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Serious What Makes Incels So Weak?

  • Thread starter universallyabhorred
  • Start date


Nov 8, 2017
We all know nothing like the beta uprising is happening, that most fightERs are just bluepilled incel losers sticking it to society for personal reasons and not for any kind of incel cause. We know incel men will betray each other for even a tiny crumb of pussy, like ugly used up single mother pussy. But I think it's more than that, most people interpret the blackpill as advising them to LDAR. Only a tiny amount even have the courage to rope, so incels will continue to be oppressed and be the autistic laughing stock of society, a bunch of loser men that everyone can point, jeer and laugh at and occasionally scapegoat for crimes unrelated to us. We have 0 in group identity or loyalty and nobody here can change that, even the admin and mods have pretty much proven to be FBI infiltrators removing any based posts and doing nothing to help incels.
Soyciety cucks us
I guess that's what happens to people who've been bullied and humiliated all their lives tbh.
Soyciety cucks us
Other groups got cucked too in the past like niggers and women, and look how society bows down and kisses their ass right now. Our weakness as a group is internal not external, that's why we will never achieve anything and are better of dead or exterminated. If the pigs or feds came to your door right now and were going to send you to a concentration camp for being incel, even if you had a loaded gun with you or in your house, you'd still follow them meekly to your destiny as a slave.
Most of us are short tbh.

But I know for a fact 1 incel beats 10 inceltear faggots
I guess that's what happens to people who've been bullied and humiliated all their lives tbh.
No, there are people who experienced that and rose up about it, even changed society for the better, but incels will never do that because they are worthless and pathetic.
if evERyone did their part, we could make a change
Most of us are short tbh.

But I know for a fact 1 incel beats 10 inceltear faggots
Another ridiculous excuse, many civil leaders, dictators, and even warriors were short.

At this point, a bluepilled IT incel is more likely to go ER than someone here, meaning they can easily take down 10 incels.co members while idiots here thump their chests for being better than IT, while rotting all day in their own filth.
if evERyone did their part, we could make a change
We all know that won't ever happen, so the question is why.
OP have you read Mancur Olson's 1965 book on "collective action theory"?

As far as I'm concerned, we aren't a group nor a movement, I'm just here to LDAR and chill with people who know how it feels to be subhuman.
incels are incels because theyre weak. women aren't attracted to weak people
incels are incels because theyre weak. women aren't attracted to weak people
Incels choose to be weak because they are actually satisfied with their lives but enjoy complaining about it without changing things, whether individually or as a group.
1) Victim of psyops and class warfare/division brought to us by the corporatisz elite owning the media
2) Incel really is a hurting health condition coming with many comorbidities
Incels choose to be weak because they are actually satisfied with their lives but enjoy complaining about it without changing things, whether individually or as a group.
TheY cHOosE tO losE. SMH
1) Victim of psyops and class warfare/division brought to us by the corporatisz elite owning the media
2) Incel really is a hurting health condition coming with many comorbidities
1) So incel media is owned by the elite too, including this site, every incel discord other incel sites and discords? It that's the case why doesn't anyone here start their own incel group.
2) True, but many of these conditions are mental/emotional and could be overcome with work.
2) True, but many of these conditions are mental/emotional and could be overcome with work.
Bruh, you know yourself how the healthcare system, social bonds and our tools overal suck, jfl.
And you OP, have you tried to change things?
No, explain?

Am not in the mood to write a long essay, so here's a basic description of it.

Basically, a collective action problem occurs when a large group fail to provide themselves with a Pareto-optimal quantity of non-excludable public goods. This is a result given that the rational course of action for each individual is to free-ride, as transaction costs increases with group size. If, for some members, marginal cost of action exceeds marginal returns, then they are incentivized to not participate, leading to suboptimal provision of the good in question.

All communities have to contend with some version of this one way or another -- it explains corruption and protectionism as well.

Also see resource mobilization theory and political process theory as applied to social movements.
Incels choose to be weak because they are actually satisfied with their lives but enjoy complaining about it without changing things, whether individually or as a group.
im talking more physically, most incels are short and not muscular, which may also apply to their personality
We were born weak. Inferior genes, weak bones, low motivation, low T. Can't do nothing about that.
“Incel losers” what makes us losers tho ? Being bullied and ostracized just because how we look and act ?
What Makes Incels So Weak?
OP if we were born inherently strong we would be more similar to high-T chads that get laid easily.

Angry as we are and as much correlation rage has with test, we're probably lower-test on average since higher test correlates with height/mesomorphism/masculine looks/IQ which would also give us higher status and easier time holding hands w/ girls
Genetics probably. Weaker physical frame in absence of gymceling, non-NT and inability to instantly read social cues and therefore lead a group, clumsy movements and gait and being bad at athletics or any kind of activity that requires good hand and eye coordination.
We all know nothing like the beta uprising is happening, that most fightERs are just bluepilled incel losers sticking it to society for personal reasons and not for any kind of incel cause. We know incel men will betray each other for even a tiny crumb of pussy, like ugly used up single mother pussy. But I think it's more than that, most people interpret the blackpill as advising them to LDAR. Only a tiny amount even have the courage to rope, so incels will continue to be oppressed and be the autistic laughing stock of society, a bunch of loser men that everyone can point, jeer and laugh at and occasionally scapegoat for crimes unrelated to us. We have 0 in group identity or loyalty and nobody here can change that, even the admin and mods have pretty much proven to be FBI infiltrators removing any based posts and doing nothing to help incels.
Most of us have chad/chalite friends or family, or stacy/becky family members. I doubt most of us would want to harm them just because no one else gives af about us and we are genetic failures.
“Incel losers” what makes us losers tho ? Being bullied and ostracized just because how we look and act ?
Not being able to have sex for a man (for any reason) makes society think you are a loser. They are bluepilled and pretend looks are only a small factor.
It's from all the MANDATORY (((vaccines))) you are forced to get!
Most of us have chad/chalite friends or family, or stacy/becky family members. I doubt most of us would want to harm them just because no one else gives af about us and we are genetic failures.
Your family/friends should mean nothing to you because they don't give two shits about you. Relationships are based on caring and concern, if none of them care enough to help you find a gf or are concerned about your pain then they deserve to suffer.
Your family/friends should mean nothing to you because they don't give two shits about you. Relationships are based on caring and concern, if none of them care enough to help you find a gf or are concerned about your pain then they deserve to suffer.
They've actually tried, I've even had a friend tell me that he won't get a new gf until I do, but it was all in vain. My parents tried to hook me up with a neighborhood chick, but she rejected after she saw my face. Now I just told my parents about blackpill ideology and how most women are just sluts anyways. I don't even care at this point, but I know they tried their best.

It's just over for me.
They've actually tried, I've even had a friend tell me that he won't get a new gf until I do, but it was all in vain. My parents tried to hook me up with a neighborhood chick, but she rejected after she saw my face. Now I just told my parents about blackpill ideology and how most women are just sluts anyways. I don't even care at this point, but I know they tried their best.

It's just over for me.
Time to sui then, godspeed.
Soyciety fears the Anglo
Other groups got cucked too in the past like niggers and women, and look how society bows down and kisses their ass right now. Our weakness as a group is internal not external, that's why we will never achieve anything and are better of dead or exterminated. If the pigs or feds came to your door right now and were going to send you to a concentration camp for being incel, even if you had a loaded gun with you or in your house, you'd still follow them meekly to your destiny as a slave.

All that shit was engineered by the elites of society. Literally nothing is organic EVER. The lower classes larp like the upper classes in a feeble attempt to be tossed crumbs from the plates of those in power. Niggers and foids didn't rise against their oppressors. They are as much tools now as they were then.
Manlets, lack of phisical activity, shy and tired from chronic masturbation.

"The strongest men are those who have nothing to lose"
People can talk about going ER all day but will never have the balls to actually do it.
people will discuss many questions but at the end of the day none will do anything.it's not incels it's people
You lost me there, no idea what those words mean.

Pareto-optimal: a situation in economics/game theory where it is impossible to make a beneficial change to one party without adversely affecting another.

Non-excludable public goods: a non-excludable and non-rivalrous good where consumption does not affect others, and free riders can't be excluded
We all know nothing like the beta uprising is happening, that most fightERs are just bluepilled incel losers sticking it to society for personal reasons and not for any kind of incel cause. We know incel men will betray each other for even a tiny crumb of pussy, like ugly used up single mother pussy. But I think it's more than that, most people interpret the blackpill as advising them to LDAR. Only a tiny amount even have the courage to rope, so incels will continue to be oppressed and be the autistic laughing stock of society, a bunch of loser men that everyone can point, jeer and laugh at and occasionally scapegoat for crimes unrelated to us. We have 0 in group identity or loyalty and nobody here can change that, even the admin and mods have pretty much proven to be FBI infiltrators removing any based posts and doing nothing to help incels.
Because incels are people who are genetically inferior, of course there will be a bunch of weaker people
Society erodes any strength that we might have

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