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Experiment Whats the most brutal pill to cope with?

Which is the hardest to cope with?

  • Having a small dick

    Votes: 9 12.2%
  • Being ethnic

    Votes: 10 13.5%
  • Being short

    Votes: 16 21.6%
  • Being old

    Votes: 8 10.8%
  • Having a mild deformity

    Votes: 13 17.6%
  • Social outcast/no friends

    Votes: 18 24.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Worst Stretch Marks
Mar 26, 2018
Height Pill - You will never be respected as a human. Woman wont fuck you and will laugh about you to all their friends. theyre also going to assume your dick is small and that you cant dominate them. Men wont take you seriously as they could most likely shrug you aside easily, and you are not a threat in a physical confrontation unless you have a weapon. your voice and opinions will fall on deaf ears and you will always be seen as half a human. Surgery exists but it costs a fortune, is extremely dangerous and painful, and only boosts you by 2-3 inches anyway. For most people it is not a viable option, so if you werent born tall, then you are fucked in this lifetime. This is an unimaginable pill to cope with.

Dick Pill - you will not be able to pleasure a woman. ever. you can be the funniest, nicest, coolest, and most interesting person in the world but it wont matter if you cant pleasure her sexually. she will laugh about you to her friends and they will tell her to get rid of you. actually she will make that decision on her own without their advice. and even if you did manage to get in a relationship, you will almost certainly get cheated on by that 1 big dick chad from her past. all women have a man like this whos number they saved and kept in touch with over the years. There is no surgery for this which makes having to cope with it unfathomable.

Old Pill - your prime years are wasted and the clock is ticking each and every day. with every year that passes, you joints are weaker, your skin is uglier, your hair is further back, and your boners are weaker. much like the short man, alphas/chads wont respect you either because they can easily dominate you in a physical confrontation. you will get made fun of by the youth and you wont be able to keep up with current trends. your taste in music and movies will only make you seem like an old fart and the youth will make fun of you behind your back. girls will make fun of you and tell you that you are old enough to be their father. why would a girl choose you over a prime 22 year old chad who has the stamina and endurance of a race horse as well as a rock hard cock that can stay hard for hours? you will need viagra to compete and you are pathetic and ugly. Minor surgeries such as face lifts can reverse the aging process, but your birth certificate and ID never lies. Your dna and genetics dont lie either, and you will have a heart attack trying to out run 22 year old chad, get knocked out trying to fight him, or have a seizure trying to out fuck him.

Race Pill - the white race is proven to be the most attractive. and even if you disagree on a physical level (you are dumb), there is still the social trends which dictate who the most attractive is, and whites are always the most attractive according to societal standards. ethnics are seen as below whites, even when they are rich or wealthy. the white race has the largest variety in physical attributes and can have people with various eye colors, various hair colors and types, and various frame sizes. the almost infinite number of variations are what make whites attractive compared to a blocky headed asian with spiky black hair, or a nappy headed black guy with his typical caesar fade, braids, dirty dreads and boring brown eyes. There are also socio-economic reasons why being ethnic is frowned upon as most ethnics are typically perceived to have low IQ and/or come from a non-wealthy backround. also, BBC is a myth, but small asian wangs are NOT a myth (sorry ricecels). There is skin bleaching, eye lid surgery, and other methods of "white washing", but nothing really works. in the end you are ethnic for the duration of your life and you will never be white.

Deformity Pill - if you are born with a mild condition that is considered not "normal" this can and most likely will dictate your entire life and how you will be treated. things like a missing limb, massive negative canthal tilt, fish eyes, walking conditions, skin conditions, etc. Most of the time there are no fixes or surgeries for these things and you will always be considering "not normal" by society. You are not deformed enough to where you can just collect sympathy points and disability checks while playing video games for the rest of your life. You still have to work a normal life, pay bills like everyone else, and converge into society. you still have the urge to go on dates, have sex, and form normal relationships. But you have to do all this while a massive handicap holds you back, and not only is it unnoticeable, but its often the first thing people notice. No surgeries can fix these deformities.

Social Pill - having no social circle due to years of being incel is a brutal existence. Everything in a normal persons life is a domino/snowball effect. the relationships they make during their early years mold and shape their life. those relationships then lead into other relationships. girlfriends introduce you to their friends and family, who then become a part of your social circle. When a normie relationship ultimately ends, they have a safety net of people to fall back on from the years of networking. this also applies to their job and professional lives. by the time a normal person is in their 20s they have a massive social network, like a big tree full of branches. an incel who stayed in his room and played games during all of his childhood/formative years will have none of this. Trying to assimilate into society at this point is nearly impossible. its like a person who was in jail for 20 years coming out in the year 2040 suddenly trying to be normal and fit in. it just doesnt work if you missed out on 20 years of normal bonding/networking. truecels who missed out are doomed for life and there is no fix for this. You cant swallow a magical pill and wake up the next morning with 2000 instagram followers. if you havent been building this large network of friends and acquaintances over the last 15 years of your life, then you are fucked. you only get 1 shot at this. trying to do this at an advanced age makes you look like a creep and is practically impossible. at this point you are doomed to be alone forever.

which is the worst pill to swallow?
I have to say heightpill is one of the worst pills to swallow, but i have to say dickpill is under-rated, A LOT.

Although i do not suffer from dickpill, i would say that, you could be a chad but with a tiny dick, girls just wont take you seriously after they see the small dick.

As a Chad you will be taken seriously all the time up until the point you get into a bed with a women, but once they see your dick and say "im just so sorry, but, i just, can't, its not you its me". That would seriously push you to suicide as a Chad, you may be able to get female attention, but you will not be able to get sexual attention from foids.

I think people under-rate the dickpill, i can only give my greatest sorrow for those that suffer from the dickpill, yes i admit that heightpill is terrible and you will never be taken seriously unless you are some drug lord or mass murderer but at least if the manlet manages to luck out somehow, he will be able to pleasure a woman.
Being a social outcast is like not having food or water. Also, it seems most of the other pills are bad mainly because they lead to social ostracization.

Dogpill, tbh.
surprised that social outcast is the hardest pill to cope with. figured the deformity pill or dick pill would be the most voted
This is stupid because everyone will answer the pill that affects them the most
having no social circle is an absolute death sentence as it's the way normies meet 90% of women they smash, there's a whole load of issues that stem from it that will prevent you getting anywhere

dickpill is brutal too
I have to say heightpill is one of the worst pills to swallow, but i have to say dickpill is under-rated, A LOT.

Although i do not suffer from dickpill, i would say that, you could be a chad but with a tiny dick, girls just wont take you seriously after they see the small dick.

As a Chad you will be taken seriously all the time up until the point you get into a bed with a women, but once they see your dick and say "im just so sorry, but, i just, can't, its not you its me". That would seriously push you to suicide as a Chad, you may be able to get female attention, but you will not be able to get sexual attention from foids.

I think people under-rate the dickpill, i can only give my greatest sorrow for those that suffer from the dickpill, yes i admit that heightpill is terrible and you will never be taken seriously unless you are some drug lord or mass murderer but at least if the manlet manages to luck out somehow, he will be able to pleasure a woman.
Yeah this.

Even online dickcels are hesitant to speak about it because its such a stigma. Imagine having good looks but also having a micropenis...you will be ashamed to even approach a femoid and what her rraction will be once she finds out. Dickcelpill is the worst.
If you have only short dick you can get hugs, holding hands, kisses, and even maybe one time sex. If you are short, you will not get any of this.
This is stupid because everyone will answer the pill that affects them the most
Read my post.
If you have only short dick you can get hugs, holding hands, kisses, and even maybe one time sex. If you are short, you will not get any of this.
You will never get sex with a small dick, whereas there are manlets that get laid (most are betabuxx)
Social outcast/no friends

Im living it :lul:
im such an incel that even my threads get mogged. i put so much work into this and only got a few responses :feelsbadman::feelscry:
Small dick period. You'll never have a fruitful sex life.

Lol at the guy who said you can hug and hold hands. Fuck that shit. That's like blue balling .

I don't understand how the racepill is worse than the betabux pill. Accepting that if you're not Chad, a woman is only with you for your resources is pretty brutal. Most ethnics inherently understand that they're at a disadvantage, just one of the things that comes with living in a white world. Racepill didn't really bother me as much because it was common sense and just naturally followed the general blackpill.
Goddam the feeling when 5/6 of the listed pills apply to you
definitely heightpill. being a manlet makes you a living meem.
Goddam the feeling when 5/6 of the listed pills apply to you
3/6 for me pal. Old pill (age 31), deformed pill (stretch marks all over), and social pill (just 1 friend who is a normie)

also, depending on your height/dick standards, those may apply to me as well. 5'11 with 6 inch dick :feelscry:. i know those are average numbers, but average aint cutting it these days boyo. tall starts at 6'1 and big dick starts at 7 inches:feelsrope:
3/6 for me pal. Old pill (age 31), deformed pill (stretch marks all over), and social pill (just 1 friend who is a normie)

also, depending on your height/dick standards, those may apply to me as well. 5'11 with 6 inch dick :feelscry:. i know those are average numbers, but average aint cutting it these days boyo. tall starts at 6'1 and big dick starts at 7 inches:feelsrope:

I was going to say the 5/6 hits me in every way other then the height pill but if you're counting 5'11 then it's over 6/6cel
Age pill and social pill
3/6 for me pal. Old pill (age 31), deformed pill (stretch marks all over), and social pill (just 1 friend who is a normie)

also, depending on your height/dick standards, those may apply to me as well. 5'11 with 6 inch dick :feelscry:. i know those are average numbers, but average aint cutting it these days boyo. tall starts at 6'1 and big dick starts at 7 inches:feelsrope:
Exaggerated. You‘re just ugly. That‘s all.
Height Pill is the only one for which there is absolutely no solution for.
Being poor is the worst in my opinion.
Deformities are the worst because every fucking normie will laugh at you and treat you like shit because you're just weird looking
age pill, and is not even close
These are all brutal as fuck but I have to go with the heightpill. Everything else here is catalyzed and exacerbated by subpar height--except the dickpill, which is made irrelevant by it anyway, since girls don't want to see a manlet's cock and assume all manlet dicks are small, anyway.
You can't really cope with the dick pill, not a problem but almost a problem for me and I can say it's very depressing
That there's no metaphorical "wall."
Reality is, old bitches have almost as many options as younger ones and they don't really care about relationships and marriage anyway. Having sexual access to men more attractive than themselves is spiritually fulfilling while genuine love from their looksmatch is worthless:feelscry::feelscry::feelscry:
Dickpill is by far the worst. Today even a 6" dick is small because foids have internet access and see all those 7" cocks and think that's the normal size. If you marry a virgin and keep her in isolation then you can get away with 5.5", anything less and you should insta rope
I'd say height pill. I'm not that short but I get heightmogged quite often and it feels like shit so I can empathize with those who get heightmogged by 99,9% of males.
out of those options id say the age pill, but then again i haven't experienced any of those options.
No social circle / friends
surprised that social outcast is the hardest pill to cope with. figured the deformity pill or dick pill would be the most voted
Who cares if their dick is big or small of no one's ever gonna see it?
Also the racepill is absolute garbage, it's just a pile of self feeding idiots that thinks that just because the last pic they've seen of someone with a gf is from a race they're not then YOU JUST GOTTA BE WHITE/BROWN/CHINESE/SLAVIC/CURRY/JAPANESE/NORDIC/LATINO/BLACK BRO
I chose "Social outcast/no friends" because it makes it so that I have to cope alone. Everything else might be okay if I had inclusion and friends to help me out.
I chose "Social outcast/no friends" because it makes it so that I have to cope alone. Everything else might be okay if I had inclusion and friends to help me out.
Agreed, but it's something that can always be fixed in one way or another. You can never stop being short though.
Dude nothing on this list makes the biggest problem, Chin/Jaw recession

This guy could be 6,4 and have a 9 inch cock but it wont matter cause no women would want to do anything sexual when it belongs to someone with that face
Probably the "all women are whores/AWALT" pill. Because I used to dream about having a loyal, loving wife and all that, and I used to believe in the "women are innocent" type b.s. Knowing that women are incapable of actually loving and that all "successful relationships" are really just a guy passing all the shit-tests and/or having the required looks to keep a 'foids interest long enough is a pretty dark thought and hard to accept but it's just the reality.
i have a mild deformity called class 3 malocclusion that will be fixed hopefully by end of the summer. it should transform me from a 4 to a 6. in the meantime i am fuming that i cannot be the real me(without the unnatural environmentally man-made deformity which has destroyed my aesthetics for over two decades). all that time i cannot get back where i could have been a 6 possibly a 7.
Dude nothing on this list makes the biggest problem, Chin/Jaw recession View attachment 25193

This guy could be 6,4 and have a 9 inch cock but it wont matter cause no women would want to do anything sexual when it belongs to someone with that face

that falls under the "deformities" category which is listed as an option

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