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What worse at the moment in terms of freedom for incels? Chinese gov / CCP or US Gov / Media?



Dec 28, 2017
USA: Aren't actively anti-racist or say something bad about women = fired, life destroyed, perhaps charges if you said something mean to a woman over DM.

China: Generally you're fine unless you say something bad about the CCP, then you're ultra fucked.

Generally, in which country are incels suffering the most?

@PPEcel, thoughts?
US gov, this anti-China propaganda needs to stop.
I mean inceldom in China is objectively much worse because of their female to male ratio. if China allowed their citizens to use the world wide web this forum would be 90% ricebros ngl
I wouldnt want to live under a communist regime tbh.
I mean inceldom in China is objectively much worse because of their female to male ratio. if China allowed their citizens to use the world wide web this forum would be 90% ricebros ngl

Not really. Curries are free to use the internet, yet we have few currycels here and even fewer ones living in curryland.
I mean inceldom in China is objectively much worse because of their female to male ratio. if China allowed their citizens to use the world wide web this forum would be 90% ricebros ngl
Sweden has it worse than china.

"There is something odd going on with the ratio between boys and girls in Sweden. The latest estimates suggest there are 123 boys for every 100 girls among 16 and 17-year-olds.
That's an even greater imbalance than in the same age group in China."

Keep in mind this article is from 2016 and uses 2015 data. Things are so much worse today. Half of europe isn't too far behind Sweden also
kind of wonder why that is ngl

Its cultural. Curries and ricemen are brainwashed to be good little simps. Most of them have pathetic lives objectively not worth living, but the societal programming makes them wageslave for little money in the hope of finding a foid.
Its cultural. Curries and ricemen are brainwashed to be good little simps. Most of them have pathetic lives objectively not worth living, but the societal programming makes them wageslave for little money in the hope of finding a foid.
yeah I suppose the way marriage is seen in society has to do with it. it seems like in religious/"traditional" societies like India people still have the idea that you just need to be virtuous and work hard and you'll get a wife. in the US most marriages are unhappy or end in divorce so dating/hook ups/sex are all people care about. which naturally leads people to blackpilled conclusions given how superficial that dating environment is
I encourage any country that is Anti-Americanism
yeah I suppose the way marriage is seen in society has to do with it. it seems like in religious/"traditional" societies like India people still have the idea that you just need to be virtuous and work hard and you'll get a wife. in the US most marriages are unhappy or end in divorce so dating/hook ups/sex are all people care about. which naturally leads people to blackpilled conclusions given how superficial that dating environment is

Imagine working hard for an ugly curry foid JFL.
China. At least in burger land you can own guns and 1st amendment as long as you don't doxx yourself. Chinks can find you within seconds and also have your entire family killed.
I prefer the latter mode of governance. It’s normal for a government to just penalise opposition. The tool of the jews propagate self destructive thoughts such as inversion of healthy hierarchies between men and women and whites and blacks along with the overthrowing of itself.
I wouldnt want to live under a communist regime tbh.

Not really. Curries are free to use the internet, yet we have few currycels here and even fewer ones living in curryland.
U.S. and most of the world is heading to something similar.
I prefer the latter mode of governance. It’s normal for a government to just penalise opposition. The tool of the jews propagate self destructive thoughts such as inversion of healthy hierarchies between men and women and whites and blacks along with the overthrowing of itself.
The Jews or what have you, are again, just the government penalizing opposition. Inversion is more insidious, though, I'll give you that.
China is still worse

Anyways, I honestly think people just have more time to go on hunts now that so many people are stuck inside
Sweden has it worse than china.

"There is something odd going on with the ratio between boys and girls in Sweden. The latest estimates suggest there are 123 boys for every 100 girls among 16 and 17-year-olds. That's an even greater imbalance than in the same age group in China."

Keep in mind this article is from 2016 and uses 2015 data. Things are so much worse today. Half of europe isn't too far behind Sweden also
suifuel for @Ropemaxx
China. At least in burger land you can own guns and 1st amendment as long as you don't doxx yourself. Chinks can find you within seconds and also have your entire family killed.
yup. in chink land you accidentally offend some rich cunt and you and your family will be hanged.
Neither country is good for us. Only place I would consider is Russia, and only if I had money.
China is still worse
Anyways, I honestly think people just have more time to go on hunts now that so many people are stuck inside
Neither country is good for us.

Media taking the focus off people in power in favor of writing tabloid articles about low status males is one of the biggest reasons for why things are so bad in the US for incels, because a lot of people looking for political scapegoats and people to bully lap it up.
The US government also has a vested interest in portraying low status males as threats because it fulfills their lonewolf terrorist narrative that they've been trying to build for so many years post the 'War on Terror'.
The US government likes to keep up appearances with keeping on top of things too, that's why they probably write so many intelligence reports and threat assessments on the manosphere and incels. Most of that work is done beforehand by politically biased organizations looking to target people for hate like the SPLC.

By comparison China's government has already censored most of these discussions. The consensus is probably close to a red pill traditionalist/strong man mindset, and the media simply reports on what the Chinese government tells them to.
On the other hand, any copes for incels like fleshlights, onaholes, sex dolls and porn are probably highly restricted by the Chinese government in the interest of keeping things "orderly" and "stable".
Media taking the focus off people in power in favor of writing tabloid articles about low status males is one of the biggest reasons for why things are so bad in the US for incels, because a lot of people looking for political scapegoats and people to bully lap it up.
The US government also has a vested interest in portraying low status males as threats because it fulfills their lonewolf terrorist narrative that they've been trying to build for so many years post the 'War on Terror'.
The US government likes to keep up appearances with keeping on top of things too, that's why they probably write so many intelligence reports and threat assessments on the manosphere and incels. Most of that work is done beforehand by politically biased organizations looking to target people for hate like the SPLC.

By comparison China's government has already censored most of these discussions. The consensus is probably close to a red pill traditionalist/strong man mindset, and the media simply reports on what the Chinese government tells them to.
On the other hand, any copes for incels like fleshlights, onaholes, sex dolls and porn are probably highly restricted by the Chinese government in the interest of keeping things "orderly" and "stable".
Redpill is still cope though. I am chink and I can confirm that gooks in general are giga-bluepilled on looks and height.
Redpill is still cope though. I am chink and I can confirm that gooks in general are giga-bluepilled on looks and height.

Yup, but at the same time they don't have the false layering of feel-good bluepill propaganda about life that was common in the US in the 1980s and 1990s.

I don't think it is that great for many males living in China who clearly sense something is wrong and that women's standards are rising.
The most relieving thing is to people about talk about these things and nip such behavior from women in the bud before it gets to the unmanageable state it is in countries like Canada and the UK.
The consensus is probably close to a red pill traditionalist/strong man mindset, and the media simply reports on what the Chinese government tells them to.
They are actually very bluepilled. If they were redpilled, chinese men would be leaving china by the millions every year.

On the other hand, any copes for incels like fleshlights, onaholes, sex dolls and porn are probably highly restricted by the Chinese government in the interest of keeping things "orderly" and "stable".
Sexdolls actually sell very well in China. But I doubt the CCP would tolerate something like a robowaifu that wasn't a permanently open mic for CCP. Russia might be the best only because it retains some masculine features while having strong, but corrupt, government and civil institutions.
They are actually very bluepilled. If they were redpilled, chinese men would be leaving china by the millions every year.

There seems to be a sort of transitory state where bluepilled and redpilled cope overlap in more a traditionalist mindset where men are always held responsible when women act out or abuse them. That was more what I was referring to when I said how Chinese men might be more redpilled than men in the US that are still shaking off years of bluepill feel-good propaganda about women seen and heard in popular movies and music of the time.

Sexdolls actually sell very well in China. But I doubt the CCP would tolerate something like a robowaifu that wasn't a permanently open mic for CCP. Russia might be the best only because it retains some masculine features while having strong, but corrupt, government and civil institutions.

I find it a bit surprising that sexdolls are selling well in China. The Chinese government seems close to a state capitalist traditionalist minded form of government where such things would be looked down upon and lower your social standing. Maybe if their birth rates keep falling and they are not able to make in-roads in conquering more countries, they might start cracking down on the sale of sex dolls just as anglo countries with falling birth rates have done.

RT (a Russian news outlet) has written a lot about sexbots and artificial wombs, but more than anything I feel that is just to rattle US neocons that obsess over the 1950s style nuclear family that shows no signs of coming back.
China is a lot worse.

Majority of you on this forum (me included) would have been arrested long ago.
China is a lot worse.

Majority of you on this forum (me included) would have been arrested long ago.
yup we would have been organ harvested
Both of them are cucked and gynocentric. But you can maybe expect CCP to be a little less cucked since it is staffed entirely by men and they are not going to allow foids in anytime soon.
For all the U.S.' other flaws, under the guise of the 1st Amendment, the United States offers one of the most expansive free speech regimes in the world. There are few other governments which have legalized flag desecration and some virtual child pornography. See this post I made earlier.

There's no contest. Quite frankly, the Chinese Communist Party does not respect human dignity. It does not respect free expression and free association. It makes a mockery of due process.

Forced sterilization of Uighur women. A large network of concentration camps. State-run "social credit systems" which ban you from "nicer" forms of public transport (i.e. you are allowed to take standard rail but banned from high-speed rail and airports if your score sucks). The one-child policy and its resulting gender imbalance. Rampant internet censorship which would've shut down any discussion of inceldom, if push came to shove. Laws which criminalize the "subversion of state power", whatever that means.

And despite the "communist" mantra, economic inequality in China exceeds that in Western European and North American countries. If you aren't born in one of the upscale neighbourhoods of major metropolises such as Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, or Chongqing, you're going to be at a disadvantage. While your parents slave away in sweatshops, the sons and daughters of the kleptocrats parade their Lamborghinis in London, Vancouver, and Melbourne, enjoying $200 dinners and all the freedoms that the West has to offer. And, of course, there's no free press to shine a light on corruption; only internal party politics.

One only needs to look at the allies that the Chinese government keeps, which issue statements supporting the Chinese position on whatever issue every now and then -- North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, et cetera. Not the nicest of countries.

And if you seriously think that offending the sensibilities of other Americans after saying something unpopular on the internet is scary, you haven't met Chinese nationalists. They're extremely aggressive. You know the phrase "human flesh search engine"? Yup, that's how the Chinese describe doxxing. Antifa looks like fucking babies compared to these guys. Chinese nationalists on the internet will not stop at anything to ruin your life if you speak ill of the regime, especially if you are Asian (they have this weird idea that all Asians, regardless of ethnicity or citizenship, needs to bow down to the CCP). Decades of censorship and propaganda means that it is rare for many Chinese individuals to hear opposing views about the CCP, so many of them are unable to handle such views in a mature fashion.
Both of them are cucked and gynocentric. But you can maybe expect CCP to be a little less cucked since it is staffed entirely by men and they are not going to allow foids in anytime soon.

The current Chief Executive of Hong Kong is a femoid, and she's a cunt who has done more to crack down on civil liberties and due process than all of her male predecessors combined. All of whom, I remind you, are appointed by Beijing.
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CCP. The US is cucked and degenerated as hell but nothing is worse than living under communism.
all hail our new chinese overlords
I don’t want to live in a communist dictatorship. The CCP is much worse. Sure USA is cucked but it is better than CCP.
you quote the article yet its as if you never read it. are you fucking dumb or something?

in the article its explained very clearly. the huge bump is due to refugees, who are predominately young muslim males. thats what caused the gender ratio to skew in this age group so badly.
No fucking shit sweden has rapefugees, why wouldn't they count?

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