'm quite brown. I look more like a Greek or Sicilian shitskin instead of Slavic and where I live most people have light features and look like Czechs or Poles.
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In school, yes, they did call me ugly sometimes, and other insulting nicknames. After the school years, it became more glares, scowls, sometimes sniggers.
Happened to me as well and yeah people get more passive aggressive as they grow up, but the exclusion and negative treatment remains. I have been looking at your posts recently and you seem to be truecel just like me, it annoys me how this site is full of fake normies who never experienced actual social discrimination and exclusion due to looks. They have friends, go to parties, treated normally in jobs, they are not really incel. How are you dealing with your situation? Have you noticed anything that reduces the discrimination or makes you feel better?
I prefer not to say it because it still makes me uncomfortable
My dad said he "wanted to kill himself for putting a piece of shit like you into this world"
Happened to me as well and yeah people get more passive aggressive as they grow up, but the exclusion and negative treatment remains. I have been looking at your posts recently and you seem to be truecel just like me, it annoys me how this site is full of fake normies who never experienced actual social discrimination and exclusion due to looks. They have friends, go to parties, treated normally in jobs, they are not really incel. How are you dealing with your situation? Have you noticed anything that reduces the discrimination or makes you feel better?
I think the reality is a lot of incels are average or a bit below avg looking, to be a 3/10 or less, you need to have things about your looks that make you stick out, and in a bad way obviously, which I don't think is that common. That's why you see some here that have active social lives, but are still khhv's. Looking average, or even a bit above isn't enough for foids these days. Even though it's hard for me to personally relate to those who are just invisible looks wise, it's still valid that they're here imo.

I haven't found anything that changes how people react to me tbh, I just rarely leave the house now. What helps me deal with it is talking to some others here who are in a similar situation, and I write with AI about my problems too sometimes. I don't think there is a way to properly deal with it, I just try to distract myself with copes.
Nigger (I am not a nigger and I hated being associated with that), 'Your voice sounds like a pedo' which makes no sense to me, normies are retarded. And creep.
I think the reality is a lot of incels are average or a bit below avg looking, to be a 3/10 or less, you need to have things about your looks that make you stick out, and in a bad way obviously, which I don't think is that common. That's why you see some here that have active social lives, but are still khhv's. Looking average, or even a bit above isn't enough for foids these days. Even though it's hard for me to personally relate to those who are just invisible looks wise, it's still valid that they're here imo.

I haven't found anything that changes how people react to me tbh, I just rarely leave the house now. What helps me deal with it is talking to some others here who are in a similar situation, and I write with AI about my problems too sometimes. I don't think there is a way to properly deal with it, I just try to distract myself with copes.
This is correct, but we must recognize they are not actually incel since most average or slightly below average looking guys have sex or have had a girlfriend before without paying for it. If they have an active social life, they have a good chance of ascending sure they might have long dry spells but they are not late in life kissless dateless virgins. It's important to recognize that most of these guys are not actually virgins, I believe a few average or below average people can be incel if they have significant mental illness or disabilities, but the vast majority simply are not. This also corresponds with forum data, while I have been here since 2017 in my old account, the vast majority of people who come here leave within 6 months to a year or become inactive because they are not ugly enough to be incel.

That's true and I can relate it's difficult to want to go outside when you constantly get negative reactions from people and never get socially accepted. I find this forum helpful too, sometimes I think us unattractive people need another place where we can hang out with each other and build a sense of community and cope together. What do you think about that idea?
A foid college professor told me to my face "I don't want bottom feeders like you in my class." Other than that I was angrily called "nut" by a male school staff member and a pig nose by a girl. I think my dad called me a "little shit" and my mom told me angrily "you're nuts"
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