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What is your view of the sexual marketplace.



Apr 25, 2021
“Oh the top 10% of men sleep with 90% of women.” “Oh every girl can get Chad.”

When it comes to sex I see that. But relationship wise I’ve noticed that the best looking women are with average-to above average looking men.

Every other relationship is skewed in the woman’s favour. Meaning the girl will be dating someone more attractive than her.

What do you think?
“Oh the top 10% of men sleep with 90% of women.” “Oh every girl can get Chad.”

When it comes to sex I see that. But relationship wise I’ve noticed that the best looking women are with average-to above average looking men.

Every other relationship is skewed in the woman’s favour. Meaning the girl will be dating someone more attractive than her.

What do you think?
Sexual marketplace, sexual capital, vaginal capitalism, sexual hypergamy, sexual commodification, and sexual eugenics, it's all the same damn thing with just different labels or words attached. It's basically the core essence of female sexuality, mental psychology, and social nature. Men are the sexual proletariat and females are sexual capitalists reaping all the benefits in a monopolistic manner having all the means of reproduction itself, feminism has essentially removed or destroyed all male sexual bargaining power thus throwing men sexually at the mercy of females everywhere who are cutthroat and ruthless with their newly found positions within society. :feelsjuice:
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Needs some government intervention
Wife who refuses to have sex with a man should be divorced without any payments from the husband.
They want a beta buxxer who will suck up to them and do things for them while also having fun with chads.
Wife who refuses to have sex with a man should be divorced without any payments from the husband.
yes. this should be the only law.
Needs some government intervention
It's the only way to fix the problem, yes, the problem is western governments and those nations aligned with them seem hell-bent on letting society implode on itself at this point which seems to be their intended plan all along, going to be a case of being careful what you wish for because before long once they get their wish they're going to find out just how bad things really are as everything slips away from their control, it's all going to end in a violent chaotic mess sooner or later, I have no doubts about this whatsoever.
They want a beta buxxer who will suck up to them and do things for them while also having fun with chads.

yes. this should be the only law.
Currently, a vast majority of betabuxxers are either unemployed, on strike[dropped out], can barely take care of themselves, or have become neets, this is going to be a very entertaining next five years. :feelsjuice:
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“Oh the top 10% of men sleep with 90% of women.” “Oh every girl can get Chad.”

When it comes to sex I see that. But relationship wise I’ve noticed that the best looking women are with average-to above average looking men.

Every other relationship is skewed in the woman’s favour. Meaning the girl will be dating someone more attractive than her.

What do you think?
Alpha fucks beta bucks. Marriage is a beta bucks relationship
Alpha fucks beta bucks. Marriage is a beta bucks relationship
Except, most of the betas are economically destitute falling within economic penury where they can't even afford marriage anymore which anybody can see just by looking at declining marriage rates everywhere, now only Chads fuck where a few top percentages of betabuxxers can as well if they're extremely lucky. Mostly though anymore, this is a Chad sexual game only in our financially bankrupted societies.

This is your soyciety high on oligarchy. :smonk:

It's interesting how national or societal economic prosperity is directly tied to female sexuality, there's a symbiotic relationship there to be sure.
If a majority of men are financially destitute or struggling to barely survive the access to pussy gets cut off for a majority of men instantly, the pussy revolves around broader economics because the pussy itself is purely economical. :blackpill::feelsclown::feelshmm:
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When it comes to sex I see that. But relationship wise I’ve noticed that the best looking women are with average-to above average looking men.
I'm calling bullshit

What do you mean by "see"? (couples you know personally? OR couples you see walking around when you are out?)

How do you differentiate between two people "just having sex" (in your "when it comes to sex" observation) and two people in a relationship?

Your entire statement doesn't even make sense because two people in a relationship are also having sex, you can't differentiate between the two

Lastly, most couples I've seen the guy is taller and in better shape and the women are usually in worse shape and average looking (they compensate with makeup)

So no, most men are dating down in looks these days, its barely ever equal

I don't know where you live but you must live in magical fairy tale land, because even other guys I've talked to in other countries say they see the same thing, men are often taller and in better shape than the women they are with and the women are lower in the looks tier than the man they are with
Trickle down sexonomics does not work
Pussy hyperinflation is real. Unfortunately, nothing will ever stop it from becoming more hyperinflated, unless there is some authority leveraged on women, or men as a whole just give up. Either way, the end result is disaster.
I'm calling bullshit

What do you mean by "see"? (couples you know personally? OR couples you see walking around when you are out?)

How do you differentiate between two people "just having sex" (in your "when it comes to sex" observation) and two people in a relationship?

Your entire statement doesn't even make sense because two people in a relationship are also having sex, you can't differentiate between the two

Lastly, most couples I've seen the guy is taller and in better shape and the women are usually in worse shape and average looking (they compensate with makeup)

So no, most men are dating down in looks these days, its barely ever equal

I don't know where you live but you must live in magical fairy tale land, because even other guys I've talked to in other countries say they see the same thing, men are often taller and in better shape than the women they are with and the women are lower in the looks tier than the man they are with
They're dating down because with radical feminism you get the pussy hyperinflation of self-worth or value which increases the costs of vaginal capitalism to such a degree that men by necessity are being forced with lower value women [those that can] because they're priced out entirely with higher value women. It's much the same way with the vehicle market, most people cannot afford brand new high value vehicles so they're forced into the lower value vehicles that are used or second hand. :feelsclown:

Once you understand that human sexuality is purely economical especially regarding foids [vaginal capitalist cunts] human sexual behavior becomes much more easier to understand. [Once you remove all the fictional delusions of love, romance, chivalry, personality, altruism, and so on.]:feelsEhh::blackpill:
Trickle down sexonomics does not work
God damn, that is going to be my favorite new slogan from now on sir. Fucking genius my dude. :feelsmage::feelsohh::feelsLSD:
Pussy hyperinflation is real. Unfortunately, nothing will ever stop it from becoming more hyperinflated, unless there is some authority leveraged on women, or men as a whole just give up. Either way, the end result is disaster.
Yes, pussy hyperinflation is real, we're living through it currently regarding the dynamic of today's sexual marketplace, but just as pussy hyperinflation is real so is the crash and collapse of the sexual marketplace itself also real. I'm very curious to see how that plays out because we've never had a sexual marketplace quite like this in prior past history ever before, I'm hoping it is going to be brutal, horrifying, and damning for females everywhere once their sexual market value plummets in endless reduction. To that end I'll merely say, we shall see what develops afterward. :feelsdevil:
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Sexual marketplace, sexual capital, vaginal capitalism, sexual hypergamy, sexual commodification, and sexual eugenics, it's all the same damn thing with just different labels or words attached. It's basically the core essence of female sexuality, mental psychology, and social nature. Men are the sexual proletariat and females are sexual capitalists reaping all the benefits in a monopolistic manner having all the means of reproduction itself, feminism has essentially removed or destroyed all male sexual bargaining power thus throwing men sexually at the mercy of females everywhere who are cutthroat and ruthless with their newly found positions within society. :feelsjuice:

Turns out letting women do the fuck they want is not a good economic driver in the west.

Turns out letting women do the fuck they want is not a good economic driver in the west.
They don't really care either, they've already decided to sacrifice and destroy the United States internally for their New World Order project, the question anymore is when they finally decide to pull the final trigger. Ironically, their New World Order is about economic socialism supposedly where everything becomes socialized after the death of the current world order, but here's the thing, pussy can never be socialized as it is inherently capitalistic always looking for the most powerful, skillful, or wealthy males to invest deep inside it. :feelsdevil: A socialist or even communist world order will be hell on earth for the entrepreneuring purely selfish capitalistic vagina. One wonders how a foid would function in such an environment, still, I'm banking on the total global collapse of the entire world, that is to say the entire world descends into lawless chaos because the global elites are full of clumsy mental inepts. :feelsEhh::feelshmm::feelsclown:
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I'm calling bullshit

What do you mean by "see"? (couples you know personally? OR couples you see walking around when you are out?)

How do you differentiate between two people "just having sex" (in your "when it comes to sex" observation) and two people in a relationship?

Your entire statement doesn't even make sense because two people in a relationship are also having sex, you can't differentiate between the two
What I mean is that hot girls who are in a relationship (also having sex) are with regular guys a lot of the time.

I see it with couples I knew in real life. I still have them on Facebook.
Lastly, most couples I've seen the guy is taller and in better shape and the women are usually in worse shape and average looking (they compensate with makeup)
Yeah, from what I’ve seen, this normally true for average girls (3-7/10), they date up. Not for hotter girls though.

So no, most men are dating down in looks these days, its barely ever equal
Majority I’d say.

I don't know where you live but you must live in magical fairy tale land, because even other guys I've talked to in other countries say they see the same thing, men are often taller and in better shape than the women they are with and the women are lower in the looks tier than the man they are with
I live in a western country. But honestly I think that perspective on dating is exaggerated.
What I mean is that hot girls who are in a relationship (also having sex) are with regular guys a lot of the time.
No, what you are saying is 100% false, I'd bet my left hand you are one of those guys that can't rate women properly to save your own life, and you rate women higher than they actually are




Guys like you are rating women based on their appearance altered by all the trinkets, accessories and makeup they get to use as a norm to looks fraud (men don't get to do that)

When you see a guy who is 7/10

HE IS 7/10

Men can height fraud (barely) but they can't really looks fraud, we don't have that privilege

Most women are dating way out of their league, and most women period don't really look amazing, in fact most women look drab as hell without makeup
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When it comes to sex I see that. But relationship wise I’ve noticed that the best looking women are with average-to above average looking men.
jfl @ you
sorry but I don't see betabux contracts as relationships
No, what you are saying is 100% false, I'd bet my left hand you are one of those guys that can't rate women properly to save your own life, and you rate women higher than they actually are




Guys like you are rating women based on their appearance altered by all the trinkets, accessories and makeup they get to use as a norm to looks fraud (men don't get to do that)

When you see a guy who is 7/10

HE IS 7/10
No, I can rate women well. I’m not a fool. What I’m saying isn’t false at all. It’s something I see frequently.

Men can height fraud (barely) but they can't really looks fraud, we don't have that privilege

Most women are dating way out of their league, and most women period don't really look amazing, in fact most women look drab as hell without makeup
Most women don’t date way out of their league. It’s the majority that date 1-2 points above them.

Yeah most look average without makeup. I agree with that.
[UWSL]sorry but I don't see betabux contracts as relationships[/UWSL]
You could argue that they’re betabuxxing. Which isn’t a relationship, so yea. But it could also be because really attractive girls don’t need the validation from Chad. They can get a regular normie that will treat them well.
Wife who refuses to have sex with a man should be divorced without any payments from the husband.
It's the only way to fix the problem, yes, the problem is western governments and those nations aligned with them seem hell-bent on letting society implode on itself at this point which seems to be their intended plan all along, going to be a case of being careful what you wish for because before long once they get their wish they're going to find out just how bad things really are as everything slips away from their control, it's all going to end in a violent chaotic mess sooner or later, I have no doubts about this whatsoever.

Currently, a vast majority of betabuxxers are either unemployed, on strike[dropped out], can barely take care of themselves, or have become neets, this is going to be a very entertaining next five years. :feelsjuice:
Indeed mate well put
No, what you are saying is 100% false, I'd bet my left hand you are one of those guys that can't rate women properly to save your own life, and you rate women higher than they actually are




Guys like you are rating women based on their appearance altered by all the trinkets, accessories and makeup they get to use as a norm to looks fraud (men don't get to do that)

When you see a guy who is 7/10

HE IS 7/10

Men can height fraud (barely) but they can't really looks fraud, we don't have that privilege

Most women are dating way out of their league, and most women period don't really look amazing, in fact most women look drab as hell without makeup
Correct, I wouldn’t mind one iota if makeup was just outright banned. It’s women who which bitch and moan about it, not men.

Women do all this fucking complaining about “oh our clothes don’t pockets men are so lucky” and “oh I have to wear makeup because men force me too you lucky men!” when they’re the ones making those choices because they want to leverage them for control / advantage. For the clothes thing women buy these form fitting clothes with no room for pockets because they think it looks better for example. If women bought the same types of clothes men do then companies manufacture them. I hear those complaints from women constantly.
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I think that we desperately need enforced monogamy.

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