The struggle is real fr fr
. Which way .is man
Idk how these Slavcucks are getting away without any warnings for all the bluepill stuff they blabber
I mean, if it would make you feel better
I can
get myself a warning by leaking the photo of your face with a speech bubble right under some ironic part of what you wrote, like this one:
actually no they make up non-existent SMV of ethnics.
aaand then mass tag the forum under it
. Would besmirch my perfect no warnings record ever since I joined, but what wouldn't I do for you boyo
True Slavs might be poorer and less attractive than WE, but Slavs still mogg all the rest of ethnics.
Completely irrelevant when you have no contact with ethnics, the only outsiders you do have contact with (Westerners) mog you to death, and your countries are poorfag shitholes with minimal historical impact... and the ethnics who live in your countries still mog you anyway.
It’s just the antithesis to the whole “all whites are fakecels, the elephant man mogs me because he’s white” meme, I wouldn’t really pay much mind to it. Just people over exaggerating the exotic halo that good looking brown people have in Eastern Europe
Basically. Though I also post this because of how schizophrenic this forum can be when it comes to geomaxxing
. Specifically, whether it's betabuxxing or not. Literally at any point when you have even a slightly unattractive (and usually white) man wife up a woman from his own country or some other Western country, the average response here is just to scream that he's a betabuxxer, even if the chick might be earning more money than he does
, but when you have some Westerner go to an SEA shithole where no foid has any chance to make as much money as the average Westerner and all of those chicks are throwing at him because they see him as a premium meal ticket, then it's almost like the posters here forget that money even exist and religiously cling onto it being because of the guy's race, not because the foids want to use him for citizenship
So, I like to bring this up. I've went through the official data, and my country has like a 7:1 outmarriage ratio with Jeetland in favor of them taking our women, and 10+:1 with various Western and MENA countries. Either that is betabuxxing, in which case there's no reason why whites geomaxxing wouldn't be as well, and race is just that much weaker than money, or race barely matters.
Seriously, reading some of the responses from the (self hating ethnic) guys here it sometimes seems like they think that the only actual sexual attraction in the world is the one felt by ethnic foids to white men, everything else is betabuxxing
Literally the stereotypical middle-aged Slav (at least in Europe) is a bald fat fuck and you are still crying because I said that, yeah, I see guys who look like this guy just about every day