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Experiment What socio-economic environment where you raised in?


  • Government benefits (legit broke ass shit tier lifestyle)

  • Low middle class (parents had a fairly low paying job, small house, not much stuff)

  • Middle class (decent house, not struggling but able to save a bit of money for decent shit)

  • Upper middle class (good house in good area, parents could spend money on games and shit)

  • Upper class (legit nice house(s), go on many holidays, millions in assets)

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Dec 4, 2017
What kind of jobs did your parents have, how was it growing up? I was low mid class up until high school, i could say my familys now middle class.
Was low middle class in elementary, and now in Upper middle class since my dad career maxxed for years now
Middle class, average as fuck.
trailer trash, alternating between 1 and 2
upper clase live in gated community grew up with 3 maids but parents dont give me shit anymore and i barely leave the house
middle class
nice, what does he do?
Medic overlord or something. He has a bunch of other doctors licking his boots because he is now the puppet master. Kind of inspiring really, as he might have been incel had he been born today.
I was average middle class when living in SE Europe, am actually poorer now but only because the life is more expensive here.
Dad died when i was 1 year old mom got fired when i was 3 lived in welfare ever since then
Upper class net worth, but upper middle class lifestyle.
Funny thing is, my dad lived off of benefits for 15 years after my mum left him when I was about 5, but we still pretty much lived a middle-class lifestyle. We did live in a council house, but we ate decent food, we had a PC and I had a PS2 (And later on an Xbox 360) with every game I ever wanted for them. We were definitely better off than the majority of people around our area. A lot of households around there were 5+ people households that lived off of cheap ass processed food, didn't have a PC or gaming consoles.
lower class scum, but my mother managed money well so I never really felt it
90s - 2008 - Upper class, parents had lots of money, we had a big ass house, vacations were near monthly, shit tons of expensive furniture, newest technology, expensive ass clothes, going out to eat whenever we damn felt like it, stayed in hotels whenever we damn felt like it, etc.
2008 - 2014 - Upper middle class, parents moved to a slightly less bigger house, vacations were every season, no expensive furniture, some new shit, going out to eat every Friday and Saturday night.
2015 - 2016 - Low middle class, we moved again to a smaller house, couldn't pay for driving courses, no vacations, we were real fucking close to being on food stamps, stopped going out to eat and shit.
2017 - present - Middle class, we moved to a better house, there are things within range which we can afford (however I still never got anything for my birthdays and shit because my parents can NOT budget anything under 6 figures for the life of them), pseudo-upper middle class lifestyle however.

And we went broke at the time which was supposed to be the best in my life (high school), seriously JFL, fuck Obama, fuck my parents' horrible budgeting skills, and overall, fuck my fucking life.
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90s - 2008 - Upper class, parents had lots of money, we had a big ass house, vacations were near monthly, shit tons of expensive furniture, newest technology, expensive ass clothes, going out to eat whenever we damn felt like it, stayed in hotels whenever we damn felt like it, etc.
2008 - 2014 - Upper middle class, parents moved to a slightly less bigger house, vacations were every season, no expensive furniture, some new shit, going out to eat every Friday and Saturday night.
2015 - 2016 - Low middle class, we moved again to a smaller house, couldn't pay for driving courses, no vacations, we were real fucking close to being on food stamps, stopped going out to eat and shit.
2017 - present - Middle class, we moved to a better house, there are things within range which we can afford (however I still never got anything for my birthdays and shit because my parents can NOT budget anything under 6 figures for the life of them), pseudo-upper middle class lifestyle however.

And we went broke at the time which was supposed to be the best in my life (high school), seriously JFL, fuck Obama, fuck my parents' horrible budgeting skills, and overall, fuck my fucking life.
lol how the fuck? did they not have accountants or something?
I am from the upper middle class
Low class, shit house in a horrible neighbourhood where I got mugged many times during walking back from middle school
I've been through a motherfucking rollercoaster:
90's: Upper middle class. Parents own apartment, toys aplenty, great food...but I'm almost always at my old ma's since they both work all day
Early 00's: Dad died. Somehow still middle class
Mid 00's: Still middle class but barely. Single motherhood is starting to show its true colors
Late 00's: Broke since mom dies. Since I wasn't even legally an adult I got passed around family like a cheap skank. Food wasn't much of an issue but technology kind of was
Very late 00's: End up with brother. Still broke
Early 10's: Brother's utter inability to manage money doesn't help us in any way. His then GF(now ex) also makes sure I get the bad end of the bargain. We end up with gaps in food and basic tech needs. Even get warnings from utility providers
Early mid 10's: FINALLY become a legal adult. Get my inheritance & pensions into my hands, vidya and food are never again an issue. Get new PC, adopt an adult dog, life is looking promising. Solidly back into middle class.
NOW: Lower-class lifestyle. I have food and cheap vidya but that's it. Career attempts failed. First dog died and have yet to have found decent replacement. Moved into my studio apartment (big part of own inheritance) alone. Have decent savings but not touching them since I might be jobless for a while after finishing college. While in college I keep getting survivor's pensions (covers food,bills and the odd vidya) but there's only 1 year left. Future isn't looking too bright
I grew up in a house in a village outside of Arjeplog in Sweden. We were middle class Episcopalians, and everyone in my village were Episcopalians. I did not have much toys growing up, but there was a lake where one could bathe during summers, and forests where one could walk and think a lot. I liked the village school, and my childhood was mostly happy, apart from my mother being cold and absent, and my father hitting me a lot. I remember I had to cut the twigs and give them to him so he could hit me on my bare buttocks.

Later on we moved to Eskilstuna, where my mother's family is coming from. There I was bullied very badly by guys in school, because you know I am short and thin and pretty bad a football because I am weak. So they wanted me to swear, dragged down my pants and laughed at my private parts, stuffed me into lockers, threw my books into muddy puddles. And I became very angry, I wanted to kill them. But that just made me afraid of going to Hell, because it was sinful in the Christian Religion to have such violent thoughts.

I wish I could have told the bullies how bad they made me feel, so they would have understood and left me alone.

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