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Venting What level of child abuse did you receive?

How much did you get screwed over?

  • Level -1 (chad) Parents (usually just dad) gave you an enormous competitive edge over peers

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Ruined Person. People on here say I have a nice VO
May 24, 2024
Mine’s level 3 for sure. With all the forced AP classes, expectations for good grades, and forced sport participation for every season in HS (cross country running, soccer, distance track x4 years)

All that stressed aged my face significantly. Looking at my face vs a normie or even fellow incels is just night and day. Baby bitch no stress smooth vs Fuck-you HARD high cortisol wrinkles and ice pick pores
Picked on by asshole normies a lot in school and at home my parents argued ridiculously bad way too often.
Level 4 which is typical of curries.
standard insal :feelsclown:
i got beatings when i did something wrong, wich did make me scared as a person, but i think it was deserved since kids do need punishment
Level 4 without the physical abuse
none of this, I was helicopter parented and probably spoiled in some ways, but I had no privacy or space and it really fucked me up and made me weak physically and socially and developmentally stunted. I've never moved past the age of 13
none of this, I was helicopter parented and probably spoiled in some ways, but I had no privacy or space and it really fucked me up and made me weak physically and socially and developmentally stunted. I've never moved past the age of 13
So level -1, then?
Level 4. Eventually my mom stopped hitting me when I grew up though.
Level 2 generally but my mother also did psychologically abuse me by bullying me constantly when I was growing up.
level 3, pressured during childhood then promptly neglected during teenage years
My parents have been very supportive and I owe them a lot. Peers tried to bully me and quickly stopped that bullshit when I fought back (just stand up for yourself theory).

Guess that makes me a standardcel according to this metric.
none of this, I was helicopter parented and probably spoiled in some ways, but I had no privacy or space and it really fucked me up and made me weak physically and socially and developmentally stunted. I've never moved past the age of 13
brutal psychological abuse
So level -1, then?
im just saying there's no correlation between having parents that tried and parents that avoided trying to inceldom
constantly neglected and terrified, cops always breaking fights up, fed like shit, slept and was raised on a couch.
divorced, brutally bullied by chad big brother, family breaking windows and shit out of rage.
i hate my life and shitty childhood
level 1, and yeah now that i think about it i didn't really get bullied by my peers but i got teased a lot by them for being autistic, shy and innocent

it's why i sometimes question how everything went so wrong :smonk:
level 2 without neglect
My mother fucked up my left ear, now I have troubles listening on that side. Yet I love my momma :feelsautistic:
i luckily have some pretty based parents
Somewhere between 3 and 4.
Probably closer to 4 now that I think about it but can't change vote.
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none of this, I was helicopter parented and probably spoiled in some ways, but I had no privacy or space and it really fucked me up and made me weak physically and socially and developmentally stunted. I've never moved past the age of 13
This is me, actually my childhood is more complicated than that because I changed household and parental figures a lot but that definitely applies to me.
Helicopter parenting IS PSYCOLOGICAL ABUSE.
This is me, actually my childhood is more complicated than that because I changed household and parental figures a lot but that definitely applies to me.
Helicopter parenting IS PSYCOLOGICAL ABUSE.
my parents are such losers. They never had any hobbies or anything. All they did was work typical 8 hours, come home watch NBA and news. and monitor me and my sister commanding us like robots every second we were home. We were insanely punctual in a society that's never on time or follows the speed limit. CONGRATULATIONS ALL THAT EFFORT INTO PARENTING AND FOLLOWING THE RULES TO CREATE HUMAN ROBOT BUGMEN. Fucking chinks
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my parents are such losers. They never had any hobbies or anything. All they did was work typical 8 hours, come home watch NBA and news. and monitor me and my sister commanding us like robots every second we were home
My experience is a lot more chaotic than that but I definitely still constantly feel their presence like they are still about to completely violate my privacy and barge into my room and nag at me or nose into everything I'm doing.
Idk if you would call it helicopter parenting or what you would call it but I never felt alone.
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They expected me to do thing that are impossible for my defective brain

maybe they should have eaten healthy and drink less alc and i would have been fine.
My experience is a lot more chaotic than that but I definitely still constantly feel their presence like they are still about to completely violate my privacy and barge into my room and nag at me or nose into everything I'm doing.
this was the most frustrating thing about my childhood. I had the potential to make friends. Cool friends would invite me to hang out on rare occasions, but my dad was fucking paranoid and irrationally fearful that we might get sued. ITS SUCH BULLSHIT. It was so embarassing that he forced us to spend constant time together-- you know how it is when you are that lame chink always together with your parent.

Why cant chinks be like KEWL white kids skateboarding like hooligans doing drugs at 12 like their parents dont give a fuck
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this was the most frustrating thing about my childhood. I had the potential to make friends. Cool friends would invite me to hang out on rare occasions, but my dad was fucking paranoid and irrationally fearful that we might get sued. ITS SUCH BULLSHIT. It was so embarassing that he forced us to spend constant time together-- you know how it is when you are that lame chink always together with your parent.

Why cant chinks be like KEWL white kids skateboarding alone like their parents dont give a fuck
I got to hang out some but they were still weird and overprotective about stuff.
They called the cops on me once because I was out past 9:00PM, I had to get escorted home in front of everyone, it was extremely humiliating. I guess that one I can understand somewhat because if you don't know where your kid is at obviously you are going to be concerned but it sucks when you are the only one in the group that can't stay out late, it makes you look like a fucking dork.
Once my step-mom entered my life it was over for me though, she would always make excuses why I can't do stuff and set arbitrary rules for me like I have to make a B average if I don't want to be grounded and then even when I did that she still wouldn't let me do anything, and she would also gaslight me constantly why I don't go out or have any friends, I had friends before this stupid bitch ruined my life. :feelsree: This is why I hate my dad for being a massive cuck and letting their bitch run his life, and be proxy his kid's lives. Shitty parenting is the second biggest cause of inceldom because looks, maybe it's cope but I feel like if my childhood was more normal maybe things would have turned out different.
Not entitled to a Life
Level 5

in short my parents should've never bred me into existence or if I could tell the universe to stop me from being born to my parents, I 100% totally would.
my mother tried not to neglect me but i'm still a failure
I love my parents but they hate me. My dad hit me a lot as a kid but not so much anymore.
I really am not so sure to be honest, does it have to be both parents or only one of them? Because well my mother neglects me but my father can get very abusive when I get on his bad side so probably like level 3 or something.

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