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What would be life like if you had a wife and children?



Nov 7, 2017
Like wives, sons and daughters, perhaps even pets. What would you do with them? And teach them about? And like how life would be like for you?

I'd probably take them on long hikes or go on long get-away adventures (driving them far far away) on the weekends and eat out somewhere, then come home and watch a movie together. then later lie down next to my wife talking plans for the future, where our children will be and reminiscing back on old times, also make love to each other every late night. On weekdays, I'd teach my kids maths, help them with their homework and also also play with them a bit, even read them a bedtime story.

Anyways, I just had a dream about having a family it kind of hit me right in the feels... At the same time, it kind of feels bad because unlikely I'd never have that and be at those type of situations.
I'd tell my son you will never amount to society, regardless of what your whore of a mother and society tells you, especially since you carry my subhuman genes. LDAR son, it's over.
I'd redpill them on modern society and how cultural Marxism has ruined the ideals of the past. You wouldn't wanna cuck your own sons into blindly accepting neo-liberal propaganda
I'm cool with the wife, but no kids, please. Ideally I'd have a stay at home wife who cooks and cleans. I'd like for her to be a homebody and not really hang out with too many people outside of the home. No male best friends, none of that bullshit. As long as she takes care of the home well, I wouldn't mind taking care of her. I'd take her on nice vacations and weekend getaways. I'd take her out to restaurants. I'd basically want her to be my best friend.
Sub8Hate said:
I'm cool with the wife, but no kids, please. Ideally I'd have a stay at home wife who cooks and cleans. I'd like for her to be a homebody and not really hang out with too many people outside of the home. No male best friends, none of that bullshit. As long as she takes care of the home well, I wouldn't mind taking care of her. I'd take her on nice vacations and weekend getaways. I'd take her out to restaurants. I'd basically want her to be my best friend.
Sounds pretty good man, rather a more simple life that you could live for. If I had a wife; I wouldn't her to have too much friends either. I kind of get a vibe that both of us are possessive, lol.

Having a friend for us at that point would probably wouldn't mean as much to us, yeah I see what you mean. But more, or so, having your wife as a friend makes sense, since you'll be spending most of your time with her.
Travel around the world and let them do what they want, cuz me having kids means a reality where I have a fuckton of money. If you don't earn $100k a year and have kids you're a cuck
idkwattodowithlife said:
Sounds pretty good man, rather a more simple life that you could live for. If I had a wife; I wouldn't her to have too much friends either. I kind of get a vibe that both of us are possessive, lol.

Having a friend for us at that point would probably wouldn't mean as much to us, yeah I see what you mean. But more, or so, having your wife as a friend makes sense, since you'll be spending most of your time with her.

Yeah, LOL, I am somewhat possessive. I just don't want to end up like one of those faggots on Reddit who post about their wife spending too much time with "friends," or "coworkers." One who wonders if their wife is cheating because she's off doing God knows what. I'm all set with that cuckoldry!

She has to be your best friend if you want it to last for life, which is what the vows say. I'm sure my incel anti degenerate brothers can appreciate that.
Sub8Hate said:
I'm cool with the wife, but no kids, please. Ideally I'd have a stay at home wife who cooks and cleans. I'd like for her to be a homebody and not really hang out with too many people outside of the home. No male best friends, none of that bullshit. As long as she takes care of the home well, I wouldn't mind taking care of her. I'd take her on nice vacations and weekend getaways. I'd take her out to restaurants. I'd basically want her to be my best friend.
Man...you know damn well this is a fantasy.

"No male best friends"

"No kids"

Every "wife" wants kids. And you better believe these whores always have "best guy friends". Those are the ones you have to watch out for.
anincelforlifelol said:
Sub8Hate said:
I'm cool with the wife, but no kids, please. Ideally I'd have a stay at home wife who cooks and cleans. I'd like for her to be a homebody and not really hang out with too many people outside of the home. No male best friends, none of that bullshit. As long as she takes care of the home well, I wouldn't mind taking care of her. I'd take her on nice vacations and weekend getaways. I'd take her out to restaurants. I'd basically want her to be my best friend.
Man...you know damn well this is a fantasy.
"No male best friends"
"No kids"
Every "wife" wants kids. And you better believe these whores always have "best guy friends". Those are the ones you have to watch out for.
Alright, I got a question for you guys, if your wife wants asks you that she wants to have a kid and is pretty serious about it, would you do it to save your marriages?

I'm kind of opening to having kids or not having kids (of course I do have the biological urge and desire to want some, but either way I'm pretty accepting for either option, as long as you have a life partner to spend time with and receive some love at return).
idkwattodowithlife said:
Alright, I got a question for you guys, if your wife wants asks you that she wants to have a kid and is pretty serious about it, would you do it to save your marriages?

I'm kind of opening to having kids or not having kids (of course I do have the biological urge and desire to want some, but either way I'm pretty accepting for either option, as long as you have a life partner to spend time with and receive some love at return).

I must be the most blackpilled poster on this website, because even these hypothetical situations piss me off, because I know it'll never happen.

Though I'll play it along. No, I'm 100% not open to having no children whatsoever. Why the fuck would I want to bring a child into this disgusting world? This disgusting feminist society? This cancerous existence? My child would blow his brains at the age of 17. He'll be incel and ugly. He'll get his ugliness from his father, and he will end it. It's a never ending life cycle. Also he'll blame me and his mother for bringing him into this world.

I don't even want a wife either. Fuck them all. Fuck them all. I fucking hate women so much.
anincelforlifelol said:
Man...you know damn well this is a fantasy.

"No male best friends"

"No kids"

Every "wife" wants kids. And you better believe these whores always have "best guy friends". Those are the ones you have to watch out for.

I do, I'm looking for a fucking unicorn. And even if I found her, we all know she still has Chad's number in her phone. She wouldn't delete that shit. I'll settle for a woman with kids at this point, but I wouldn't want to be a disciplinarian or support them financially.
Sub8Hate said:
I do, I'm looking for a fucking unicorn. And even if I found her, we all know she still has Chad's number in her phone. She wouldn't delete that shit. I'll settle for a woman with kids at this point, but I wouldn't want to be a disciplinarian or support them financially.

Never take care of some cunt's kids, ever.
If I somehow ended up with a wife and kids, it doesn't take a crystal ball to figure out how things would turn out for a guy like me:

>Get married to a woman my age or older who is a couple points below me in looks (even though I don't have a whole lot of room to go lower to begin with)
>Have kids
>Work tirelessly to be a good provider for my wife and kids
>Wife becomes distant
>She starts spending a awful lot of time with her new guy friend from work
>He's 20 years old and a borderline male model
>Express concerns about this
>She makes herself the victim, accuses me of being paranoid
>Find out, yup, she was cheating
>She divorces me, takes most of my shit, gets alimony and child support
>She gets full custody of the kids and I rarely get to see them
>Have to work a third job to pay all of the alimony and child support while she lives with her 20 year old chad boyfriend and raises the kids to believe i'm some sort of horrible monster deadbeat dad.
>son grows up to be a numale
>He's incel throughout his youth
>He either dies a KHV or becomes a betabux husband like me in this hypothetical. If he does become betabux, just reread this post from the first meme arrow because the same exact shit will happen to him
idkwattodowithlife said:
Alright, I got a question for you guys, if your wife wants asks you that she wants to have a kid and is pretty serious about it, would you do it to save your marriages?

I'm kind of opening to having kids or not having kids (of course I do have the biological urge and desire to want some, but either way I'm pretty accepting for either option, as long as you have a life partner to spend time with and receive some love at return).

Fuck, IDK. She would have known from the jump that I didn't want kids. Honestly if she lied to me or just changed her mind and was pushing it on me, I'd probably break up with her lol. But then I'd probably regret it and cry into my cornflakes.

anincelforlifelol said:
Never take care of some cunt's kids, ever.

I wouldn't, IME what I said is possible. You can just have fun with the kids and not be responsible for them, lol. But it's definitely not my ideal, I'm not a cuck.
Ryo Hazuki said:
If I somehow ended up with a wife and kids, it doesn't take a crystal ball to figure out how things would turn out for a guy like me:
>Get married to a woman my age or older who is a couple points below me in looks (even though I don't have a whole lot of room to go lower to begin with)
>Have kids
>Work tirelessly to be a good provider for my wife and kids
>Wife becomes distant
>She starts spending a awful lot of time with her new guy friend from work
>He's 20 years old and a borderline male model
>Express concerns about this
>She makes herself the victim, accuses me of being paranoid
>Find out, yup, she was cheating
>She divorces me, takes most of my shit, gets alimony and child support
>She gets full custody of the kids and I rarely get to see them
>Have to work a third job to pay all of the alimony and child support while she lives with her 20 year old chad boyfriend and raises the kids to believe i'm some sort of horrible monster deadbeat dad.
>son grows up to be a numale
>He's incel throughout his youth
>He either dies a KHV or becomes a betabux husband like me in this hypothetical. If he does become betabux, just reread this post from the first meme arrow because the same exact shit will happen to him
Looks you're already thinking ahead. Great analytical skills, Ryo.

Yes, as most women get older they usually tend to become more bitter as they age, as they've been pumped and dumped and also had plenty of failed relationships themselves. Females in their teens (eventhough are a rowdy bunch), somehow must be kinder than women in their 20s and 30s, beyond, but however I don't know I'm wrong about this and you're free to correct this though.

kodoku said:
Travel around the world and let them do what they want, cuz me having kids means a reality where I have a fuckton of money. If you don't earn $100k a year and have kids you're a cuck
Had a thought about your post. If I were to make 100k+, I'd probably wouldn't know what to do with it...
idkwattodowithlife said:
Looks you're already thinking ahead. Great analytical skills, Ryo.

Yes, as most women get older they usually tend to become more bitter as they age, as they've been pumped and dumped and also had plenty of failed relationships themselves. Females in their teens (eventhough are a rowdy bunch), somehow must be kinder than women in their 20s and 30s, beyond, but however I don't know I'm wrong about this and you're free to correct this though.

You're right on the money there. Women my age and older are extremely jaded, largely due to how many guys they've been with at that point.

A lot of naive youngcels have an overly rosy view of 30+ women. They think when they get older, women will "hit the wall" and get in line to date a guy like them. In reality, 30+ women are just as picky (if not pickier) and really jaded. The "desperate post wall older woman" is just a pipe dream. No matter how poorly she's aged and no matter how much weight she's gained, she still has plenty options, even past 40. And even Chads will still want her. Even the 20 year old male model loves "thicc milfs".
idkwattodowithlife said:
Sounds pretty good man, rather a more simple life that you could live for. If I had a wife; I wouldn't her to have too much friends either. I kind of get a vibe that both of us are possessive, lol.

Having a friend for us at that point would probably wouldn't mean as much to us, yeah I see what you mean. But more, or so, having your wife as a friend makes sense, since you'll be spending most of your time with her.

The only time a femoid won't cheat on you is when you're a Chad. Hell even then there will always be someone else that mogs you
Dem feels, OP.

For almost a decade I wanted sons of my own, then I realized no FHO would give me the chance, or be a worthy mother in any case. When my mother was alive, we'd joke that she would kidnap them and raise them as a possessive hands-on grandma. Although, even then she was reluctant to see me bring children into this fucked up world. As it was, natural selection cucked me.

If I had boys, I'd spend as much time with them as I could; seeing as my own father was in and out of my life for my first 11 years and even then I'd only see him at weekends. I'd teach them to be morally good, but streetwise and try to prepare them for a career path of their own choosing. I'd hate to see them waste their 20s LDARing as I did. I'd be forced to work to provide for my family, which wouldn't be enjoyable at all given the types of shit jobs there are today for an asocial misanthrope to deal with, but having a family would trump everything. I suppose I would find the strength to endure it all.

I think I could deal with the wife/GF if I were suitably validated. I'd want to keep the intimacy going for as long as possible. I think I could curb any jealousy as I've gotten older and I would make it clear that if she wanted to fuck someone else, she should just end it and go our separate ways. Likewise, if she never put out, I'd leave. As an only child from a broken home, I would hate to repeat the trauma on my own kids. Ultimately, children are much more important. I would make it clear that it wasn't their fault and I love them, regardless of what anyone else ever tells them.

It will never happen though.

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