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Serious What's all this Jew blaming on this site, help me understand

Frankenstein's M.

Frankenstein's M.

Aug 16, 2018
I commonly see memes and posts here blaming the Jews for various things, why?
It's a jewke that (((they))) control everything, which is true to an extent as Jews control most of the wealth in the world and are high up in powerful positions. This was because Catholics and I think Muslims used to not be able to charge interest on loans, and Jews, due to discrimination, were not allowed to get normal jobs like labour. Jews all got into money lending and, in turn, banking. This made them very powerful for generations as wealth was passed down the bloodline. This is also where the "greedy jew" stereotypes came from: Jews were the ones collecting debt money and people obviously didn't like debt collectors/lenders.
Copy paste mentality

Maybe from visiting 4chan, 8chan or voat - That's all you see on those sites

They should be blaming the Satanist elites who manipulate society and spiral man to degeneracy

(((@Frankenstein's M.)))
jews dindu nuffin
I dislike Jews, but it's not political or religious reasons --- I could care less, honestly, and I rarely, if ever, make posts against Jews. My dislike, however, is more personal; I was raised in a heavily Jewish area, and I have unpleasant memories being a non-white goy with Jewish teachers, and later, Jewish bosses. They are an amoral, stingy, pushy, two-faced, argumentative, and extremely clannish people ---- stereotypes exists for a reason.
A lot of media is owned by them. This isn't a meme, they're just really rich so they own a lot of media outlets, and most of them push a progressive agenda which hurts men, often times they're completely blantant that they're trying to devalue the traditional values. I wouldn't say it's a Jewish thing tho, since most Jews of lower class are conservative, no clue why the rich ones are pushing it
Just giga coping
Jews are behind liberalism
A lot of media is owned by them. This isn't a meme, they're just really rich so they own a lot of media outlets, and most of them push a progressive agenda which hurts men, often times they're completely blantant that they're trying to devalue the traditional values. I wouldn't say it's a Jewish thing tho, since most Jews of lower class are conservative, no clue why the rich ones are pushing it
A lot of media is owned by them. This isn't a meme, they're just really rich so they own a lot of media outlets, and most of them push a progressive agenda which hurts men, often times they're completely blantant that they're trying to devalue the traditional values. I wouldn't say it's a Jewish thing tho, since most Jews of lower class are conservative, no clue why the rich ones are pushing it
Good post but I hope you’re not into tranny shit..
A lot of media is owned by them. This isn't a meme, they're just really rich so they own a lot of media outlets, and most of them push a progressive agenda which hurts men, often times they're completely blantant that they're trying to devalue the traditional values. I wouldn't say it's a Jewish thing tho, since most Jews of lower class are conservative, no clue why the rich ones are pushing it

Don't think its a race of people, its an ideology, you can have black asian white satanists
The Jews made me ugly.
read mein kampf, Jews control the world. You won't believe me but everything in relation to controlling how people think and act is heavily surrounded by Jewish influence. Install a chrome extension called "coincidence detector" and start seeing just how many public figures, CEOs, bankers and media icons of leftist media all turn out to be Jewish.
Zionists, not Jews. Learn the difference, you zionist shill.
Silly goy, they control everything and might have a vendetta against the white race for everything they've done to them in the past
Catholics and I think Muslims used to not be able to charge interest on loans, and Jews, due to discrimination, were not allowed to get normal jobs like labour.
It had nothing to do with discrimination, usury was considered immoral in islam and christianity. The main group that didn't want jews to assimilate with the rest of the population were the rabbis.
A lot of media is owned by them. This isn't a meme, they're just really rich so they own a lot of media outlets, and most of them push a progressive agenda which hurts men, often times they're completely blantant that they're trying to devalue the traditional values.
This. Although, (((they))) don't just own a lot, all media and created narrative is effectively a Jew monopoly.

A common mistake that my haters make is they assume this is simple bigotry, anti-semitism, etc...

I'm jealous of the power of the Jew, and how they obtained their power by acting like a functional group against us stupid goyim. I would do anything to be a part of their winning team.

Sadly, not only am I not on their team, my status as a poor, mentally retarded, ugly white dumb Polack male makes me a useless pawn in their continued pursuit for shekels and kohkot, so they're always fucking me over.
Because incels are associated with the alt-right apparently.

Maybe it's because the news portrays incels as predominately White.
Jews push race mixing - mostly White Women with Black Men.
Jews push immigration into WHITE countries.
Jews call Pro-White people Nazis. I mean thank you for the compliment.
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Why do Jews murder Palestinians?
its funny to blame the jews, so i blame them
It's a jewke that (((they))) control everything, which is true to an extent as Jews control most of the wealth in the world and are high up in powerful positions. This was because Catholics and I think Muslims used to not be able to charge interest on loans, and Jews, due to discrimination, were not allowed to get normal jobs like labour. Jews all got into money lending and, in turn, banking. This made them very powerful for generations as wealth was passed down the bloodline. This is also where the "greedy jew" stereotypes came from: Jews were the ones collecting debt money and people obviously didn't like debt collectors/lenders.
A lot of media is owned by them. This isn't a meme, they're just really rich so they own a lot of media outlets, and most of them push a progressive agenda which hurts men, often times they're completely blantant that they're trying to devalue the traditional values. I wouldn't say it's a Jewish thing tho, since most Jews of lower class are conservative, no clue why the rich ones are pushing it
r9k is associated with traps
Ah yeah nu /r9k/ sucks. This is why I'm trying to migrate. The gayposters aren't even the worst part, the lack of relatable posts from real robots, compared to the shitty bait, normalfagging and ""fembots"" , depresses me
I dislike Jews, but it's not political or religious reasons --- I could care less, honestly, and I rarely, if ever, make posts against Jews. My dislike, however, is more personal; I was raised in a heavily Jewish area, and I have unpleasant memories being a non-white goy with Jewish teachers, and later, Jewish bosses. They are an amoral, stingy, pushy, two-faced, argumentative, and extremely clannish people ---- stereotypes exists for a reason.
Some quick stories

Watch this video
Anyone who defends jews is bluepilled.

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