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SuicideFuel What was your most brutal rejection?



Everytime i get a gun in my hand it...
Jun 16, 2018
The most brutal rejection ive experienced was called when i was 11 and asked some Girl to be my Partner in Sport classes, she said "fuck off you fat bag"
So far only "Seen" because I have only asked one foid out
I've never been rejected because I've never tried.
>fat bag
Fatcels aren't always volcels.

I tried to ask a girl to the homecoming dance and was rejected in front of the entire class. She quickly fled and went to her group of friends and I saw them laughing at me later during lunchtime (where my seat at the cool kids table was stolen, so I had to eat alone).
never cared about asking a foid out so i never got rejected.
i randomly asked out my oneitis in high school senior year she gave me her number and then said she wasn't ready for a boyfriend
by a landwhale
8th grade. This filipina I liked lured me out to the field during lunch break. I thought I was about to finally ascend and have my first kiss as she confessed the attraction was mutual but to my dismay all her friends were there. I came to the realization that there would be no ascending that day...only sheer humiliation as they all told me she didn't like me back. I was devastated and ran back to my loser friends to play some Mario Kart DS. I made a vow to myself that I would never tell a foid I had feelings for her ever again after that
>Be me
>Walking towards a girl on the sidewalk
>Don't even make eye contact
>She's alone and not talking on the phone
>Says "No!" as we pass each pther
I met up with some girl from Facebook and my pics were all low res from a web camera that were common 10 years ago. She was really pretty but seemed shy and reserved. I asked her for another date and she said she had to study and improve her grades and that we'll see each other again in the summer. Then she was just offline all the time. So I switched to my fake account with Chad pics and added her as a friend and she immediately accepted. I started talking to her and asked her out on a date and she said she needed to see more of Chad's pics because she had a really bad experience with a guy who looked fine in his photos but was very ugly in real life. Guess who that was.
I met up with some girl from Facebook and my pics were all from a web camera that were common 10 years ago. She was really pretty but seemed shy and reserved. I asked her for another date and she said she had to study and improve her grades and that we'll see each other again in the summer. Then she was just offline all the time. So I switched to my fake account with Chad pics and added her as a friend and she immediately accepted. I started talking to her and asked her out on a date and she said she needed to see more of Chad's pics because she had a really bad experience with a guy who looked fine in his photos but was very ugly in real life. Guess who that was.
Holy fuck lmao. Please tell me this didn’t happen
The day i was born tbh
The most beautiful woman I've ever seen was in her teens, had long golden hair, a super cute face a was a bar raising 10/10. She caught me staring briefly once and gave me the most disgusted, hateful look I've ever received.
You really dont, I'm not saying you have a good chance but you need to atleast TRY before you can really call yourself an incel

Yes I can. If you have never been approached by a woman, nor have they ever talked to you, you are very unattractive and it's over.
I met up with some girl from Facebook and my pics were all low res from a web camera that were common 10 years ago. She was really pretty but seemed shy and reserved. I asked her for another date and she said she had to study and improve her grades and that we'll see each other again in the summer. Then she was just offline all the time. So I switched to my fake account with Chad pics and added her as a friend and she immediately accepted. I started talking to her and asked her out on a date and she said she needed to see more of Chad's pics because she had a really bad experience with a guy who looked fine in his photos but was very ugly in real life. Guess who that was.
This is the only non chad response in this thread. . It happened to me TWICE before also
I met up with some girl from Facebook and my pics were all low res from a web camera that were common 10 years ago. She was really pretty but seemed shy and reserved. I asked her for another date and she said she had to study and improve her grades and that we'll see each other again in the summer. Then she was just offline all the time. So I switched to my fake account with Chad pics and added her as a friend and she immediately accepted. I started talking to her and asked her out on a date and she said she needed to see more of Chad's pics because she had a really bad experience with a guy who looked fine in his photos but was very ugly in real life. Guess who that was.
Fkn brutal
Ehhh, fair point I guess. I wont argue with that

Yep. What's the point in trying if you already know what the response will be? Like that retard doing the 1000 approaches thread
Whats up with all these school responses
Holy fuck lmao. Please tell me this didn’t happen

I wish, that took me months to recover from.
Next girl I met (again, anglefrauded lightfrauded low res pics) we had dinner at this very nice restaurant. She was really polite like she was having dinner with someone's grandpa and then insisted on paying for her half... as if she didn't want to feel she owes me anything. I tried calling her again but she wasn't picking up so I got the message.
Third girl I met (again pics where I don't look subhuman) we were supposed to go for cocktails but as soon as she saw me her entire body slumped. Then she said she had a cold and had to get up early in the morning so we could have coffee instead. She said she had to go after 20 minutes.
Fourth girl made plans to meet up with some girlfriends 15 minutes into the "date" and left.
And so on.
The pattern is that they're treating me as some cancer patient who they have to act nice to (probably because I was/am pretty jacked, people don't disrespect me to my face) but they really want to nope the fuck out as soon as they see me.
I wish, that took me months to recover from.
Next girl I met (again, anglefrauded lightfrauded low res pics) we had dinner at this very nice restaurant. She was really polite like she was having dinner with someone's grandpa and then insisted on paying for her half... as if she didn't want to feel she owes me anything. I tried calling her again but she wasn't picking up so I got the message.
Third girl I met (again pics where I don't look subhuman) we were supposed to go for cocktails but as soon as she saw me her entire body slumped. Then she said she had a cold and had to get up early in the morning so we could have coffee instead. She said she had to go after 20 minutes.
Fourth girl made plans to meet up with some girlfriends 15 minutes into the "date" and left.
And so on.
The pattern is that they're treating me as some cancer patient who they have to act nice to (probably because I was/am pretty jacked, people don't disrespect me to my face) but they really want to nope the fuck out as soon as they see me.
It’s tough man. If it makes you feels any better, I’ve asked out tons of girls and have been rejected literally every single time
that was in 2014. I set up a date with this girl I met on facebook ( yes, I used my real pictures and all, it was my personal facebook). When I got the location where we had planned to meet up, she was nowhere to be seen. I waited for about 30 minutes but she stood me up. When I got home, I messaged her on facebook. She said she saw me from afar ( she must have stood where I couldn't see her). She started saying that I looked like a nerd and a virgin in real life. Then she blocked me. I have hated women ever since.
I CAN MAKE MYSELF LOOK REALLY GOOD IN PHOTOS TOO, fucking kills me. I look like a 7/10 when i make use of good angles, lighting and low res. But then IRL im legit a 3-4/10
What I used to do is take a video of my head turning and then scrub frame-by-frame and export ones where I don't look like a subhuman. Worked only with low res cameras, with hardware these days I look subhuman from every angle.
There is no hope.
I wish, that took me months to recover from.
Next girl I met (again, anglefrauded lightfrauded low res pics) we had dinner at this very nice restaurant. She was really polite like she was having dinner with someone's grandpa and then insisted on paying for her half... as if she didn't want to feel she owes me anything. I tried calling her again but she wasn't picking up so I got the message.
Third girl I met (again pics where I don't look subhuman) we were supposed to go for cocktails but as soon as she saw me her entire body slumped. Then she said she had a cold and had to get up early in the morning so we could have coffee instead. She said she had to go after 20 minutes.
Fourth girl made plans to meet up with some girlfriends 15 minutes into the "date" and left.
And so on.
The pattern is that they're treating me as some cancer patient who they have to act nice to (probably because I was/am pretty jacked, people don't disrespect me to my face) but they really want to nope the fuck out as soon as they see me.

Sounds like a misc tinder thread fella. Lol

I got sooo many rejections and automatic blocks/ghosting once they saw me in other pics or even whatsapp video.

Some sluts didnt even say anything. Just automatically hanged up and blocked on video call. Wtf
that was in 2014. I set up a date with this girl I met on facebook ( yes, I used my real pictures and all, it was my personal facebook). When I got the location where we had planned to meet up, she was nowhere to be seen. I waited for about 30 minutes but she stood me up. When I got home, I messaged her on facebook. She said she saw me from afar ( she must have stood where I couldn't see her). She started saying that I looked like a nerd and a virgin in real life. Then she blocked me. I have hated women ever since.

This pisses me off. What could have looked different from ur pics n live????

I think foids have a stupid unrealistic famtasy in their minds as how their date is suppse to looking even after seeing their pics. Stupid foids
The most brutal rejection ive experienced was called when i was 11 and asked some Girl to be my Partner in Sport classes, she said "fuck off you fat bag"
never asked anyone out.
12 yo, dancing ball in the end of the year
l danced a slow with a classmate
l got an erection and she noticed it
she laughed
6 years later, she had first bf
now maybe she is married and l'm roping here

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