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What's a good cure for depression and lack of motivation that doesn't involve antidepressants?



Jan 11, 2020
I'm 30 and feel so beat up, like I've been a punching bag all my life. All the failures and negative reinforcements did me in. To tell you the truth, lack of a gf wasn't on my radar of problems(as it also seemed logistically impossible so I just coped) for about two third of my life because I was so distracted by other shit that I had to suffer due to the lack of social skills, social anxiety and over sensitivity.

I want to shake off the feeling of hopelessness and futility and attempt at having a career or something, but I feel so depressed and lack motivation. What do you recommend?
Unironically gym. It doesn’t really fix anything but you feel much better after the training.
Having positive feedback loop by being Chad, not having the consequences of being ugly effect your mental state. Some intergalactic level coping. Drinking coffee.
Having positive feedback loop by being Chad, not having the consequences of being ugly effect your mental state. Some intergalactic level coping. Drinking coffee.

Chad/ incel dynamics don't apply or are at least not as prevalent where I live. There are only rich, poor and in between.
Chad/ incel dynamics don't apply or are at least not as prevalent where I live. There are only rich, poor and in between.
Sell coffee to incels whos mothers won't let them drink it such as myself
A girlfriend who loves you.
Unironically gym. It doesn’t really fix anything but you feel much better after the training.

I've been trying to go to the gym for the past two weeks but it’s impossible to find the motivation and energy to wear my gym shoes and go through the door. Few days ago I stood in front of the door staring at it for a few minutes then said fuck it I will just stay home and watch narcos
Felt a lot better when i stopped regularly using caffiene and eating more vegetables, force yourself to drink more water too
I've been trying to go to the gym for the past two weeks but it’s impossible to find the motivation and energy to wear my gym shoes and go through the door. Few days ago I stood in front of the door staring at it for a few minutes then said fuck it I will just stay home and watch narcos
I know your pain. It was also hard for me to motivate. It still sometimes is. You just have to force yourself to go. There is no other solution.
Look into how gut health effects depression. It might help you tbh
Friendship, love, community/culture, exercise and a good diet.
Millennials and Gen Z throw each other under the bus the moment they have differing opinions, so friendship doesn't even exist in these generations anymore. Love... well you already know about that tragedy. Community and culture has been decimated by Marxists/Leftists tearing down culture by the vigorous and violent promotion of degenerate counter-cultures, i.e, sexual revolution and seeding distrust and division in communities. On top of that everything and everyone has been turned into a product and wageslave under an ever increasing totalitarian liberal capitalist state. That leaves you - the individual - with exercise and a good diet (this means cutting cigarettes, drugs and alcohol)

Don't ever take anti-depressants. It's snake oil and reddit soyboys and roasties love them because they're hollow pieces of shit to begin with that don't want to change their own degenerate and trash lifestyles. Roasties love the idea of medication because it makes them stand out, it makes them feel special, despite the fact the majority of millennial betas and whores are on that disgusting shit.
Friendship, love, community/culture, exercise and a good diet.
Millennials and Gen Z throw each other under the bus the moment they have differing opinions, so friendship doesn't even exist in these generations anymore. Love... well you already know about that tragedy. Community and culture has been decimated by Marxists/Leftists tearing down culture by the vigorous and violent promotion of degenerate counter-cultures, i.e, sexual revolution and seeding distrust and division in communities. On top of that everything and everyone has been turned into a product and wageslave under an ever increasing totalitarian liberal capitalist state. That leaves you - the individual - with exercise and a good diet (this means cutting cigarettes, drugs and alcohol)

The west is fucked ngl. I don't live there but share many problems of inceldom. Cigarettes and drugs? Not my thing.

Don't ever take anti-depressants. It's snake oil and reddit soyboys and roasties love them because they're hollow pieces of shit to begin with that don't want to change their own degenerate and trash lifestyles. Roasties love the idea of medication because it makes them stand out, it makes them feel special, despite the fact the majority of millennial betas and whores are on that disgusting shit.

Agreed antidepressants don't do anything except lowering your T levels.
Gymcelling, microdosing certain drugs, psychedelics.
outdoor activities. i rarely skate anymore but when i do, i feel really refreshed and happy again
Having sex with a civilian.
there is no cure
Having positive feedback loop by being Chad, not having the consequences of being ugly effect your mental state. Some intergalactic level coping. Drinking coffee.
When will I feel any improvements?
I don't have a scientific answer.
But personally I find masturbation and especially porn to be a sad and pathetic thing. And I get a sense of willpower when I stop myself from doing it.
Pissing myself always improves my mood for some reason. Don't know why.
Nothing is more intoxicating than a woman's love. But we will die not knowing it.
Philosophy. You're not the first or the last to battle with these issues :feelsBox:
I need to finde a cure for this shit too
unironically testosterone, which is probably low in your blood (like most of us) so i'd suggest you to take zinc magnesium and hit the gym.

ok. will look into this.
You'll have to delude yourself into thinking that hard work can change things. This video used to always get me pumped up before the gym

You'll have to delude yourself into thinking that hard work can change things. Just watch videos like these of Chads with God tier genetics

Fuck anything a chad says. Because he hasn't been through what incels have. Fuck that noise
You asked for motivation boyo


I asked for cure for my depression which could cure the motivation problem. I don't need motivation to become some chad with a greek god body.

I asked for cure for my depression which could cure the motivation problem. I don't need motivation to become some chad with a greek god body.

Have you ever even lifted a weight? You should consult some gymcels here, it is a good cope and might help you out. Good luck.
The best thing: social popularity, submissive women, popularity, accomplishments, sharing of joy, being secure were you are,
not having to work, being respected where you are by the people in your group.

The second best thing: Sun, Exercise, Food, sleep, Online gaming as a cope, This forum as an element of sanity, Perhaps getting a joyful dog.
The best thing: social popularity, submissive women, popularity, accomplishments, sharing of joy, being secure were you are,
not having to work, being respected where you are by the people in your group.

Those things are for elite sadly, genetic or otherwise.

The second best thing: Sun, Exercise, Food, sleep, Online gaming as a cope, This forum as an element of sanity, Perhaps getting a joyful dog.

This minus dog.

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