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What is your opinion on veganism?



May 8, 2023
Pigs/chicken = truecels
cats/dogs = chads/stacies
It's part of an agenda to make people sick and infertile and alot of white westerners are falling for it.

No vegan tribes have existed before. Veganism is a modern man-made phenomenon.
It's part of an agenda to make people sick and infertile and alot of white westerners are falling for it.

No vegan tribes have existed before. Veganism is a modern man-made phenomenon.
I was about to say that
I'm against needless cruelty to Animals, I support ranching animals for food as long as it's ethical
It's part of an agenda to make people sick and infertile and alot of white westerners are falling for it.

No vegan tribes have existed before. Veganism is a modern man-made phenomenon.
It's part of an agenda to make people sick and infertile and alot of white westerners are falling for it.

No vegan tribes have existed before. Veganism is a modern man-made phenomenon.
Veganism is unnatural and our ancestors wouldn't survive if they didn't consume meat. But we as intelligent species can adjust environment for the better good. And you can't justify torture because animals eat each other. They aren't smart as we are. The problem exists. I hate environmental vegans but respect ethical.
Veganism is unnatural and our ancestors wouldn't survive if they didn't consume meat. But we as intelligent species can adjust environment for the better good. And you can't justify torture because animals eat each other. They aren't smart as we are
We are still animals and our intelligence just allows us to be better predators. Also the moral arguments those who support veganism often present aren't valid at all since morals and ethics are manmade and just a tool used to control us. All of this bs came from religion
Veganism is unnatural and our ancestors wouldn't survive if they didn't consume meat. But we as intelligent species can adjust environment for the better good. And you can't justify torture because animals eat each other. They aren't smart as we are. The problem exists. I hate environmental vegans but respect ethical.
The problem is that humans suffer if they don't get access to certain nutrients found only in animal foods, like fat soluble vitamins for example A, D, K2. Babies brains won't develop and they will never reach their full potential if they grow up on vegan foods. Some white babies are starting to develop as slow as 3rd world ricecels now because they grow up on grains and vegetables. It's just human abuse instead of animal abuse, so it's kinda ironical. People try to be ethical vegans but in the end their own children become malnourished because of modern brainwash. All supplements are also synthethic and made out of kerosene so it's just toxic to consume but alot of people fall for it.

Sure you could live on rice and veggies everyday and become 100... Are you gonna be healthy while eating like that? In no way whatsoever. Animals torture each other too. It's kinda hypocritical to own a cat if you're vegan and care about animals. They kill millions of birds each year. A pig would eat a human if it had the chance, and i'm pretty sure any human would kill an animal if they were starving.
its the worst religion
It's part of an agenda to make people sick and infertile and alot of white westerners are falling for it.

No vegan tribes have existed before. Veganism is a modern man-made phenomenon.
Foids love it.
So it's bullshit.
And of course, it's another agenda of the rulers, otherwise it wouldn't be that popular.
It's part of an agenda to make people sick and infertile and alot of white westerners are falling for it.

No vegan tribes have existed before. Veganism is a modern man-made phenomenon.
The problem is that humans suffer if they don't get access to certain nutrients found only in animal foods, like fat soluble vitamins for example A, D, K2. Babies brains won't develop and they will never reach their full potential if they grow up on vegan foods. Some white babies are starting to develop as slow as 3rd world ricecels now because they grow up on grains and vegetables. It's just human abuse instead of animal abuse, so it's kinda ironical. People try to be ethical vegans but in the end their own children become malnourished because of modern brainwash. All supplements are also synthethic and made out of kerosene so it's just toxic to consume but alot of people fall for it.

Sure you could live on rice and veggies everyday and become 100... Are you gonna be healthy while eating like that? In no way whatsoever. Animals torture each other too. It's kinda hypocritical to own a cat if you're vegan and care about animals. They kill millions of birds each year. A pig would eat a human if it had the chance, and i'm pretty sure any human would kill an animal if they were starving.
Ideally it would be great to create an artificial meat, not planted based, but the one which doesn't require sentient beings to experience pain. I think petting is another form of exploitation animals but in this case for emotional needs. I agree that vegan cat owners are cringe.
I changed my perspective on vegan diet a little bit after I discovered that is not that hard to build muscle on it and you actually don't need this much of protein unless you're on roids (lol at gymmaxing)
>i'm pretty sure any human would kill an animal if they were starving.
That's the point we are living in civilization and don't need to go hunting. I think we should make the world more ethical by gradually reducing suffering of all living things
> supplements are toxic
I don't believe this. I'm sure they fix vegan health problems
>Some white babies are starting to develop as slow as 3rd world ricecels now because they grow up on grains and vegetables.
This fact that I cannot counter
Ideally it would be great to create an artificial meat, not planted based, but the one which doesn't require sentient beings to experience pain. I think petting is another form of exploitation animals but in this case for emotional needs. I agree that vegan cat owners are cringe.
I changed my perspective on vegan diet a little bit after I discovered that is not that hard to build muscle on it and you actually don't need this much of protein unless you're on roids (lol at gymmaxing)
>i'm pretty sure any human would kill an animal if they were starving.
That's the point we are living in civilization and don't need to go hunting. I think we should make the world more ethical by gradually reducing suffering of all living things
> supplements are toxic
I don't believe this. I'm sure they fix vegan health problems
>Some white babies are starting to develop as slow as 3rd world ricecels now because they grow up on grains and vegetables.
This fact that I cannot counter
Nature already gives you everything you need. You are trying to be better than Nature when you say you want to support the creation of lab grown meat. Its never going to work
Nature already gives you everything you need. You are trying to be better than Nature when you say you want to support the creation of lab grown meat. Its never going to work
Nature sucks. We could do better than this

I'm not vegan btw. I just think they aren't cringe and I respect their philosophy
I think in some ways it's based. It's sad reading up on industrial farming and hearing about what happens to livestock and the conditions they are in. I never really thought about it until I was on a farm in Northern California and encountered a cow walking with its calf. You could tell they cared about eachother.

However it's human nature. We kill things and eat them and it has been that way since the beginning of time.
I don't believe this. I'm sure they fix vegan health problems
Not really. You can still get an iron deficiency even if you're not a vegan. My foid cousin got an iron deficiency and she won't really heal even if she takes supplements. Even if you ate cooked meat you could still get iron decifient and B12 deficient because alot of people overconsume grains which inhibits iron absorption. They also take medications which messes up their ability to absorb nutrients, and it also kills bacteria which you need. If you overdose on magnesium supplements you will become deficient in calcium instead, so it's always ideal to eat naturally and get the nutrients from food, but of course the supplement companies will always say it's not enough in the foods we eat in order to gain profit.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMaNckUhCRA
Tofu taste like shit, i prefer rice
Nature sucks. We could do better than this

I'm not vegan btw. I just think they aren't cringe and I respect their philosophy
What sucks is not nature itself but the unnatural society we are forced to live in. And no we can't be better than nature because we are a part of it
I don't really have a good argument against veganism. I guess you could go with the "we need meat"-angle and that's probably true but tbh even if we didn't need meat and would become healthier without it I'd still wanna eat meat because it's delicious.
Veganism is gay.

The people are psychotic and full of themselves. Too many women in the movement, that tells you how dumb it is.
Foids love it.
So it's bullshit.
And of course, it's another agenda of the rulers, otherwise it wouldn't be that popular.
True. I suppose you live in Germany, one of the biggest vegan countries in Europe, it must suck. It's bad enough in Sweden. Veganism is one of many reasons foids don't want to have kids today and they have abortions or get miscarriages. They are nutrient deficient and unhappy.
When i started eating an animal based diet i immidietaly wanted to have children. I never felt that way before when i ate processed garbage.

Veganism became popular in the early 2010s because of social media conditioning, that's why alot of foids love it because they are the biggest consumers of media and believe in almost anything the media tells them. I've never met an animal based foid in real life. They all eat grains, sallads, cooked vegetables and processed garbage at my job.
It's part of an agenda to make people sick and infertile and alot of white westerners are falling for it.

No vegan tribes have existed before. Veganism is a modern man-made phenomenon.
My thoughts exactly. It’s some WEF propaganda to condition people to eat mass produced goyslop which only the government will be allowed to produce. Globalists saw Brave New World as a manual instead of a warning. It’s ironic that the author of that book was proto-woke and embraced the exact type of ideologies that would lead to the “anti-utopia” he warned about…
Chads of domesticated animals = dogs & cats

Incels of domesticated animals = Pigs

Pigs are some of the biggest Incel icons out there.
True. I suppose you live in Germany, one of the biggest vegan countries in Europe, it must suck. It's bad enough in Sweden. Veganism is one of many reasons foids don't want to have kids today and they have abortions or get miscarriages. They are nutrient deficient and unhappy.
When i started eating an animal based diet i immidietaly wanted to have children. I never felt that way before when i ate processed garbage.

Veganism became popular in the early 2010s because of social media conditioning, that's why alot of foids love it because they are the biggest consumers of media and believe in almost anything the media tells them. I've never met an animal based foid in real life. They all eat grains, sallads, cooked vegetables and processed garbage at my job.
Yes, I live in Germany and veganism propaganda is omnipresent. The so called reason to be a vegan is mainly "to stop climate change." The same reason is also given when it comes to having children, "We have to think about the climate and sustainability"
Thiese are the things young foids get educated with nowadays, not only in social media but also at universities.
Anti natalism destroyed veganism.
look at india they are subhumans because of thousands of years of vegetarian diet its why so many are manlets @NoIdeaWhatToDo @hopeless_cel
look at india they are subhumans because of thousands of years of vegetarian diet its why so many are manlets @NoIdeaWhatToDo @hopeless_cel

Yup India is basically highly evolved vegan subhumans, and the result is poor genetics, low testosterone, disease prone, recessed chins, small bones, a lot of them wear glasses etc.
I dont care aslong as the food is good and its not bugs
look at india they are subhumans because of thousands of years of vegetarian diet its why so many are manlets @NoIdeaWhatToDo @hopeless_cel
true veganism sucks
look at india they are subhumans because of thousands of years of vegetarian diet its why so many are manlets @NoIdeaWhatToDo @hopeless_cel
I will nevER forgive them for making me such a subhuman
I like bobs and vegine
Veganism is terrible. Even vegetarianism is not good. I never was vegan, but I was vegetarian for a while, which means I still ate eggs, milk, and cheese, just no meat. It makes you weaker and creates iron deficiencies. I have been eating a regular diet with lots of meat for a bunch of years now and it is so much better

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