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what will happen when welfare is removed?



Sir ethnic cel the 1st lord of landwhales, grannys
Nov 2, 2021
USA will soon be majority none white and the majority of the remaining whites will be low iq with most on welfare.

You know that welfare is culturally a Germanic cultural mentality because according to the GFermanic mind they cant even imagine that somebody would prefer welfare over the honour and intergrity of having a job, welfare is their mentality temporary just untill you get up back up like a man or honourable woman after falling on hard times and search for a new job . But for none Germanics it is silly not to still on welfare for life and even their children and grandchildren know nothing else other than welfare from cradle to grave.

Have you ever seen rice countries having welfare? Beaner countries having welfare? African countries having welfare? The days of welfare in USA will soon be long gone in like 15-20 years when there are very few whites working to pay taxes for ethnics and whte trash on welfare, the system will simply crash sooner or later. It was designed on the Germanic mentality of honour and dignity through work and mathematically it will crash after a certain percentage of people do not pay taxes due to leaving the work force or working cash in hand.

Right in Europe the most powerful country Germany already now has budget shortages because the welfare payments are too high for all the ethnics and also to keep the EU subidzed. So sooner or later also welfare and subsadies will be cut.

This means in 10-20 years all these people on welfare will face harsh reality. Now the question is what will happen to these people when the shit hits the fan and Germaniuc whites that they Afirmative actioned and diversity hired out of the workforce stop paying taxes or are simply a small minority? Lol when spics or blacks or ssands are majority due to culture the first thing to go is welfare then the fun and games begin :lul:
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riots, looting and general chaos in the cities
riots, looting and general chaos in the cities
yeah sure only for so long, still the welfare queens wont be getting any more welfare nomatter how they riot and complain. So what happens next?
They’ll chimp out on a mass scale and try to take their welfare and reparations from whitey by force
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riots, looting and general chaos in the cities
you think the spic or negro mayor or govenor will give a fuck about some spics and niggers rioting? Or they will send in spic nigger cops to beat them just like its done in South America and Africa
USA will soon be majority none white and the majority of the remaining whites will be low iq with most on welfare.

You know that welfare is culturally a Germanic cultural mentality because according to the GFermanic mind they cant even imagine that somebody would prefer welfare over the honour and intergrity of having a job, welfare is their mentality temporary just untill you get up back up like a man or honourable woman after falling on hard times and search for a new job . But for none Germanics it is silly not to still on welfare for life and even their children and grandchildren know nothing else other than welfare from cradle to grave.

Have you ever seen rice countries having welfare? Beaner countries having welfare? African countries having welfare? The days of welfare in USA will soon be long gone in like 15-20 years when there are very few whites working to pay taxes for ethnics and whte trash on welfare, the system will simply crash sooner or later. It was designed on the Germanic mentality of honour and dignity through work and mathematically it will crash after a certain percentage of people do not pay taxes due to leaving the work force or working cash in hand.

Right in Europe the most powerful country Germany already now has budget shortages because the welfare payments are too high for all the ethnics and also to keep the EU subidzed. So sooner or later also welfare and subsadies will be cut.

This means in 10-20 years all these people on welfare will face harsh reality. Now the question is what will happen to these people when the shit hits the fan and Germaniuc whites that they Afirmative actioned and diversity hired out of the workforce stop paying taxes or are simply a small minority? Lol when spics or blacks or ssands are majority due to culture the first thing to go is welfare then the fun and games begin :lul:
Social Security is already running out in the US, our generation probably won't get it. I can't imagine how bad it will be for the ethnics once the regular welfare begins to run out.

Crime will be out of control.
They’ll chimp out on a mass scale try to take their welfare and reparations from whitey by force
and then what afterwards? In Zimbabwe they blamed whitey and took the whole economy wthat whitey built , as reparations and they simply ran into into the ground and destroyed it completely to nothing because its not their culture.

So where to afterward sorting out whitey, still no welfare or wonderful paradise after reparations?
theyll just print money to pay for it and wonder why inflation magically appeared

they already did it during covid with stimmybux and unlimited unemploymentbuxx
it won't be removed

Social Security is already running out in the US, our generation probably won't get it. I can't imagine how bad it will be for the ethnics once the regular welfare begins to run out.

Crime will be out of control.

what is social security?
and then what afterwards? In Zimbabwe they blamed whitey and took the whole economy wthat whitey built , as reparations and they simply ran into into the ground and destroyed it completely to nothing because its not their culture.

So where to afterward sorting out whitey, still no welfare or wonderful paradise after reparations?
Niggers often have too low an IQ to plan ahead and calculate consequences. Once whitey is gone, they will simply revert to tribalism and fight among themselves over the spoils.
theyll just print money to pay for it and wonder why inflation magically appeared

they already did it during covid with stimmybux and unlimited unemploymentbuxx
okay only works once or twice before it becomes an Argentina or Zimbabwe shithole economy. So that wont work long term either :lul:

I said it the fu n and games are starting now slwoly slowly:lul: I hope the young men here get off their asses and learn a trade like welding, plumber, electrician etc instead of rotting, take an ethniccels advice
One thing they could do if they are running out of money with fewer white people, is they could make it a lot harder to qualify for welfare/disabilities.

So a retarded ethnic who legitimately can't work could still qualify, but some ethnic who is able bodied and cheating the system couldn't qualify.
okay only works once or twice before it becomes an Argentina or Zimbabwe shithole economy. So that wont work long term either :lul:

I said it the fu n and games are starting now slwoly slowly:lul: I hope the young men here get off their asses and learn a trade like welding, plumber, electrician etc instead of rotting, take an ethniccels advice
It only needs to work til the next election, just kick that can down the road

politicians don't think about 20-30 years from now. One of the flaws of democracy
One thing they could do if they are running out of money with fewer white people, is they could make it a lot harder to qualify for welfare/disabilities.

So a retarded ethnic who legitimately can't work could still qualify, but some ethnic who is able bodied and cheating the system couldn't qualify.
They already do that in Africa. Disabled and elderly get government care in facilities and get first place in the line for any foreign aid from ngo's, christian organisations etc. The rest can go to hell and starve as far as everybody is concerned :lul: . Thats why I said the fun and games are now only just beginning for welfare queens and rotters:lul:
what is social security?
Social Security is a tax that all Americans pay (it's like 9-12% of your paycheck) that goes toward a program that gives you money every month (about 1700 USD) once you turn 65 until you die. However it is probably one of America's worst social welfare programs. There is more money going out of the system then coming into it, so soon it will be bankrupt.
Social Security is a tax that all Americans pay (it's like 9-12% of your paycheck) that goes toward a program that gives you money every month (about 1700 USD) once you turn 65 until you die. However it is probably one of America's worst social welfare programs. There is more money going out of the system then coming into it, so soon it will be bankrupt.
Too few workers paying into the system?
you think the spic or negro mayor or govenor will give a fuck about some spics and niggers rioting? Or they will send in spic nigger cops to beat them just like its done in South America and Africa
¡It's a good job 'migo!
USA will soon be majority none white and the majority of the remaining whites will be low iq with most on welfare.

You know that welfare is culturally a Germanic cultural mentality because according to the GFermanic mind they cant even imagine that somebody would prefer welfare over the honour and intergrity of having a job, welfare is their mentality temporary just untill you get up back up like a man or honourable woman after falling on hard times and search for a new job . But for none Germanics it is silly not to still on welfare for life and even their children and grandchildren know nothing else other than welfare from cradle to grave.

Have you ever seen rice countries having welfare? Beaner countries having welfare? African countries having welfare? The days of welfare in USA will soon be long gone in like 15-20 years when there are very few whites working to pay taxes for ethnics and whte trash on welfare, the system will simply crash sooner or later. It was designed on the Germanic mentality of honour and dignity through work and mathematically it will crash after a certain percentage of people do not pay taxes due to leaving the work force or working cash in hand.

Right in Europe the most powerful country Germany already now has budget shortages because the welfare payments are too high for all the ethnics and also to keep the EU subidzed. So sooner or later also welfare and subsadies will be cut.

This means in 10-20 years all these people on welfare will face harsh reality. Now the question is what will happen to these people when the shit hits the fan and Germaniuc whites that they Afirmative actioned and diversity hired out of the workforce stop paying taxes or are simply a small minority? Lol when spics or blacks or ssands are majority due to culture the first thing to go is welfare then the fun and games begin :lul:
All of this because of women.
We'll fare better as a society
Bingo. Well, that and more people are retiring than ever.
So all those boomer sthat chased their children away out the house are now in trouble when social scurity collapses. They chased the young ones away and soon wont have any retirement funds. I bet they wish they let the young ones and their family/children stay with them. But hey everybody is going to have to face the music when the white Germanic system crashes. I say Germanic system because there is a white Slavic structural system, a latin cultural system, and various regional variations but this "welfare" thats the Germanic mentality and if society doesnt share those same "germanic" values then sooner or later the system will be replaced with ethnic values :feelsYall:

Oh yeah man, bring out the whip and beating stick like how its done in Africa, Asia or middle East. Beat those mutha fuckan niggers, spics and ethnic shits, beat them :lul:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHuSeSh-kus&t=5s

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