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Whats the best country for Aspies to be born in ?



Discord: lauterbach2
Feb 15, 2023
I know that autism for men is a complete social death sentence and you will have great trouble in every country with it. But im thinking about in which country you could have the best quality of life as Aspie. I would say its India because the people there act by default giga non-NT (shitting on streets, touching other people, starring intensly at other people, general weird and questionable behaviour) so an Aspie wouldnt stand out too much with all the other weirdos. What do you think are the best countries to live in as Aspie ?
Any east asian country
Not anywhere on Earth maybe Mars where no one will make fun of us
Wherever neetbux are provided. Screw the usa
Any east asian country
Care to explain ? East Asian countries, especially Japan have very strict social norms and you are often pressured to drink with your boss/working colleages
I have read that in Sweden aspergers may make you eligible for disability payments. I doubt it's really that easy. Some parts of Sweden are very sparsely populated where you can live calmly and enjoy the nature without being mogged by someone all the time.
I have read that in Sweden aspergers may make you eligible for disability payments. I doubt it's really that easy. Some parts of Sweden are very sparsely populated where you can live calmly and enjoy the nature without being mogged by someone all the time.
Im not a swedishcel, but in Germany getting NEETbux is very easy, i can imagine its also very easy there
Care to explain ? East Asian countries, especially Japan have very strict social norms and you are often pressured to drink with your boss/working colleages
That is exactly why they are better for an aspie. Social gatherings in Japan and Korea are very formal affair with set code of conduct on how you are supposed to behave. Aspies often have trouble being themselves and have social anxiety around people because they don't know what to do but if an aspie is told exactly what to do and how to behave he won't have much problem blending in. You can also keep human interaction to the minimum living there as everything gets dispensed from vending machines and robots. Designated restaurants to eat alone in peace and quiet and many work from home jobs
In Germany you can get NEETbux for having autism
If only I could move to Germany from Finland for being an aspie. It's safer, a lot of copes available and unemployment is lower if I want to get a job.
That is exactly why they are better for an aspie. Social gatherings in Japan and Korea are very formal affair with set code of conduct on how you are supposed to behave. Aspies often have trouble being themselves and have social anxiety around people because they don't know what to do but if an aspie is told exactly what to do and how to behave he won't have much problem blending in. You can also keep human interaction to the minimum living there as everything gets dispensed from vending machines and robots. Designated restaurants to eat alone in peace and quiet and many work from home jobs
Yeah i see, makes sense
Any east asian country
Being an incel is extra brutal in poor countries where finding a woman is supposed to be easier. I think non-NT's are the modern slave class there. 12 hour workdays, all for rent and food, barely nothing left for copes and owning a car for example is a privilege.
Being an incel is extra brutal in poor countries where finding a woman is supposed to be easier. I think non-NT's are the modern slave class there. 12 hour workdays, all for rent and food, barely nothing left for copes and owning a car for example is a privilege.
finding woman is hard everywhere
western gayrope, north america and many countries is good for autisticcels
I have read that in Sweden aspergers may make you eligible for disability payments.
Being an incel alone should be enough to make you eligible for disability payments. Funny how afghanis and all sort of niggers and sandniggers get paid a shit ton of money by western soycieties without breaking a single sweat and all they do is rape and kill whites. TND
Being an incel alone should be enough to make you eligible for disability payments.
:yes::yes: Being an unattractive male is definitely a disability. It's a constant state of pain, anger and fatigue. Normies don't want us anywhere anyway unless it's cheap labor for maximum profits. We're getting treated as normies as long when it comes to welfare, otherwise they wait for every opportunity to destroy us with toxic meds and lock us up.
:yes::yes: Being an unattractive male is definitely a disability. It's a constant state of pain, anger and fatigue. Normies don't want us anywhere anyway unless it's cheap labor for maximum profits. We're getting treated as normies as long when it comes to welfare, otherwise they wait for every opportunity to destroy us with toxic meds and lock us up.
Funny how afghanis and all sort of niggers and sandniggers get paid a shit ton of money by western soycieties without breaking a single sweat and all they do is rape and kill whites. TND
They're the ones who don't need neetbux, many of them do illegal side hustles and drive expensive cars while many natives live from paycheck to paycheck. They're completely eligible to work.
Sweden for easy neetbux
It's worse than finnish, german and norwegian neetbux, maybe danish too. Standard minimum for poorcels who don't have work history is only around 400€ per month and groceries other than sugary drinks and candy aren't cheap there. @XtremeMax for your information also if you consider to neet.
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In Australia you would get a disability pension and until recently you would have gotten funds to escortcel too
I would say its India
HELL no. As cucked as it is to say, the U.S. has some decent employment and education programs for autistics. I don’t know if third world countries show the same mercy
Germany , Bullshit your Way into your Own Place then Lay Off .
I'd say Finland. East Asian countries are nowhere near as good as Western European countries especially when it comes to social welfare(I know wagiecucks there are getting cucked heavily by paying so much taxes, but who cares when you're NEETmaxxing?) and even worse 90% of East Asian men are designed to be hopeless ricecels. And even NEETmaxxing isn't a reliable option for people here.
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