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Serious What the fuck am I supposed to do with my life if I'll always be an incel???



Sep 30, 2021
Just fucking copemaxx? Play bibeo bames, coom and watch anime? Jesus fuck this seems like a shitty life, is there any way to escape this rut and be happy? (Without ascending, naturally).
Just fucking copemaxx? Play bibeo bames, coom and watch anime? Jesus fuck this seems like a shitty life, is there any way to escape this rut and be happy? (Without ascending, naturally).
Repeat your shitty purposeless cycle until your old enough to be a burden then get thrown in a stinky smelly old people's home where you will be demented, where an ugly whore will take you to the bath room until you die
Many avenues of having meaningful life experiences (not involving mating & courtship) have been closed off by the scamdemic government measures. It's hard to even set goals for oneself anymore.
either cope, or make bettER CHOices.
Well you could always escortcel like @CCPcel does and also food maxx like we both do as a cope. :society:

Though keep in mind his food is probably of a higher quality than my own on average since he basically only eats at upscale restaurants for the super rich elite where I’m perfectly content chowing down on my sack of McDonald’s slop. :feelsclown:
Well you could always escortcel like @CCPcel does and also food maxx like we both do as a cope. :society:

Though keep in mind his food is probably of a higher quality than my own on average since he basically only eats at upscale restaurants for the super rich elite where I’m perfectly content chowing down on my sack of McDonald’s slop. :feelsclown:
Maybe I could foodmax but I don't want to be a fat fuck. I've been trying to gymmax for a while but it's been going real slow
Satisfy foot fetish with escorts, try to have a better stable income and try to get rid of inceldom somehow
Realise that most things are out of our control and don't feel guilty about coping. Game, watch anime, see escorts and don't feel one bit of guilt about it. Do whatever makes you happy screw what society thinks.
Become a nurse or take an admin job in a hospital. They are many types of nurses like theatre nurse where you have to get the instruments ready for the surgeon and help out in other ways.

If you are very desperate learn to program in C from The C Programming Language and The UNIX Programming Environment books. You won't be happy but will you have money in to pay the bills.
Intellectual pursuits, of-course.
Become a nurse or take an admin job in a hospital. They are many types of nurses like theatre nurse where you have to get the instruments ready for the surgeon and help out in other ways.

If you are very desperate learn to program in C from The C Programming Language and The UNIX Programming Environment books. You won't be happy but will you have money in to pay the bills.
I'm trying to learn JS to become a front-end Dev. They make a lot, right? Or is that a myth?
Well you could always escortcel like @CCPcel does and also food maxx like we both do as a cope. :society:

Though keep in mind his food is probably of a higher quality than my own on average since he basically only eats at upscale restaurants for the super rich elite where I’m perfectly content chowing down on my sack of McDonald’s slop. :feelsclown:
he's also a moneymaxxed lawyer or something which makes me very envious of him :feels: in bloc server he sent a pic of a really nice gorumet dish (steak) and it looked very delicious and expensive :feels::feels:
Start a meth empire.
Rape, murder, bloodbath (in gta v of course ) :feelsEhh:
I'm trying to learn JS to become a front-end Dev. They make a lot, right? Or is that a myth?
Web-developement is currently oversaturated. If You want to get into it, make sure You enjoy it. Because most people Will pay You pennies
What would you do with your life if you were not an incel?

If you were a chad, do you not think you would eventually find the sex to be an empty and unfulfilling experience? This appears to be the end-state for most women. Foids get sex whenever and with whomever they want, and they still are unfulfilled.

If you were a normie, you'd marry and have kids. Then you'd be forced to work - both in a job and outside of your job. Your wife would have lists of chores for you to do every day, and a schedule of events you have to attend. A lot of married men feel trapped and hate their life. The sex doesn't last, and they're treated like shit by their wives.

I am not claiming that any of those is worse than being an incel!!

In either of those other options, you would at least get to experience love. So yeah, either options is better than what you have. That's not my point.

My point is that the one good thing in life: love - it's brief. And then after it fades, after it fades, then you have the same question to ask that you're asking in this thread. "What do I do with the rest of my life?" Every man has to grapple with this question regardless of whether he got to experience love.

In some sense, the difference between you and chad is like the difference between a pre-internet incel and you. See, the difference between you and chad is that he gets unlimited sex, and you only get unlimited porn. But the difference between pre-internet incels and you is that you get unlimited porn, and they get nothing.

A pre-internet incel would probably imagine that if he could switch places with you, he could wade into the sea of porn cope and he wouldn't feel so bad - just like we imagine that if we could switch places with chad, we would be happy.

I'm convinced that none of these options necessarily makes one happy.
Try and moneymaxx if you're still young. You could cope with better things. Our chink moderator eats the finest foods and fucks stacy whores.

Gymmaxxing can improve your mental health and looking swole is never a bad thing.

Other than that, there's the basics. Cooming, vidya, enjoying nature, etc. Depends what you want in life.

Giving up is the easiest option but not the best imo.
Realise that most things are out of our control and don't feel guilty about coping. Game, watch anime, see escorts and don't feel one bit of guilt about it. Do whatever makes you happy screw what society thinks.
its not about "what society things" you fucking bluepiled poz idiot. that bullshit you listed doesnt provide any "happiness" and nobody feels fucking "guilty" about doing those things. youre a fucking moron dude kys
What would you do with your life if you were not an incel?

If you were a chad, do you not think you would eventually find the sex to be an empty and unfulfilling experience? This appears to be the end-state for most women. Foids get sex whenever and with whomever they want, and they still are unfulfilled.

If you were a normie, you'd marry and have kids. Then you'd be forced to work - both in a job and outside of your job. Your wife would have lists of chores for you to do every day, and a schedule of events you have to attend. A lot of married men feel trapped and hate their life. The sex doesn't last, and they're treated like shit by their wives.

I am not claiming that any of those is worse than being an incel!!

In either of those other options, you would at least get to experience love. So yeah, either options is better than what you have. That's not my point.

My point is that the one good thing in life: love - it's brief. And then after it fades, after it fades, then you have the same question to ask that you're asking in this thread. "What do I do with the rest of my life?" Every man has to grapple with this question regardless of whether he got to experience love.

In some sense, the difference between you and chad is like the difference between a pre-internet incel and you. See, the difference between you and chad is that he gets unlimited sex, and you only get unlimited porn. But the difference between pre-internet incels and you is that you get unlimited porn, and they get nothing.

A pre-internet incel would probably imagine that if he could switch places with you, he could wade into the sea of porn cope and he wouldn't feel so bad - just like we imagine that if we could switch places with chad, we would be happy.

I'm convinced that none of these options necessarily makes one happy.
tldr; "genma" is a bluepilled fag
Could you elaborate?
theres nothing to elaborate on, hes a low iq scitzocel who thinks hes high iq because hes smarter then literal mentally retarded people
Satisfy foot fetish with escorts, try to have a better stable income and try to get rid of inceldom somehow
imagine being incel and having foot fetish same time. licking femoids feet is most embarrasing thing. chad fucks her and you enjoy her disgusting feet wtf. its worst form of simping. escorts getting fucked by normies and incels too and you are paying her lots of money for licking her feet wtf
Just fucking copemaxx? Play bibeo bames, coom and watch anime? Jesus fuck this seems like a shitty life, is there any way to escape this rut and be happy? (Without ascending, naturally).
-SEAmaxxing, Latinamericamaxxing, africamaxxing
-Surgery for height and face
-Arranged marriage If you are curry
-Last resort,buy a wife from Afganistan idk it's ovER
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[UWSL]Moneymaxxing for copemaxxing is the only thing left for me.[/UWSL]
Just fucking copemaxx? Play bibeo bames, coom and watch anime? Jesus fuck this seems like a shitty life, is there any way to escape this rut and be happy? (Without ascending, naturally).
I hate anime. Fuck anime and waifu copers. I dont want to be that kind of person, i just can't have genuine sex with a female, thats all. Theres no real cope for inceldom
Good question. My plan is to moneymaxx + locationmaxx + hookermaxx. I'm going to give up on relationships and just fuck hookers. Be a libertine
The three pillars of a good life are health, wealth, and sex. Since we're screwed out of the last one, I'm just maxxing the first 2 and yeah, bibeo bames and banime.
I'm trying to learn JS to become a front-end Dev. They make a lot, right? Or is that a myth?
Look on www.jobserve.com for JS jobs and what libraries they ask for. The site will give you an idea what to learn and what the pay is. Or look on a similiar site for your country.

I think JS is a difficult language and the libraries/frameworks look tough to learn too. Look on the job boards to find out what skill is in demand and then see if you can teach yourself it.

Or maybe a trade like something that is always in demand. Fixing internals walls of others had to access cables or pipes might be good.
Maybe I could foodmax but I don't want to be a fat fuck. I've been trying to gymmax for a while but it's been going real slow
Food doesn't works for me anymore.Alcohol has a much powerful high.
Web-developement is currently oversaturated. If You want to get into it, make sure You enjoy it. Because most people Will pay You pennies
What's a good-paying alternative then? Preferably something that doesn't require a huge knowledge of mathematics
Or maybe a trade like something that is always in demand. Fixing internals walls of others had to access cables or pipes might be good.
I'd prefer something I can do remotely, so I can get the salary of a big city while living somewhere rural where it's cheaper and more peaceful.
[UWSL]Moneymaxxing for copemaxxing is the only thing left for me.[/UWSL]
Same bro. My salary is poor but i spend so little now that its nearly all savings. I also invest in index funds. One of my biggest copes right now is saving all i can and hoping to improve my salary and gain profit with my investings. That's the thing keeping me on the wheel right now.
I'd prefer something I can do remotely, so I can get the salary of a big city while living somewhere rural where it's cheaper and more peaceful.
A job in IT then as lots of remote jobs now or just one day on site.

Try to get a routine with bed time and wake up time and aim for 2 hours a day of learning tech Mon to Fri. Just write programs in one framework like angular or whatever is in demand. Thinking about it maybe learn Node.js as that's backend and might be easier than learning a UI framework. I'm not sure tbh. All you need is the core of a language that should be enough. Try to get a job that's not bug fixing but working on new code instead.
What's a good-paying alternative then? Preferably something that doesn't require a huge knowledge of mathematics
I sadly don't know, but even if it's oversaturated go for it if you really enjoy it. But don't do it just for the money, because it will get tiring pretty fast
I'm trying to learn JS to become a front-end Dev. They make a lot, right? Or is that a myth?
back end(especially distributed systems) earn more but those jobs are harder to get and u need degree more often than not.
Web-developement is currently oversaturated. If You want to get into it, make sure You enjoy it. Because most people Will pay You pennies
brutal truth although if OP goes to a good university, he an grind leetcode and still get a good front end job. but otherwise ogrw
brutal truth although if OP goes to a good university, he an grind leetcode and still get a good front end job. but otherwise ogrw
Yeah for sure, i don't think you can't for sure get a job. I just think with the market as it it's, it's pretty darn hard. Too many newbies and too easy to get into, not only that but it's too "good" to be a developer nowadays, you can get a six figure job and work remotely from anywhere in the world. And you don't need to waste 5 years of your life pursuing a degree, it's a no brainer really.
Yeah for sure, i don't think you can't for sure get a job. I just think with the market as it it's, it's pretty darn hard. Too many newbies and too easy to get into, not only that but it's too "good" to be a developer nowadays, you can get a six figure job and work remotely from anywhere in the world. And you don't need to waste 5 years of your life pursuing a degree, it's a no brainer really.
apparently recession is incoming soon too. will make everything worse
apparently recession is incoming soon too. will make everything worse
I don't think that's gonna actually happen, like it may or may not but people like to get scared. A lot of shit happened already, think about it. You gonna add a recesion to an ongoing war plus a deadly virus that took 3 year lifespan of normies? lol :feelsohh:
get money through watever means , and hedonism Max
If it truly is over for you just accept your situation, with acceptance comes the loss of regrets and frustration. Won't happen overnight however, might take years before you find a semblance of peace.

Then do whatever occupies your brain until death's sweet embrace takes you. Reading, learning an instrument, escortmaxxing, video games, anime, doesn't matter. That's the one good thing about our corrupt times, boredom is almost impossible.

Also, try to find a remote place to live in - preferably rural. Less violence in these areas, less chads / stacies mogging and taunting you with their happy lives, more old people, etc. You'll be better off if a collapse does happen eventually too.

Lastly, avoid all forms of social media. This rotten world sucks, just withdraw from it. Seeing normies will only fuel your hatred and unhapiness anyway.
Suicide or cope hard. I know personally that no one could ever love me which is why I'm forced to live as a hermit but at least I have my copes.
back end(especially distributed systems) earn more but those jobs are harder to get and u need degree more often than not.
I wouldn't do back-end because I FUCKING HATE working with databases.

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