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Serious What is your solution to the inceldom and hypergamy problem?



Nov 7, 2017
I feel that it can't be solved completely no matter what people do. Biological instincts and the evil nature of foids will never change. So enforced monogamy is a cope imo. Also would you as an Incel, be ready to marry a foid despite knowing that she isn't attracted to you?

In my opinion these are the measures that can help reduce Incels and hypergamy

1. Shame femoids for their degeneracy- This is extremely important coz femoids are like kids who would shit all over the floor if they are not taught how to behave. But once you keep them under control they will at least be afraid to act like the stupid cunts they are. If a femoid cheats on a man she should be humiliated publicly and her hair should be shaved instead of saying that it is her choice.

2. Make prostitution legal and easily accessible- People should have the option to have sex, easily and cheaply. Even if you fuck a hot hooker, you become less thirsty for the average femoid. This will reduce orbiters and cuck behavior. The problem is that average/ugly femoids have tons of orbitors. These foids should know their place.

3. Encouraging looksmaxing and accepting how bad men have(blackpill)- Make up for foids is an accepted norm but guys can't try to look better and it is labelled as gay. Also it should be widely accepted how bad men have. Bald, short and ugly guys have it 10 times worst than even your average landwhale. Guys should be taught about thsi from a young age. Government should moderate the prices of expensive surgeries for men. Prices of surgeries for women should be increased.

4. Expose femoid behavior and dating patterns- The more men know about this, the less cucks and orbiters there will be and the average femoid will start knowing her place.

.... What are your suggestions?
I'm too low IQ for conversations like these.
Worldwide islamic revolution or prostitution legalization.
1. I agree to keep foids under controll but we can't teach them, it won't work, it was a thing of the past and look where are we now. If she cheats she should die or go to prison for life, shaming will do fucking nothing.

2. It's legal and does fucking nothing. Foids don't care for the few incels or normies that go there.

3. Actually they encourage lookmaxing, for good looking people only. Not for us...If you where ugly once you are always ugly, but yes blackpill should be spread.

4. Yes that should work , expose them is a good thing , and we should make cucks illegal, those men doesn't deserve a relationship or sex.

I would also suggest that they should make laws for ugly shaming or mockery for men, and if somebody who is ugly gets hummiliated or rejected , the person who did it should pay a huge fine.
I don't see any short time solution to it. Naturally, the only way we can have a normal civilization again is if we're willing to punish promiscuous behavior both in men and women. Judging by the way things are going I don't see that happening any time soon unless we have a complete collapse of civilization.
There are just 3 solutions:

1. Surgerymax and hope for the best

2. Rope

3. Become a hERo

But tbh a possible solution could be to remove women rights again. They were a mistake.
1. I agree to keep foids under controll but we can't teach them, it won't work, it was a thing of the past and look where are we now. If she cheats she should die or go to prison for life, shaming will do fucking nothing.

2. It's legal and does fucking nothing. Foids don't care for the few incels or normies that go there.

3. Actually they encourage lookmaxing, for good looking people only. Not for us...If you where ugly once you are always ugly, but yes blackpill should be spread.

4. Yes that should work , expose them is a good thing , and we should make cucks illegal, those men doesn't deserve a relationship or sex.

I would also suggest that they should make laws for ugly shaming or mockery for men, and if somebody who is ugly gets hummiliated or rejected , the person who did it should pay a huge fine.

Shaming foids does work. Problem is that West is so cucked that women don't give a fuck and women in other cultures are getting encouragement. But shaming foids works wonders since foids by default are very insecure and dependent on their sorroundings to get validation and feel better about themselves.

Prostitution should be embraced, It should be easily accessible. At many places that isn't the case.
So enforced monogamy is a cope imo. Also would you as an Incel, be ready to marry a foid despite knowing that she isn't attracted to you?

In my opinion these are the measures that can help reduce Incels and hypergamy

2. Make prostitution legal and easily accessible- People should have the option to have sex, easily and cheaply. Even if you fuck a hot hooker, you become less thirsty for the average femoid. This will reduce orbiters and cuck behavior. The problem is that average/ugly femoids have tons of orbitors. These foids should know their place.

3. Encouraging looksmaxing and accepting how bad men have(blackpill)- Make up for foids is an accepted norm but guys can't try to look better and it is labelled as gay. Also it should be widely accepted how bad men have. Bald, short and ugly guys have it 10 times worst than even your average landwhale. Guys should be taught about thsi from a young age. Government should moderate the prices of expensive surgeries for men.

4. Expose femoid behavior and dating patterns- The more men know about this, the less cucks and orbiters there will be.

.... What are your suggestions?

Yes bro. High IQ thread.
Complete and total reversal of women’s rights and reinstatement of the patriarchy.
Age of Consent and Marriage:
Increasing the age of consent to 25 EXCEPT in cases of marriage and making the ramifications of premarital sex before the age of 25 aswell as divorce very harsh.

Racial Limits on Marriage seperated into genetic percentages based on regions. If you are a certain percentage or more of a certain racial block
you will be counted as that race and you can only marry people of said race.
The racial blocks are:
Northern and Southern European
American Hispanic
Native American
Eastern Asian
Southeastern Asian
Ashkenazi Jew
Middle Eastern
The percentage blocks are:

Limits on Womens rights:
Women will no longer be allowed to vote unless they are over the age of 25, married for over 10 years, were natively born to the country they reside, are ethnically 70% similar to their husband/and their host nation, and have at least 3 kids with said husband.

Men are not allowed to vote unless they are at minimum between the ages of 18-25 (Number still being determined), natively born to the country they reside, and are ethnically 70% similar to their host nation.

Limits on children:
If you are of a minority race in your country you are not allowed to have more than 1 child. If you break this rule you will be deported along with your children to a country of genetic similarity.

Population Control:
A Government should strive to keep the minority population below 2%. If the minority population reaches 2% or higher measures should be taken to resolve this primarily with deporation and only using more extreme methods if absolutely necessary. Deportees should be members of a nation that are new immigrants, or possibly low IQ/low value immigrants in which they will deported to a nation of genetic similarity.
The biggest problem in my view is that when the first girl saw that she could live like a whore and then marry the other women followed her because it's more advantageous to live "free" when you are young and marry when old. My solutions are:

* Non virgin slutty girls should be obliged to have sex with everyone, Incels having a priority;

* Guys that upvote, like photos or become orbiters of sluts should be heavily taxed. They are to blame for the World being in this situation;

* Marriage with sluts should be prohibited and punishable with death.

This way people are free to choose what they want to do with their lives without destroying society.
Nuke earth, that's the solution.
The matrix : but everyone gets to be chad in their own matrix
Legalized hookers, and cope til sex dolls get better. Eventually it's all sex dolls/bots. You can't fix or change society. It's a downward spiral that ends in oblivion.
ideally, patriarchy, but this can't come back about until the current system collapses, which it will, eventually, but it may not be in my lifetime (or it may be when I am old). Hypergamy is ONE of the issues which will lead to the collapse though.
Shaming foids does work. Problem is that West is so cucked that women don't give a fuck and women in other cultures are getting encouragement. But shaming foids works wonders since foids by default are very insecure and dependent on their sorroundings to get validation and feel better about themselves.

Prostitution should be embraced, It should be easily accessible. At many places that isn't the case.
Shaming casual sex should be on both sexes tbh. A ton of dudes still lay a girl even after they’re deduced they’re not wife material. Hate on chad all you will, but at the end of the day he’s still just a guy like anyone else. Force him to commit. Many chads honestly would if they knew they could be loved and supported in the way their parents + media promised. Imo this alone would improve things greatly for 4-5/10s of all sexes. Girls can’t resent a normie anywhere near as much if they’ve never tasted chad.

Not a perfect fix, but it should make looksmatches more attainable. Concede that ugly AF dudes and mentalcels are still fucked, but future generations wouldn’t have it as bad. Stronger family units will raise better men and nip minor mental problems in the bud.

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