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Serious What should be done about the tranny question?


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Jul 23, 2018
I want to take some time to talk about this issue, specially since many of our users are also on discord (a hotspot for trannies).
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. If you think mutilating yourself will "fix" you, you are mentally ill. Let me put it this way, if I told you I wasn't comfortable with the look of my arm and wanted to get a surgery that transformed it into a frankenstein fake foot, you'd think I'm batshit insane right? Well, it's the same thing here.
It's really sad how our society is letting this degeneracy take root, and even promoting it to innocent children, brainwashing them. Unbelievable.
Gender "confirmation" (lol) surgeries involve chopping off your dick and opening a giant wound in the place your dick was. Since it's a wound, it will naturally close, so trannies have an evil object of the Devil called a "dilator", which is used to keep the wound open. Since it's a wound, it's prone to get infected and full of pus and other disgusting shit.
Lonely men are prone to trannymaxxing (it's been a big problem on /r9k/ for a while, they recruit vulnerable young men to become discord trannies, google "reiko r9k" to see the extent of the insanity), so I just want to advise you not to go down that dark path. Discord is not the solution. Trannymaxxing is not the solution. Take care of yourselves.
But in the end, transexuals are still just mentally ill victims of our depraved society. They're not at fault for what is happening.
The ones who truly deserve punishment are the politicians promoting it and the disgusting "doctors" performing these operations. Absolute monsters!
That's why I think they should be rehabilitated.
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If they have undergone surgery it is too late for them and a bullet would be the most merciful thing for them.

Otherwise rehabiliation maybe possible for some but the best solution is to prevent indoctrination i the first place. Although that would require a 360 turnaround from current culture.
Let them be, but at the margin of society. We shouldn't encourage this type of behavior at all, let alone in kids.
Gender "confirmation" (lol) surgeries involve chopping off your dick and opening a giant wound in the place your dick was. Since it's a wound, it will naturally close, so trannies have an evil object of the Devil called a "dilator", which is used to keep the wound open. Since it's a wound, it's prone to get infected and full of pus and other disgusting shit.
That shit makes me cringe just thinking about it.
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. Transition, if at all should only be the absolute last resort once all options are exhausted and it's safe to say the individual will kill themselves otherwise.
I have some sort of sympathy for these people. They're pretty similiar to incels, in that they're really unsatisfied with how they look like. But we don't get state funded surgeries for looksmaxxing and aren't a protected class, so my sympathy is purely abstract and more of a thought exercise.
I couldn't care less about them.
I do not care about trannies as long as they keep it out of public, when they start pushing for public acceptance of their mental illness then I think that they should be rehabilitated.
Kill it like jews.
Trannies are mentally ill
nothing, they'll just kill themselves anyway
Line them all up against the wall and use them as target practice for aspiring soldiers
Trannies are better in being woman than actual women ngl. :feelsthink:
IDGAF whatsoever, but give them 1000+ µg LSD and see what happens.
Trannies, who will help me to search for cute adorable loli waifu, can live. Others can be gassed
There is no correct answer in poll. Answer is: operation and hormonal therapy. It's like if normie and 8+/10 (we should give them names) people just thinked that we are need to be killed or just castrated and used for hard or low-payed job. Also imagine how people will make us avoid the plastic surgeries because "it's not natural" and "You born as ugly to be our penyata, so be it!".

Fighting against other groups of people who suffering because of predetermined stuff is fighting against ourselves - very low iq.
I do not care about trannies as long as they keep it out of public, when they start pushing for public acceptance of their mental illness then I think that they should be rehabilitated.
At first, they should be put on house arrest so they could rethink their decisions and entire life. If they insist on their perversed ways they should be put on a mental asylum until they are cured. And anyone that tries to lecture children about "Trans-acceptance" should be imprisoned. "Transgenderism" is a mental illness and should not be glorified. No sane man wants to mutilate himself.
Idgaf just dont shove it down my throat
Also if a trannt gets kids involved Id maim them
They need to be rehabilitated, even after they transition their suicide rates are absurdly high. But our society is such a fucking joke now that kids as young a 3 or 4 are being encouraged to take puberty blockers and hormones.
I would date a tranny if she passed, volcel if you wouldn't.
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imagine being so crazy that you actually mutilate your dick, and replacing it with a permanent gaping wound
do those mtf trannies even feel any pleasure when they have "sex"?
and how do they fap?? no clit and no dick...jfl
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I would date a tranny if she passed, fakecel if you wouldn't.
how you gonna have sex though, they either have dick or a gaping wound as a genital, that shit is beyond gross
First of all, im not supporting or pushing tranny shit.
I do not judge them.
There is 2 things other tahn body dysmorphia that made them trannies:
  1. Social pressure
The society is supporting forced masculanity. ohh, just look at how he speaks. so girly.
These stuff will make people sad and tired. I dont have any sources but i think most males are not cool about their masculanity. Bec. its just a hard thing to do. Back then being a male. was a good thing. They had power. Bit nowadays being a male is not that great. (even for chads, im not talkimg aboit normies and subhumans) They want to become trannies to avoid the social pressure.
I think most of them dont even have the body dysmorphia, they are just trying to run away from the hard male life.
Its like cheating on a save file in a video game.

2. Problems about hormones (Low T)

I think low T males do have a higher chance to become a tranny. They are males so they are screwed from the beginning. And thats not all the problems they have. They are considered as males but they dont have the typical male T level so they cant even act, behave and seen as real males.
idk how anyone gets mentally ill enough to snip their dick & balls off
They are mentally ill and the society is affirming them in their delusion, which is the worst thing to do.
Tbh I'm appalled by the number of people who want trannies to be killed, you're pretty much legitimizing normies who want us dead.
"What should be done about the TQ?"
As if anyone, can do anything, about it.

The real problem is the JQ.
(((They))) are the ones promoting it.

Not very long ago gayness was a mental illness. Now it's a source of (((pride)))!

It - like porn - is just another social weapon.

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