God damn, you're as based as it gets. You wrote down almost everything piece of advice i would give, and more. Mods should pin this thread, i'm dead serious. But i still wanted to give one more piece of advice, especially for those of you who are new to the community, especially the lurkers.
Accept things as they are. I know it's sad and unfair that we never experienced intimacy, that we lost out on teen love, that we missed important developmental milestones, and that most of us will never have a serious relationship, marry, have children and all of that, but there is no reason for you to be irrationally pissed about it day in and day out for the remainder of your life.
Blackpill rage is something real, i see it as part of the process of "Taking the Blackpill", and it definitely has it's importance in the rebuild of your blackpilled self, but staying stuck in this specific phase of the process takes a huge toll on one's mental health, and can even make you return to the bluepill as an attempt of coping with the rage, or roping in the worst case scenario.
But you gotta accept that it's over for you, you lost that battle the day you were born, and there is NOTHING you can do about that, being enraged about it just shows your immaturity, as you can't let things go and move on with the rest of your life. As zoidberg stated previously, women nowadays are not that important, because your cute christian chaste tradwife that is loyal, will give you children and be faithful for the rest of their lives DOES NOT EXIST ANYMORE, so now they're nothing more than amusement. You still have a ton of stuff to do, so go ahead and live your life the way you want.
Blackpill rage is the last phase of your blackpill journey, when you get over it, you will finally know that you're fully and irreversably blackpilled. Now that you completely expunged the bluepill from your system, and are free of your irrational delusions and your blinding rage, you will feel free to choose what to do with your life. Maybe you see no purpose in life as a subhuman that will never reproduce, and just go rope or LDAR, and maybe you'll see that you will die alone sooner or later, so why hurry things up, and instead you will appreciate the other parts of your life, the ones that aren't over anyway.
TL;DR: Commander_zoidberg is based, and you gotta take the fucking blackpill already and accept that it's over for you (it never began tbh), stop being upset all the time, and make a decision on what you're going to do with your life.