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Serious What is your opinion on femdom

Damo the incel

Damo the incel

Jun 23, 2018
What is your opinion on guys into femdom and being dominated by femoids and being whipped and worshipping foids. Do you think that they are just as bad as orbiting cucks or should they just man up and accept there beta fetish
cucked and bluepilled
thats some gay shit man
Are we talking wanting a girl to take the initiative in sex or wanting an anime girl to beat you up?

Because if it's the former that's fine but if it's the latter it's degenerate as fuck and should be purged.
Its about wanting real foids to beat you up, whip you, suffocate you, take your money etc any dominant acts
Eh it doesn't really bother me; each to their own. It can come to a point at which there is a fine line between a sexual fetish and extortion, abuse etc, though.
Eh it doesn't really bother me; each to their own. It can come to a point at which there is a fine line between a sexual fetish and extortion, abuse etc, though.
Yea, I find the findom part (financial domination) really cucked and foid worshipping

Over for me.
@Blacktarpill is also a femdomcel and he wants something similar, I tried to make a group here for femdomcels but I was attacked by @Parrtlord for doing so

Over for me.
Its over for his. Female nature is against us.
I think femdom fetish is actually more associated with patriarchy than with feminism because it implies that women are generally inferior to men and being physically dominated by a woman is the ultimate humiliation. The men then get off on the humiliation aspect or just see it as fantasy roleplay while they still want to be in control.

It doesn't surprise me that a lot of men here have this fetish.

Feminists don't like femdom because they either want "equality" (removing the humiliation aspect of femdom because under their logic it shouldn't be humiliating to be submissive to women) or want to dominate men in subtle ways like through playing the victim card or manipulating men into being white knights for them. That's why modern women don't like to participate in femdom unless men pay money for it.

Femdom is totally male fantasy, women are not comfortable in such positions (dominating men directly and through threat of violence). Even the female MMA fighters want to date men who are stronger than them.

You can trace these fantasies back to the patriarchical ancient Greece with the mythical Amazons and similar stories. It's nothing new really.
Its over for his. Female nature is against us.
Yes bro, i guess society just wants guys to be the dominant ones, you are going to have to be the alpha dom daddy that throws them around the bedroom if u want any chance to ascend

Over for me.
That's natural and fine tbh. That's literally what I want more than anything: a girl to spend time with and make dumb mistakes and then know that we love and accept each other for who we are. I have to distort the truth and lie so much in real life to keep my head above water; I'd love to just be myself around someone who cares for me and would find me attractive. Obviously that can't happen because of mental issues, being objectively very ugly and other external factors, but just imagine having a different roll on the biological deterministic dice and having a loving relationship with someone who genuinely likes you...
Eh it doesn't really bother me; each to their own. It can come to a point at which there is a fine line between a sexual fetish and extortion, abuse etc, though.
let them destroy themselves through their own shitty copes and vices is what I always say
@Blacktarpill is also a femdomcel and he wants something similar, I tried to make a group here for femdomcels but I was attacked by @Parrtlord for doing so
Btw we reacted like that bec. you were trolling.
but just imagine having a different roll on the biological deterministic dice and having a loving relationship with someone who genuinely likes you...
I fantasize about that to cope tbh.
femdom is for l*ddit cucks
It's absolutely based and absolutely redpilled

I think femdom fetish is actually more associated with patriarchy than with feminism because it implies that women are generally inferior to men and being physically dominated by a woman is the ultimate humiliation. The men then get off on the humiliation aspect or just see it as fantasy roleplay while they still want to be in control.
The fuck are you talking about. I don't get off on humiliation, I find women that are confident and act tough cute.
Also it somehow signifies stability and low level of neuroticism.
Femdom is totally male fantasy, women are not comfortable in such positions (dominating men directly and through threat of violence). Even the female MMA fighters want to date men who are stronger than them.
I'd have no problem domming a dominant woman.

Femdom as a concept is interesting in itself just at face value
The fuck are you talking about. I don't get off on humiliation, I find women that are confident and act tough cute.
Also it somehow signifies stability and low level of neuroticism.

Different types of femdom then I guess. I think Parrtlord and his likes want to be beaten up or otherwise physically humiliated by women. This is some sort of Western "patriarchical" fantasy going back to the Amazons.
For real, sometimes I feel sick being associated with the cucks who enjoy cuckholdery and findom (financial domination)
Different types of femdom then I guess. I think Parrtlord and his likes want to be beaten up or otherwise physically humiliated by women. This is some sort of Western "patriarchical" fantasy going back to the Amazons.
Well done! Thats my fetish. I also romantically desire a role reversal relationship where an amazon would carry me on the beach, but that is just a fantasy
I think Parrtlord and his likes want to be beaten up or otherwise physically humiliated by women. This is some sort of Western "patriarchical" fantasy going back to the Amazons.
I'd let a hot girl beat me up too but then i'd rape her asshole
@Teutonic Knight Your Iq is through the roof actually. Nobody really gives you as much credtit as you deserve!
I have masturbated to plenty of femdom doujinshi so I think femdom is cool
Well done! Thats my fetish. I also romantically desire a role reversal relationship where an amazon would carry me on the beach, but that is just a fantasy

The problem is that a woman will never be attracted to a man she can beat up. Not only that, but also other women will be turned off if they hear that another woman was able to beat you up, no matter what the circumstances are.

Look at this story:

Girl leaves boyfriend after she saw him get knocked out by a girl who sucker punched him.

I was out at the pub playing pool with my boyfriend. I went to take a shot and accidently hit a woman with my cue. She turned round and I apologised but she started getting aggressive. My boyfriend, Steve, asked her to stop but she said 'What are you going to do about it?' And started moving towards him. He pushed her away but she came back and punched him in the face. He was knocked out from that punch and collapsed on the floor like a dead weight. She laughed and walked off. Everyone in the pub saw. I ran over to Steve but he was out cold. He was pale and had wet himself. We called an ambulance and he was still unconscious by the time we got to the hospital.
I could tell the nurses were talking about him and almost laughing about what had happened. One nurse asked a psychologist to come over and she waited with me. Eventually, after an hour or so, he came to. He didn't remember what had happened. I will never forget the look on his face when he was told he'd been knocked out cold for over an hour by a girl. He was in hospital overnight because of how long he'd been out. He did nothing wrong and was standing up for me but I'm so embarrassed and turned off because a little girl knocked him unconscious with a single punch. He keeps saying she caught him by surprise but he pushed her and he watched her walk back up to him. I want a man who can protect me not one who is a laughing stock in our town.
Needs to fuck off of my footjob videos
The problem is that a woman will never be attracted to a man she can beat up. Not only that, but also other women will be turned off if they hear that another woman was able to beat you up, no matter what the circumstances are.

Look at this story:

Girl leaves boyfriend after she saw him get knocked out by a girl who sucker punched him.

I was out at the pub playing pool with my boyfriend. I went to take a shot and accidently hit a woman with my cue. She turned round and I apologised but she started getting aggressive. My boyfriend, Steve, asked her to stop but she said 'What are you going to do about it?' And started moving towards him. He pushed her away but she came back and punched him in the face. He was knocked out from that punch and collapsed on the floor like a dead weight. She laughed and walked off. Everyone in the pub saw. I ran over to Steve but he was out cold. He was pale and had wet himself. We called an ambulance and he was still unconscious by the time we got to the hospital.
I could tell the nurses were talking about him and almost laughing about what had happened. One nurse asked a psychologist to come over and she waited with me. Eventually, after an hour or so, he came to. He didn't remember what had happened. I will never forget the look on his face when he was told he'd been knocked out cold for over an hour by a girl. He was in hospital overnight because of how long he'd been out. He did nothing wrong and was standing up for me but I'm so embarrassed and turned off because a little girl knocked him unconscious with a single punch. He keeps saying she caught him by surprise but he pushed her and he watched her walk back up to him. I want a man who can protect me not one who is a laughing stock in our town.
IT wont touch this tbh tbh
The problem is that a woman will never be attracted to a man she can beat up. Not only that, but also other women will be turned off if they hear that another woman was able to beat you up, no matter what the circumstances are.

You described a submissive hole that creates her entire self worth out of a man she's attached to.
Besides, femdom as whole is larp. Her "dominanting" is an act in bed, no woman can actually physically dominate an average strength guy (im not even kidding female olypmic weightlifters are only slightly stronger than average man).
@Blacktarpill would you let a foid suffocate you
no woman can actually physically dominate an average strength guy (im not even kidding female olypmic weightlifters are only slightly stronger than average man).

I wouldn't be so sure about this if woman trains some legitimate combat sport and the man is a wuss. Also women seem to be getting more masculine and testosterone-fueled, at least athletic women. Yes, they are still much weaker, but if the man doesn't know how to fight he could end up getting beat up.

This wimpy marine got chocked out by a teenage girl who trains jiu jitsu:

Combat sports like boxing, jiu jitsu etc. are legit. If you train long enough, you can beat a lot of otherwise stronger people.

This should be lifefuel for incels anyway, since it's the equalizer against genetically better gifted Chads, you just need to MMAmaxx.
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I wouldn't be so sure about this if woman trains some legitimate combat sport and the man is a wuss. Also women seem to be getting more masculine and testosterone-fueled, at least athletic women. Yes, they are still much weaker, but if the man doesn't know how to fight he could end up getting beat up.
lmao i think some guys here will get a boner from that :feelskek:

I was talking about raw strength, not some school of martial arts girl with lower weight center slamming an untrained guy of comparable weight.
That guy mogs her to hell an back in raw strength guaranteed.
The most cucked stuff i've seen tbh

the only thing that's more cucked is the cucks paying for getting insulted by femdoms
Personally, not my cup of tea.

As for others, I don't care about others being turned on by it as long as it's only a fantasy. In other words, as long as the boyo doesn't advocate actual female supremacy and it doesn't propagate hypergamy (findom or literal cuckoldry), it's ok as long as the females dominance is kept in the bedroom.
I don't like it but I understand why people have it. I'm pretty sure it's a Freudian thing. I think a lot of men with femdom fetishes are the kind of men who came from the type of households where the mother is the dominant parent and the father is kind of absent; a little boy will feel attachment to his mother but his mother will often be strict to him due to his father not being around to discipline him so he mentally mixes up motherly love and punishment and in his mind it becomes one and the same thing. Thus, for him, he is only able to feel loved by a woman if they treat him like shit, just like his mother did.
Low T fetish tbh
lmao i think some guys here will get a boner from that :feelskek:

I was talking about raw strength, not some school of martial arts girl with lower weight center slamming an untrained guy of comparable weight.
That guy mogs her to hell an back in raw strength guaranteed.

Of course he is stronger and would beat her with just a little training, assuming he was even trying his best. This isn't the point though, my point was that if women see a guy losing to a girl, they will assume he is a total weakling and will be extremely turned off. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are, even if the guy is not trying his best or whatever, or the girl is more trained.

I remember there was this boy in school who got into a heated confrontation with a tall athletic girl over something. They started aggressively pushing each other and she eventually slapped him in the face really hard. The boy was being a white knight cuck and backed off and basically let her "win" the confrontation and let her have the last word. He was being a gentleman cuck basically not wanting to hit a woman. But the athletic girl then bragged to her female friends about how she "beat him up" and how she slapped him around and made it look like he backed off because he was afraid of her. Because she was tall and athletic it looked somewhat believable too. These female friends then teased the boy that he was a wuss and thought less of him even though these girls were short and non-athletic and would definitely not be able to beat him (assuming their tall friend would be able to do it in the first place if the boy actually fought back).

This just shows you how dumb cucks are when they think being a gentleman and not fighting back if a woman assaults you will somehow make you look better with women. It's literally the opposite. Women are really competitive with each other and want their man to be dominant and assertive towards other women too. I think that's why they don't like femdom even as "LARP".

It's also dumb to accept these sport challenges from women just to let them win. There's literally no benefit in competing against women as a man because if you win you just beat a girl and if you lose you become a joke, especially to other women.
It's cucked. I am the one who should dominate the females.

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