Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

What social networks do you have?



May 13, 2018
Facebook: Yes but abandoned, I only use it to check a page about my small town and see if there's something interesting to buy or to sell my sheit kek

Twitter: No, it's for libtard SJWs

Instagram: Yes, a fake Instagram only to follow hoes and porn actresses and fap

Linkedin: No

Tumblr: No (same reasons as Twitter)

Youtube: Yes but I don't upload anything

Reddit: Yes, to check braincels and cringeanarchy
I had youtube, I closed it years ago (same for my google account).
Imdb, I liked it but when they closed the board, I terminated my account there.
Instagram, twitter, facebook, etc, there is no point.
Only reddit; I have an Instagram account but I don't use it.
only facebook. i needed to contact my irl friends. but i just recently deleted it
Nothing. Only the people I want to speak to have my number.
Incels. is
Youtube:i have my own channel
Instagram:Fake acc.
I have them to go and get suifuel
Fb but inactive
Youtube, i sometimes upload stuff.
MeWe, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Flickr, Myspace, etc.
I have inactive accounts on kikebook and instacuck, and a fake account on twitter

Not exactly. Having social media accounts helps people to keep in contact with you.
I watch YouTube, Browse braincels every now and then on reddit, Sometimes scroll through Instagram (For shitty memes, history/informative stuff, and green text reposts, no posts and hardly follow people I actually know) I'll admit i have Normiechat though, good source of suifuel every now and then.
Only Facebook, and I rarely use it.
Nothing. There's not even a single pic of me online. I'm totally non-existent online.
only facebook because of work and college
jewtube and soundcloud (if that even counts)
I have youtube and reddit accounts.
My family
Some friends from high school
Some youtubers and commenters
I deleted FB, Snapchat and Twitter.
All I have left is reddit for braincels, MGTOW and other subreddits.
Twitter to keep up with sports and Donald Trump
Reddit for braincels and r/NBA
Thats pretty much it
facebook which I made in the 6th grade. pretty much it.
I have normiebook because every student at my uni uses it to chat 24/7 and I don't want to be the freak who doesn't have an account. I have no friends tho so barely use it. I made a Linkedin recently because I have to find a job after uni
I'm thinking about making a Mastodon social account tbhngl.
sometimes twitter and this forum
I had a google account but I closed it because the FBI were investigating me
The only social network I have is incels.is kinda
I have no reason to have any actual social media accounts. I have no one to contact and I don't want to go out of my way to see a bunch of normies and their attention whoring, virtue signalling bullshit. The only social networks I have are this one and my Microsoft account, which I use to renew my Office 365 subscription when the time comes.
Tbh It's nothing special, the FBI investigates everyone without them knowing
In october 16 2018 I received an email from google about some case number, and saying that their one year non-disclosure agreement ended so they had to inform me that the fucking cucks were investigating me.
They didn't say anything in particular but I assume it's because I uploaded some incel videos

It's been 5 months and nothing has happened, no weird calls or anything so why even bother tbh
I live outside of the US and I dont even have a US citizenship so they can't do anything against me jfl fucking cucks
How come?
Tbh It's nothing special, the FBI investigates everyone without them knowing
In october 16 2018 I received an email from google about some case number, and saying that their one year non-disclosure agreement ended so they had to inform me that the fucking cucks were investigating me.
They didn't say anything in particular but I assume it's because I uploaded some incel videos

It's been 5 months and nothing has happened, no weird calls or anything so why even bother tbh
I live outside of the US and I dont even have a US citizenship so they can't do anything against me jfl fucking cucks
I'm so lazy bro post it here
Basic postmaxxing bro
Tbh It's nothing special, the FBI investigates everyone without them knowing
In october 16 2018 I received an email from google about some case number, and saying that their one year non-disclosure agreement ended so they had to inform me that the fucking cucks were investigating me.
They didn't say anything in particular but I assume it's because I uploaded some incel videos

It's been 5 months and nothing has happened, no weird calls or anything so why even bother tbh
I live outside of the US and I dont even have a US citizenship so they can't do anything against me jfl fucking cucks

Basic postmaxxing bro
kek lmao i remember now

remind me some cucks telling me report me to fbi and some shit :feelskek:

cucks think everyone live in the US
It’s literally right above you bro..:dafuckfeels:
moderm problems require modern solutions:feelsthink:
YouTube:Yes,I make videos
Twitter:yes, rearly
Tumblr:Not anymore,It used to be a goldmine for porn.
Twitter and Tumblr. I also have YouTube accounts but never use them. YouTube sucks nowadays...
I have snapchat to send messages to one or two people.

Jfl at the postmaxxing on this thread tbh
Facebook: Yes cause I've made it years ago
Twitter: Yes so I can spread the blackpill
Youtube: Yes to blackpill and debate like Twitter
Instagram: Yes to connect with my friends but I never post
Reddit: banned in my country like porn so I can't sign up
Facebook: I only use it to check up on my classmates from my old high school which I used to go to

Twitter: I have one but I only use it for Roblox (yes I said Roblox)

Youtube: I use it to watch random shit and to watch the channels I'm interested in

Instagram: I use it to look at what my favorite rappers are posting, and for the same reasons I stated about Facebook

Reddit: Yes to look at Braincels and shit
Facebook: Yes but abandoned, I only use it to check a page about my small town and see if there's something interesting to buy or to sell my sheit kek

Twitter: No, it's for libtard SJWs

Instagram: Yes, a fake Instagram only to follow hoes and porn actresses and fap

Linkedin: No

Tumblr: No (same reasons as Twitter)

Youtube: Yes but I don't upload anything

Reddit: Yes, to check braincels and cringeanarchy
Facebook and Instagram so I can depress over how much better other people have it. No one ever messages me on Facebook except for my mom.
abadoned Facebook and a Youtube account used only to make playlists and comment

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