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RageFuel What is your favorite movie, book, show or videogame that was ruined by political correctness?



Nov 14, 2023
My favorite videogame, The Last of Us, was ruined by political correctness inside Naughty Dog. A transgender in a post-apocalyptic world? Wonderful idea, guys!

They murdered Joel for no satisfying reason and trashed Ellie's arc. I am never going to pardon them for this. But to be fair, I consider the events of TLOU 2 non-canonical.
"Ruined" is a big word but both Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones and especially the new thrones show HOTD annoyed the fuck outta me I could go into detail why but it'd be a long post.

Ill just do the new HOTD show: they took this Targaryen-adjacent house who are known to be blonde white Chads and randomly turned them into niggers because.. they could..
Also you won't find a single woman that is bad in that show, they're all good and whenever they do something slightly bad they at least find a justification for it or put a man in the scene who is just more evil than them to contrast. They even went out of their way to change the characters from how they're portrayed in the books so the foids would have better caring personality in the show. It's obvious how foids and the woke left wrote it.
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Last Of Us was always mega goyslop
Last Of Us was always mega goyslop
The first game was beautiful. It was only when Neil Druckmann took over that the project became a mess.

mega goyslop
Because of Skyler's empowerment?
No because in the end the real villains were the "evil white neonazis" with no redeeming qualities while Fringe and even the Cartel-members had some redeeming qualities.

If you read between the lines (I didn't do this but I saw someone else break it down) it's a message bout white men who take back power over their lives but how it turns to disaster basically telling them not to be like Walter and instead stay emasculated cucks who should just let themselves and the west die off. Instead they should be more like Jesse who racemixes with single brown moms and throws money to all the brown people in the hood to redeem himself.
Cod MW
The original game (cod 4 mw) was the shit. Story was good even before it became a trilogy.
Now the current mw series is just ass
No because in the end the real villains were the "evil white neonazis" with no redeeming qualities while Fringe and even the Cartel-members had some redeeming qualities.
Oh, yes. I had forgotten about Jack, Todd and their gang.

If you read between the lines (I didn't do this but I saw someone else break it down) it's a message bout white men who take back power over their lives but how it turns to disaster basically telling them not to be like Walter and instead stay emasculated cucks who should just let themselves and the west die off. Instead they should be more like Jesse who racemixes with single brown moms and throws money to all the brown people in the hood to redeem himself.
Brock might have been the son of Tuco Salamanca, from what I have read. And Jesse even got enslaved by the Neo Nazis at some point, like he was punished by them for race-mixing or something (Not what actually happened, but could have been the message). I like your analysis there. Thanks for sharing.

Also, did you watch Better Call Saul? If so, did you like it?

Also, did you watch Better Call Saul? If so, did you like it?
Yeah I watched it and I enjoyed it, can't really point at something inherently woke about it, but again I'm not very good at analyzing these shows, someone else has to point it out for me. If I had to point out anything it would be the scene where Saul does the whole "is it because I'm jewish"-bit or how there is this white ubersoy redditnerd wigger in there to laugh at whitey (they would never create a black/brown character like that). But there's also based moments like when Mike gets hassled by a bunch of blacks in the streets, the more obvious woketard-writers would never cast black guys like that. For example in the Joker they did this ridiculous moment in the subway where he gets beaten up by a bunch of rich white guys which is just so unbelievably immersion-breaking.

@Gokubro said BCS was cucked though, so maybe he sees something I don't see.

I enjoyed all these shows/movies, they didn't ruin it for me but they're still annoying, I just block out all the obvious woke shit and focus on how based some of the characters are before they inevitably drop the wokehammer on them because they're too based/white/sexist/racist/whatever.

Brock might have been the son of Tuco Salamanca, from what I have read.
Lmao, he does kinda look like him.
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Also how the fuck can you justify using a soyjak when Last Of Us is literally one of the soyest games ever made?
The game was beautiful. I am not the one to blame if a portion of its fanbase is what you might call soyboys. Plus, do you think Dragon Ball (or anime in general) fans are manly? On the contrary, people that watch anime are soyboy cuckolds. Just take a look at the average weeboo. A bunch of hentai-addicted coomers, that is what they are. So you are projecting.
You wouldn't get it. You get excited when an anime character screams "Kamehameha!"
>Dude, this goyslop about LE STRONG WOMAN with no gameplay is actually so cool, you wouldn't get it...... Let's ignore that it's popular as fuck and literally every single brain dead retard on the planet loves it... STOP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!!
I cachinnate.
They're making a Fallout TV show, so it'll be that.
Star Wars, Gotham, a German Action series
>Dude, this goyslop about LE STRONG WOMAN with no gameplay is actually so cool, you wouldn't get it......
I know you watched the video in which Neil Druckmann explained to his audience that he had a secret agenda behind the first game and that he wanted to empower the female characters, but you have to consider the following details:

1. Neil Druckmann was not the most important mind behind the game. It was Bruce Straley. What Neil says can and should be approached with suspicion because he is a narcissist who wants all credit for a game that was developed by brighter minds than his. This Jew wants to be the poster boy of The Last of Us, get it?

2. Strong women in a post-apocalyptic world are predictable, otherwise they would not be there. You see, in a world like that only the strongest, smartest and fittest can survive. Despite this obvious fact, never once did the female characters bash the male ones. Ellie looked up to Joel like he was her father. Tess was a kind partner and never questioned Joel's competence. Marlene was portrayed as some kind of villain, so definitely not an empowerment in the feminist sense. It appears to me that you either did not play the game or you did a poor job at analyzing it.

3. Of course there is going to be some woke in an exclusive Playstation game. Playstation is like the Netflix of mainstream videogames. Playstation is like the CNN for videogames. But The Last of Us does not have the amount of woke that you think it does. The amount of it is negligible. I know this because unlike you I played the game a lot of times and paid attention to its details just in case some political correctness could be spotted, and the game is almost entirely fine. Even Dragon Ball Super had some woke.
GTA. In Vice city the rebel flag and the word "Cubans" were removed from the definitive edition. In 5 a transphobic poster was removed.
There's too many to list. Thinking about it is ragefuel.
Anything western, remotely mainstream and made in the last 20 years or so is bound to be full of political correctness, so my expectations are pretty low to begin with. So I honestly think none.

Although some manga I like had disappointed endings because the author didn't want to dare too much, I think. Still, way better than the PC/woke/feminist levels of anything western and modern, by any means.
Not my fav movie but they ruined Ocean Eleven and Ghostbusters reboot with cast of Foids
Retard, you literally started your inane babble with:
Insult is the last resort of someone that has no retort.

The entirety of your post is discarded because it's based on this weird assumption that I watch Neil Druckman for some fucking reason.
Nope. Everything stated there is true, whether you watched it or not.
Mr. Robot was single-handedly ruined by that foid cop played by Meryl Streep’s daughter.
>If I just say "nope" against your argument, it means I countered it. What're gonna do about it?
You? Brown as SHIT.
So now it turned into a race debate, huh? Your lack of self-control and constant use of insults betoken that you are the brown here.
So now it turned into a race debate, huh? Your lack of self-control and constant use of insults betoken that you are the brown here.
>N-N-N-N-NO YOU!!!
Acquire acumen, Miguel.
The Mario movie was pretty soy tbh
Cod MW
The original game (cod 4 mw) was the shit. Story was good even before it became a trilogy.
Now the current mw series is just ass
The "reboots" of MW are atrocious. I played 2019 and 2022 and both were absolutely awful. Empowering epic middle eastern women while consistently making the white guys look like dumbasses. 2022 had a latina that ran a cartel and from the looks of it 2023 has more faggot middle eastern bitch shit.
Spiderman. Never was big on capeshit but the early 2000s spiderman movies are fun. The new game is absolutely insane also Spiderman is replaced by a nigger cause OFC

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