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What would you do to help your incel son?

  • Thread starter Crystal_Mountain
  • Start date


Mar 23, 2018
Lets say you hit 30 years old and magically escaped inceldom and have a son and a wife, the incel is rooted in your soul after 30+ years of rejection, so you know exactly how your son feels, so you dont have a normified opinion about that like ''just shower''

Would you do something to help your son? What?
Take him to a foreign country for vacation and get him a hot prostitute so he can lose his virginity early.
Nutrition would be the primary thing I focused on as my parents really fucked that up with me. Aside from that, encourage him to do either sports or weight training. Proper oral posture is a must (no mouthbreathing). Basically, I would just instill good habits in him from a young age and help him reach his genetic potential.
Nutrition would be the primary thing I focused on as my parents really fucked that up with me. Aside from that, encourage him to do either sports or weight training. Proper oral posture is a must (no mouthbreathing). Basically, I would just instill good habits in him from a young age and help him reach his genetic potential.
If he were still sub 5 after that, blackpill him and get him a hooker.
depends on how good his potential is. if i see potential in him i would give him blackpilled advice behind the scenes. i would teach him about nofap and the true dangers of fapping so he doesnt make the mistake i made and waste his teen years away because fapping rotted his brain and body. if i see he is confirmed truecel if i see that he trusts me enough and will not be a snitching faggot i would tell him its over and help him cope.
Get him surgery.
Take him to a foreign country for vacation and get him a hot prostitute so he can lose his virginity early.

my brother did this to me and now Im just an escortcel, didn't work
Tbh, I'd try mewing, good nutrition and sports, not much else could help him. If he still ended up incel I'd pay for surgery if he wanted it and I could afford it. Other than that, I could throw him off a building.
Take him out back behind the barn and out him down
depends on how good his potential is. if i see potential in him i would give him blackpilled advice behind the scenes. i would teach him about nofap and the true dangers of fapping so he doesnt make the mistake i made and waste his teen years away because fapping rotted his brain and body. if i see he is confirmed truecel if i see that he trusts me enough and will not be a snitching faggot i would tell him its over and help him cope.

I would do exactly the same, I would tell him about the dangers of fapping, and manly, porn
I would do exactly the same, I would tell him about the dangers of fapping, and manly, porn

a benefit to this is that you wont even get into shit for doing so because its seen as good conservative parenting. it also kills two birds with both stones since im a christian.
Buy him shit and let him rot
Id have a better chance of hitting the lottery ten times before finding a female for marriage.
Lets say you hit 30 years old and magically escaped inceldom and have a son and a wife, the incel is rooted in your soul after 30+ years of rejection, so you know exactly how your son feels, so you dont have a normified opinion about that like ''just shower''

Would you do something to help your son? What?

I would make sure that he stays away from videogames. Then i would sign him up for gym or some sport. Also maybe get him into another hobby like playing instrument or something like that.
Retin-a maxx
If he can't get a GF i would hire an escort to have sex with him to boost his confindance.
Id wouldn't put pressure on him to get a gf. And i wouldnt be super strict. Would give him realistic advice like looksmax and only go for it if she gives you the signal.
I can't even fathom having a son.
no point in even thinking about it i will never reproduce
Get him surgery to fix his ugliness.
If that doesn't work though, it's over.
Lets say you hit 30 years old and magically escaped inceldom and have a son and a wife, the incel is rooted in your soul after 30+ years of rejection, so you know exactly how your son feels, so you dont have a normified opinion about that like ''just shower''

Would you do something to help your son? What?
Spend a lot of money supporting him in his studies and extra curricular activities to make him popular and confident
Make him watch FaceandLMS' videos instead of cartoons
Private school, fund minor plastic surgeries, blackpill him
Nutrition would be the primary thing I focused on as my parents really fucked that up with me. Aside from that, encourage him to do either sports or weight training. Proper oral posture is a must (no mouthbreathing). Basically, I would just instill good habits in him from a young age and help him reach his genetic potential.
get him into sports at a young age. make sure he trains and eats like an athlete

thats really all you can do. thatl give him the best chance at success
I ask to myself this, but worded differently: what should my parents had done to save my life?
- They should had forced me to socialize, to take some classes about social skills, to give example and have friends themselves...
- They should had never told me that being a patient, generous, kind, etc.. male is the easiest way to get a gf. Its just not true, most femoids cant even recognize good personal qualities anyway. They should have forced me to join any kind of sport or anything that made me look better.
- They should have payed me a trip to anywhere so i could fuck a whore before joining uni as a fucking virgin.
- They shoud have payed for any surgery i needed, even if i didnt want to take them.

It probably would have helped. Being ugly is hell, but having no social skills just make thigs worse...
A good orthodontic and surgery.

If nothing helps I move with him to thailand.

But I dont want to reproduce anyways
Looksmaxing,NTmaxing and surgerymaxing
If I was a beautiful female I would sleep with my son to make his life more enjoyable.
help him run just be first game, pay for surgery and HGH so he isnt a manlet, help him socialmaxx, moneymaxx, dietmaxx, and gymmaxx.

if he can't get laid after that, just buy him a prostitute so he can loose virginity and kill him in his sleep to relieve his agony
i would force him to mew, nose breathe, NoFap and make him get into every club/sports positions possible. I would socialmaxx him, as well as treat him well so he is not bitter in his teen years. But discipline him enough to where he won't get a little shit. Make sure not to have him vaccinated. give him all the growth suplements he needs. I would make him a vegan because they are the healthiest people alive. Make sure he gets a good job, and give him some blackpilled dating advice, such as going for his looksmatch
Let him rot away on his computer and video games, or teach him a valuable lessoNC.
Force him to join a sport. Any sport--it just has to be a sport. Don't let him have a smartphone until he's 16. Put parental control on his internet and TV. For punishment, giga-timeout, i.e. lock him in the closet for hours or days at a time--it's the only punishment on par with beating that doesn't leave marks that CPS can see. No junk food in the house, since he gets enough of that at school.
Force him to join a sport. Any sport--it just has to be a sport. Don't let him have a smartphone until he's 16. Put parental control on his internet and TV. For punishment, giga-timeout, i.e. lock him in the closet for hours or days at a time--it's the only punishment on par with beating that doesn't leave marks that CPS can see. No junk food in the house, since he gets enough of that at school.
I would want to murder you if you were my parent.
Abort him, it's for the best.
Would always go on vacation to some shithole where foids go easy on males. Would tell him to keep his expectations low when it comes to school foids and tell him to make his experiences abroad.

Otherwise I wouldn't manipulate his development too much. He deserves to be an individual and make his own decisions.
I have a very young nephew that could go either way. I see him a lot. It's a hard line to tred whether to advise him or leave him be. I imagine it's very easy to fuck up his life with bad advice. Ultimately guys are either destined to be incel or not, I believe. The only really fail-safe advise I can think of is to keep himself in good health and make sure he stays looksmaxxed all through growing up.

I wish someone had told me not to masturbate my labido into oblivion all through my teens.

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