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It's Over What the Prevalence of Porn Tells Us...

  • Thread starter BurntIvoryKingcel
  • Start date


Scholar of the First Whitepill
May 31, 2024
Regardless of what ur think about porn. Whether your a NoFap coper, a deranged coomer, a monkmaxxer, etc etc etc. You have to acknowledge that the extreme consumption rates of pornography amongst men is exceedingly telling of how sex starved men in general are. that being normies and incels alike.

What do you think our ancestors would think if you told that that in 200 years the average man would spend several years of their lives jerking it to pixels of whores getting fucked before ever getting some themselves?

Victorian Fashion for Professional Men

and nevermind that what would your kid self think about the reality that is ur coom coping? this isn't a post meant to shame porn viewers but rather to highlight the gravity of our situation. the normalcy and prevalence of men simulating sex through viewing porn and taking a cuckold position is the greatest indicator there is that our society is completely and utterly fucked. The sabotage of formerly male dominated platforms like Twitch with pornographic content providers (E-Thots) and the creation of exploitative platforms like only fans (largely funded by bottom of the barrel or mentally ill men) without any consequential backlash further demonstrates the mental castration and docile nature of modern men. Men are no longer merely coping with porn but they have accepted it as a formal substitute for sex until they are financially able to finance a betabuxx deluxe relationship.

Hey religiouscels......how do you cope? I am a religious mentalcel but see zero future. What do you occupy your headspace and time with?
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I'm religious and focus on trying not to sin in this sinful World. I obviously sometimes fail, but i try my best not to. I also try to cope with other stuff too since the future is very bleak
I don't care what a bunch of twats from 200 years ago think.
I don't care what a bunch of twats from 200 years ago think.
the point wasn't for u to think of them judging u from a morality standpoint. but to rather think about how something formerly viewed as extremely obscene and incomprehensible is now seen to be as normal as taking your dog out for a walk. it became normal because it became normal for men to be sexless.
the point wasn't for u to think of them judging u from a morality standpoint. but to rather think about how something formerly viewed as extremely obscene and incomprehensible is now seen to be as normal as taking your dog out for a walk. it became normal because it became normal for men to be sexless.
I'm beating off to your avi
Porn still existed back then but it was less socially acceptable to consume and abuse. But if they had access to the full scope of pornography we have today, they would need an extra layer of cultural programming and social engineering to become sexually depraved and deviant enough to reach the depths that zoomers stoop to.
I can't even imagine what it would be like to have actual physical intimacy with a foid. It's beyond dystopian. :feelsUnreal:
If we only lived in the world of 1984, problems like this would be a thing of the past.
Regardless of what ur think about porn. Whether your a NoFap coper, a deranged coomer, a monkmaxxer, etc etc etc. You have to acknowledge that the extreme consumption rates of pornography amongst men is exceedingly telling of how sex starved men in general are. that being normies and incels alike.

What do you think our ancestors would think if you told that that in 200 years the average man would spend several years of their lives jerking it to pixels of whores getting fucked before ever getting some themselves?

Victorian Fashion for Professional Men

and nevermind that what would your kid self think about the reality that is ur coom coping? this isn't a post meant to shame porn viewers but rather to highlight the gravity of our situation. the normalcy and prevalence of men simulating sex through viewing porn and taking a cuckold position is the greatest indicator there is that our society is completely and utterly fucked. The sabotage of formerly male dominated platforms like Twitch with pornographic content providers (E-Thots) and the creation of exploitative platforms like only fans (largely funded by bottom of the barrel or mentally ill men) without any consequential backlash further demonstrates the mental castration and docile nature of modern men. Men are no longer merely coping with porn but they have accepted it as a formal substitute for sex until they are financially able to finance a betabuxx deluxe relationship.

Hey religiouscels......how do you cope? I am a religious mentalcel but see zero future. What do you occupy your headspace and time with?
"Imagine a society that creates such conditions for people that they find themselves extremely unhappy, and this society gives people drugs to dispel all their sorrows. Fiction? To a certain extent, this is already happening in our society. Instead of changing the circumstances that overwhelm people, modern society gives them antidepressants." Porn, religion, antidepressants are all things to help people stop feeling pain, otherwise if they are not there, these same people will find the pain of their existence unbearable.
I can't even imagine what it would be like to have actual physical intimacy with a foid. It's beyond dystopian. :feelsUnreal:
I know. The crazy part is pussy isn't even rare. It's not like there are 10 men for every one woman or something. The numbers are split roughly 50/50. Good looking men should have the super hot girls. Average men should have average women. Below average men should have below average women. It's just that our modern society caters to women so much and makes men seem worthless (even though men do most of the important jobs).
I know. The crazy part is pussy isn't even rare. It's not like there are 10 men for every one woman or something. The numbers are split roughly 50/50. Good looking men should have the super hot girls. Average men should have average women. Below average men should have below average women. It's just that our modern society caters to women so much and makes men seem worthless (even though men do most of the important jobs).

This society is fucked beyond belief

50% of men do not have sexual and loving relationships

The vast majority of women would rather share chads, stay alone or resort to lesbianism than accept their male counterpart.

How can they be so cruel man... I hope that technology is useful for something and this dark and depressing time for man will forever be recorded in the library of human history so that it will never be repeated.

We are living in the worst sexual era for the average man in probably a long time, this is an abyss.

This society is fucked beyond belief

50% ofS

The vast majority of women would rather share chads, stay alone or resort to lesbianism than accept their male counterpart.

How can they be so cruel man... I hope that technology is useful for something and this dark and depressing time for man will forever be recorded in the library of human history so that it will never be repeated.

We are living in the worst sexual era for the average man in probably a long time, this is an abyss.
Exactly. Society cannot last like this when a huge portion of the male population (the ones that do the important blue collar jobs that keep society going) are deprived of love and sex. It's gonna reduce their morale and desire to work. When these men give up and LDAR or kill themselves in mass numbers, the infrastructure is gonna crash. At the rate this is going, I could see society collapsing in 50-100 years. Also, I have no idea why women don't want average looksmatched men who would be loyal partners and would rather share chad. I know for me, I'd much rather have a loyal and loving looksmatched gf rather than a gigastacy I share with other guys who doesn't care about me. Just goes to show guys value love and commitment far more than women. I hope everything from this site is immortalized in history so future generations like 100+ years from now can see how much we suffered. Hopefully things will be better for men by then.
Exactly. Society cannot last like this when a huge portion of the male population (the ones that do the important blue collar jobs that keep society going) are deprived of love and sex. It's gonna reduce their morale and desire to work. When these men give up and LDAR or kill themselves in mass numbers, the infrastructure is gonna crash. At the rate this is going, I could see society collapsing in 50-100 years. Also, I have no idea why women don't want average looksmatched men who would be loyal partners and would rather share chad. I know for me, I'd much rather have a loyal and loving looksmatched gf rather than a gigastacy I share with other guys who doesn't care about me. Just goes to show guys value love and commitment far more than women. I hope everything from this site is immortalized in history so future generations like 100+ years from now can see how much we suffered. Hopefully things will be better for men by then.

Yeah, it's a shame that it has fallen to us and our generation to be the laboratory rats of female cruelty unleashed at its maximum power.

This is worse than living during the fucking black plague.
Yeah, it's a shame that it has fallen to us and our generation to be the laboratory rats of female cruelty unleashed at its maximum power.

This is worse than living during the fucking black plague.
It sure is unfortunate it had to be us. However, we are pioneers in a sense. We are the ones directly in the worst part of it and basically the first ones to start fighting back against it. I consider NEETing, refusing to betabuxx, and posting on forums like this all methods of fighting back. Only way anything serious will happen though is if things get bad enough to blackpill normies. Once the majority of men wake up to it, they collectively could likely just take control over women, or more likely, will just give up on life in such mass numbers it makes society crumble
It sure is unfortunate it had to be us. However, we are pioneers in a sense. We are the ones directly in the worst part of it and basically the first ones to start fighting back against it. I consider NEETing, refusing to betabuxx, and posting on forums like this all methods of fighting back. Only way anything serious will happen though is if things get bad enough to blackpill normies. Once the majority of men wake up to it, they collectively could likely just take control over women, or more likely, will just give up on life in such mass numbers it makes society crumble
I wish there was more motivation to fight back in the BP community instead of so much defeatism, it would be nice to start acting as an organized social group capable of defending itself. I'm not talking about anything violent, simple activism on the networks and less negativity.

Maybe simply talking about this topic is a step in the right direction, we need fewer depressed teenagers and more men with blood in their veins.
I wish there was more motivation to fight back in the BP community instead of so much defeatism, it would be nice to start acting as an organized social group capable of defending itself. I'm not talking about anything violent, simple activism on the networks and less negativity.

Maybe simply talking about this topic is a step in the right direction, we need fewer depressed teenagers and more men with blood in their veins.
we simply don't have the numbers for it. nothing substantial will happen in our lifetimes I bet. but in the future men as a collective wont accept this bullshit anymore. feminism in its current state doesn't have a future.
we simply don't have the numbers for it. nothing substantial will happen in our lifetimes I bet. but in the future men as a collective wont accept this bullshit anymore. feminism in its current state doesn't have a future.
I mean, what chance is there that we won't see anything in our lives?

The peak of feminism is ending and there is already beginning to be a reaction

For ex. In my country a guy who is openly anti-feminist won the presidential elections, although I hate him for other things (e.g., he is a Zionist Jew), the fact that a guy like that got 56% of the votes should tell us something about the change of paradigm

I believe that we are going to live the fight against feminism fully, this is not going to continue like this for 100 years, maybe not even 10.
I wish there was more motivation to fight back in the BP community instead of so much defeatism, it would be nice to start acting as an organized social group capable of defending itself. I'm not talking about anything violent, simple activism on the networks and less negativity.

Maybe simply talking about this topic is a step in the right direction, we need fewer depressed teenagers and more men with blood in their veins.
Agreed, but this would be very difficult. Also, activism and voicing our struggles isn't going to do shit while normies support the gynocentric society. Getting together as a group irl would be very difficult. Even though there are 26,000+ members here, only a few thousand are actual contributors, and these bunch live so far apart ob average, that a real life meet up and activism movement would be incredible difficult. Most people wouldn't care and would shame us further, which will make even less people speak out. All in all, this current soyciety is an absolute fucking joke, and it would be damn near impossible to make actual changes. I believe the only thing that will make society care how much we suffer and realize how evil modern women are is more defeatism, ironically. As long as most men work and are ok with betabuxxing women, it keeps society functioning and they have no incentive to care as long as we put into the system. If most men adopted the defeatism mindset, and no I don't just mean NEETing, I mean also working solely for your own benefit and not giving any to women, this could hurt society (mainly the women who depend on average men without realizing it), and give them an incentive to seek more monogamous relationships with looksmatched men (and actually love the men).
we simply don't have the numbers for it. nothing substantial will happen in our lifetimes I bet. but in the future men as a collective wont accept this bullshit anymore. feminism in its current state doesn't have a future.
Yep. We live in a time where it is just barely good enough for enough men not to notice how horrible it is and fight back. The real ones like is are far too small in numbers like you said and nobody would care. Most of us are also gonna kill ourselves early or straight up die from unhealthy copes and the horrible health effects of loneliness. Because of this, we won't be around to see real change. I predict the next generation will though, or at least the generation after that. Eventually when most men are counted out of having relationships and women only go for the top 10% of guys, the rest of the male population will realize they can easily beat women collectively, or they will just stop putting into the system and women will have no choice but to be better
However, we are pioneers in a sense. We are the ones directly in the worst part of it and basically the first ones to start fighting back against it. I consider NEETing, refusing to betabuxx, and posting on forums like this all methods of fighting back. Only way anything serious will happen though is if things get bad enough to blackpill normies.
We are the "beautiful ones" of our mouse utopia. All that remains is wait for the collapse.
It many not be in the next 20,30 or even 50 years, but it will happen probably in this century.

Obviously it won't be sudden, but we must remain watchful
We are the "beautiful ones" of our mouse utopia. All that remains is wait for the collapse.
It many not be in the next 20,30 or even 50 years, but it will happen probably in this century.

Obviously it won't be sudden, but we must remain watchful
Nice use of that experiment.
extreme consumption rates of pornography amongst men is exceedingly telling of how sex starved men in general are. that being normies and incels alike.
People generally want to stay blind to this and flip it (saying porn addiction is the cause of inceldom :feelstastyman:) when really inceldom causes porn addiction.
the ones that do the important blue collar jobs that keep society going) are deprived of love and sex. It's gonna reduce their morale and desire to work. When these men give up and LDAR or kill themselves in mass numbers, the infrastructure is gonna crash
This is over exaggerated imo. Most of these people are still bluepilled and wait for marriage for their piece of the (cream)PIE. Long term strategy they’re brainwashed into
This is over exaggerated imo. Most of these people are still bluepilled and wait for marriage for their piece of the (cream)PIE. Long term strategy they’re brainwashed into
Foids settle for these hard worker slaver types for security anyway but the love won’t be the same. When they be proper blackpilled is when infrastructure will crash
This is over exaggerated imo. Most of these people are still bluepilled and wait for marriage for their piece of the (cream)PIE. Long term strategy they’re brainwashed into
Over exaggerated now, but picture in 50-100 years when these men become blackpilled due to women bei by even worse than they are now
Foids settle for these hard worker slaver types for security anyway but the love won’t be the same. When they be proper blackpilled is when infrastructure will crash
Yes, and I believe in 50-100 years these type of men will wake up to reality just like we have

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