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LifeFuel What movie/book characters do you associate as being incel the most?



May 17, 2018
It's important for people to have those in culture and media that represent them. I know of a lot that come off as incel to me. What about you?
Smeagol, when I first read LOTR, even before I was blackpilled he was my favorite character.
Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye
Master Roshi is the OG incel.
The mutant in 300.
The mutant in 300.

A perfect example of how we are treated by men. He never even came close to a woman... he was an incel, trying his best to be part of the team, and got betrayed.. so he went ER. Js.
the protagonist in my diary desu
Travis Bickle from movie "Taxi Driver", Henry Kinaski from Charles Bukowski novel "Ham on Rye"
napoleon dynamite is my favorite incel movie. also that one nerdy guy in the breakfast club. he was the only one that didn't leave detention with a girl.
McLovin, even other losers avoided me and some adults took pity on me. No happy ending though.
Travis Bickle from movie "Taxi Driver", Henry Kinaski from Charles Bukowski novel "Ham on Rye"

I was thinking of making a thread about how Travis Bickle is an extreme example of how to escape inceldom. Minus the excess murder.
My picks are, Ralph Wiggum, Millhouse( yes he kissed a girl, but not much else. Come at me.) And maybe Billy Bibbitt from "One flew over the Cuckoo nest."

Cyrano de Bergerac shoulda been here top 5 posts. That whole damn play is inceldom in all forms.
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Fuck.. that never occurred to me.

It changed my life. If i hadn''t read that play in HS i'd be a 100% truecel til death. I'm far from a normie. Definitely not a chad.

But dammit, it gave me hope. That play can be incredibly inspiring for incel recovery
It changed my life. If i hadn''t read that play in HS i'd be a 100% truecel til death. I'm far from a normie. Definitely not a chad.

But dammit, it gave me hope. That play can be incredibly inspiring for incel recovery
Not... um... not really sure you sound like... you belong.. here.
Not... um... not really sure you sound like... you belong.. here.

Again. I'm far from being able to talk to women let alone have sex that easy. Was totally truecel til 27. Im 31 now, haven't seen boobies in over a year. Had a few brief encounters. Might never see another woman naked ever again.

Point is there is definitely a path to break the cycle. Cyrano de bergerac showed me the way.


Arondil's Journal,
Day 1
It seems the cretins of Dawnstar are not quite a [sic] foolish as I had surmised. They found my experimentations, and needless to say, were not pleased with what they saw. No matter. My work can only flourish without the distractions of living amongst the unenlightened.

I have found a cave off the north coast of Skyrim that will be more than sufficient for my continued studies. The ruins of Yngvild should hold the materials I need to learn more about reanimating and enslaving the dead.

On a personal note, I WILL miss the young maidens of Dawnstar. Such beauty was intoxication. I often found my thoughts wandering around them, imagining secret encounters between myself and one or two of the local girls...

Day 8
I have established a temporary work station in the cold caves, and have found multiple burial chambers within the snow and ice. While in the first chamber, I exhumed a few 'test subjects,' all female. I was stunned to find my mind wandering again to the women of Dawnstar as I examine my find. At first, I was slightly disturbed by my thoughts, but later I found myself reevaluating...

Day 9
The first trials went splendidly. Each subject was reanimated in a state of total complacency, bending to my every task and whim. I have ordered a few of my new servants to guard the island, while the rest will act as my personal entourage, standing by me at all times. Standing watch over me while I sleep...

Day 21
An intriguing development. Tonight, my guards have brought me a trespasser they found near the cave. At first I was understandably upset. Not only was I disturbed during one of my few moments alone with my favorite servant, but I recognized the trespasser as a milk maid from Dawnstar. She remembered me, as well, and made bold claims that I had been lurking near her at all hours. What lies! True, I had taken notice of her on occasion, but she was nowhere near the most noticeable of maidens in town. Her continued accusations, coupled with my fear of more uninvited guests, led me to conclude that she could never return to Dawnstar. My servants were quick to carry out my sentencing.

Her body is here next to me, as I write this. Funny. Her eyes are still so full of life. Perhaps I will try a new experiment tonight, using fresher materials.

Day 28
The new experiment has proven a success! The milk maid (who's [sic] name still escapes me) was revived as the others, bowing to my commands, with only one interesting development. She has reformed incorporeally, more phantasm than reanimated dead. As her glowing visage stood before me, I found my hand reaching out to touch her. As my fingers passed through her, I felt a sensation unlike any other, as if her essence were invigorating my very soul, connecting with me on a level no woman of flesh and blood could do. This discovery is life changing!

Day 35
I have ordered my older servants to go out and find any more subjects that may have become lost. With the discovery of the inner sanctum deeper still within Yngvild, I should have sufficient room to store many new materials until I can transform them into willing slaves. I look back on my daydreams whilst living in Dawnstar and wonder if they were in fact portents of times to come...
Incels in media actually disgust me. I really always wanted to be Chad and lived my life accordingly. James Bond was one of my childhood heroes. If I wasn't such a mentalcel cause of my shit upbringing, I would probably be a bully to you incels tbh familamadingdongs. Perhaps I ended up as an incel to get a life lesson from the demiurge.

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deformed truecel with pizza face burn scars on the right side. mentalcel from years of social isolation and watching his true incarnation take everything he cared about and loved which drove him completely insane.
That malnourished fuck from 1984.
Incels in media actually disgust me. I really always wanted to be Chad and lived my life accordingly. James Bond was one of my childhood heroes. If I wasn't such a mentalcel cause of my shit upbringing, I would probably be a bully to you incels tbh familamadingdongs. Perhaps I ended up as an incel to get a life lesson from the demiurge.
Winston? He had sex multiple times though
Not winston, the dude in part 3, he's offered a piece of bread by another inmate because he's starving but he's a snitch who knows he's getting in trouble for eating it so he tries to stick it on the guy who gave him the food so he doesn't go to room 101, he ends up there anyway.
also this book perfume by patrick suskind its about this truecel oprhan guy who hates society and starts making perfume in the 1800s and goes on a murder spree to capture the scent of virgins/women.
Moe Szyslak
Always thinking about roping and got dumped by a dwarf.
Rorshach. Also the protagonist in 'Maniac' starring Elijah Wood. Both guys are deranged manlets.

Edit: Actually I think the guy in Maniac gets a blowjob, so he's not incel. Still liked his murdering though. Also the protagonist in Perfume is cool.
The Taxi Driver guy


Fight Club narrator
People are picking the hell out of my favorite! yay.

Wanted him to win... but it was realistic. He died alone, used, and misunderstood just like all of us will.
What if Guts was friendzoned by Casca the entire time.....

What if Guts was friendzoned by Casca the entire time.....

i predict the ending of berserk will be some sort of time fuckery where guts sacrifices himself to make that vision of casca and griffith at the beginning of the series a reality.

As for incels in media, other have mentioned travis bickle from taxi driver and taxi driver is my favourite film by far. Futoshi from Darling in the Franxx was a recent character i really felt for
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Oblomov's protagonist.
Penny Dreadful is an amazing drams that deals with the horrors of loneliness and specifically inceldom beautifully. Namely Dr. Frankenstein and his created monster,
Harold Lauder from Stephen King's The Stand. He was only 16 and later he got to buttfuck the devil's fiance or something, but his inner monologue is 100% incel.

Bremer dan Gorst from The Heroes by Joe Abercrombie. The the first books he comes off as this very awkward but capable and dutiful knight. It's only when you get to read his inner thoughts that you realize the boiling cauldron of hatred towards women and normies that lies beneath. Suicidal gymcel + escortcel.
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Japanese soldier.

They're not afraid to die and not afraid to commit homicides. Perfect combination for ER operations.

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