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What is your least favorite video game character?



Dec 31, 2024
For me it is definitely Jack from Mass Effect 2. Absolutely insufferable character.
Honorable mentions:

Steve in Mass Effect 3 who mentions he is a faggot within the first ten seconds you meet him.

Ashley in Mass Effect 1. No explanation needed

Sebille in Divinity Original Sin 2 nasty bitch who seems to hate you the entire game

Princess in Fallout 3
Mindy from Pokèmon DPP
mario and link, their both simps who go around rescuing foids that they never ascend with
Danse the moralcuck from FO4

Monika the cockblocker from DDLC

any female character
Sadie Adler from RDR2
Rise Kujikawa Winter Uniform ezgifcom webp to png converter
mario and link, their both simps who go around rescuing foids that they never ascend with
Sonic actually has morals and saves his fellow animalcels
Any foid character
Even the ones with big boobies? :horror:
Don't get me wrong, I like to see tits and asses but tbh I don't like to see constantly foidlets on the few stuff I cope to.
Nathan Drake.
Michael from gta 5 for being a cuck
Aerith in the ff7 remake, annoying bitch, shitty voice actor, unskippable cutscenes, fuck remakes.
Any LGBT or shoehorned diversity character
If only I could kill this guy in game
Delphine from skyrim. I'd feed that dumb whore to a dragon if the game let me
All of your friends in SMT:IV apocalypse. Keep the power of friendship shit out of mainline SMT please, bonds ending is such dogshit. Dagda and the anarchy route are super based but the existence of the bonds ending pisses me off.
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Nigger characters especially sheboons
mario and link, their both simps who go around rescuing foids that they never ascend with
Especially since some of the characters have a thing for Link but since Nintendo won't allow Link to talk he can't really have a relationship with then.

This bitch here.
Maven Black-Briar from Skyrim.


I fucken hate her viscerally. Even though I know rationally that it's just a video game and she isn't real.
Having to eat her shit, and bow and a scrape to her like a cucked little toady absolutely ruins the early part of the thieves' guild quest line.

You can opt out of the dark brotherhood quest line and just slaughter the cunts if you're playing a heroic character (or you just don't appreciate the presumptuous tone they came at you with.) But Maven Fucken-Bitch has plot armour and she is untouchable.

It shits me no end that the whole point of fhe game is that you have divine-gifted power akin to a literal demi-god, your destiny is to travel to Nord heaven and there destroy the immortal world-eating dragon of the apocalypse. And yet there is no way you can ram your sword through this fucking rude basic small-town mob bitches' guts. I fucking hate her so much.

There are many other rude female bitches in Skyrim but they don't get to me in the same way. Grelka is rude AF but I can sell her all the sweaty ass-smelling garbage tier armor I've looted from bandits' corpses, and walk away with a grin on my face and all her cash in my pocket while she fires off a few rude parting shots. Like ok bitch, you got me, just remember to wash that hide armor of minor ass cheese before you put it up for sale on your pos market stand. Delphine wants me to murder my Boi Partysnaxx but I can just turn my back on her and walk away while she's still talking, and never see her again because she just goes and sits in sky haven temple on her mateless own by herself seething and dilating. Sapphire fires off some rude drive-by one liners if you get too close in the street, but she's just worthless street trash so it seems to not matter.

Valerica cbf disguising her hate for you. But she's a fully badass vampire lord who survived being ritually ass raped by the daedric lord of domination so it feels kinda understandable that she would look down on basic trash like you. And later on when you win genuine respect from her that feels earned and worth having.

Astrid's betrayal hurts. Her ass is so. Fucken. Hot. But in the end she feels bad about it and literally burns herself alive. So we're square.

I particularly like agreeing to go along with the female bandit chief who wants me to lie to her pathetically beta cuck ex husband, and then murdering her with a blow from behind as she walks away thinking she's won. (In Skyrim Anniversary Edition.)
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I'm surprised no one said Ellie from TLOU

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