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Serious What is the upside of learning the BlackPill?



Nov 30, 2019
Ever since I fully grapsed the blackpill a couple months ago, my life has been spiraling down into a state of depression. I've never been this way before. I've never been so sad and emotional, every fucking day. I honestly wish I could unlearn the blackpill, it has only caused intense depression in my life. Is there an upside to learning of the blackpill?
If you are a redpiller you can stop approaching women in public and not get arrested
You won't get cucked and you'll start looksmaxing as soon as possible.
the blackpill actually opened my path to god.I was never sure on the objective facts,but after learning the blackpill i started to read more about god and philosophy.You may not like this but chances are all of us here will die virgins(unless you move to thailand or philiphines or just commit mortal sins like adultery with a prostitute).Only god can save us

inb4 cope bro.My lifestyle of heavy drinking and doing drugs is way superior
If you are a redpiller you can stop approaching women in public and not get arrested
Men don't get arrested for that in america, only in some parts of cucked europe.
There are no upsides... The upsides are for Chad only.

Chad only theory proven into law.
It's reality.
There are no upsides. It's brutal as fuck. It helps you understand the reason for your miseries, how you failed as a human at birth and tells you that unless you looksmax there is no hope for you.

The best thing about learning the blackpill is that you'll never get cucked.
Men don't get arrested for that in america, only in some parts of cucked europe.
lol for real? Why? How is america not that cucked?
why isn't it harassment?
Harassment isn't asking a foid for her number or trying to make small talk, she can walk away if she wants, then you can call her a whore for ignoring you.
Because harassment isn't asking a foid for her number or trying to make small talk, she can walk away if she wants, then you can call her a whore for ignoring you.
can you get away with calling her a whore? I doubt it
Maximizing your looks as early as possibly due to the brutality of the agepill. Other than that it's useless and will destroy your life.
can you get away with calling her a whore? I doubt it

bro this isn't Europe... There's a reason why Donald Trump won the election and he is going to win 2020. Most Americans are sick of political correctness and liberal idealogy.
Of course. It's free speech. If she tries to attack you can defend yourself.
if she tries to attack you? She won't, she most likely will just reject you and walk away
Anymore? I'm in my 30's and still do it. I don't care what toilets think.
Do you get rejected in 2 seconds or do they ever listen to what you have to say? I can't talk for shit lol
Do you get rejected in 2 seconds or do they ever listen to what you have to say? I can't talk for shit lol
10-20% of the time they chat, and can even give a number they won't text me back with. I don't care if it doesn't work for now, it helps build my bad social skills with strangers. It's the only way I can practice because I'm neet and don't have a social circle.

10-20% of the time they chat, and can even give a number they won't text me back with. I don't care if it doesn't work for now, it helps build my bad social skills with strangers. It's the only way I can practice because I'm neet and don't have a social circle.
depending on where you are you might actually get arrested
I think once you get past the self hatred for things you can’t control part, you start developing some self compassion. You realize that nothing is your fault. You had no control over who you were born as and and what kind of environment you were born into. For me, it helped absolved me of the guilt I’ve been conditioned to feel for not reaching milestones in life due to a perceived lack of effort and willpower. Idk, there’s something liberating about it.
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Not much you can do any further. One thing is to take a whitepill, another - try to exploit normie/foid patterns for your own gains(including financial).
Peace of mind.
Biggest upside is that you know that you can now just be yourself. There is no longer an obsessive need to change your personality because you know that personality does not matter. Change your looks if possible.
I could probably write a book on just this subject.

Ironically, I'm going to give you a one sentence answer and say that it's better to know the truth, than it is to be kept from it.
You wont lose your eye or get beat up and killed like those white knights that intervene in public male/female conflict. Even the popos dread these confrontations, but its their job to do it, sometimes they get shot dead too.
Not much you can do any further. One thing is to take a whitepill, another - try to exploit normie/foid patterns for your own gains(including financial).
Knowing about human nature can give you an edge in life. Looksmaxx as hard as you can and exploit human vices, you will find no lack of those once you are blackpilled.
the blackpill actually opened my path to god

Please don't disrespect the black pill, a guy like you would have "went to God" regardless because you are a coper, and religion is the ultimate cope
Please don't disrespect the black pill, a guy like you would have "went to God" regardless because you are a coper, and religion is the ultimate cope

the only true religion is the blackpill, and you are the prophet
Please don't disrespect the black pill, a guy like you would have "went to God" regardless because you are a coper, and religion is the ultimate cope
With god comes the blackpill.It's hilarious that you hold onto to the world being subjective,whilst claiming the blackpill.It is only through objective set in stone eternal rules that we can escape the cope.Unless you want to spend your entire life thinking *not all girls are the same* or *Maybe this time it will be different*.
Not being delusional
Things started to make sense, only problem was it was too late for me. At first it was hard to digest but you accept it overtime. You see all the virtue signalling, cucks and resentment in people. We all were grown up believing and fed the bluepilled lies since the age when we started to learn things in life. For now I'm just living my life like normal, I just focus on myself and my family (parents and siblings). My mental health has deteriorated but it was deteriorating while I was losing weight and self improving.
With god comes the blackpill

No, with God comes COPE

"Those who are enjoying degeneracy while I resist/can't take part will be punished by God one day"

"One day I'll be rewarded in heaven, all this suffering is worth it"

Etc, all lies to feel better about your shitty existence, its nothing but coping, that ironically MAKES YOU COMPLACENT AND KEEPS YOU FROM DOING WHATS NECESSARY TO ESCAPE THAT MOLD

The black pill is the reality that some people are just born to have a better existence than you, and there is no "pay day" waiting for those who have "missed out" or those who willingly "sacrificed" and resisted the temptation of "sin", in fact more likely than not those who were born better than others will make it to heaven because they'll have more advantages, be less hateful, more charitable, more likely to believe that God has blessed them and therefore "serve God", etc

Its nothing but a cope that rich people go to hell, rich people are usually the most generous, the kindest, less prone to commit acts of violence and crime, etc

Easiest most obvious comparison of this dynamic is to compare black american communities to white american communities, while blacks who were disenfranchised by slavery and/or their genetics, are today lacking resources, education, etc, and face rampant crime and degeneracy, those born white into white homes are less likely to lead the kind of life that the typical black american does

Just look up a typical black "music video" and compare it to a white one, the culture is drastically different

One racial group has a culture that tends to celebrates "sin", the other has a culture that tends to celebrate "wholesomeness"

Its obvious who is more likely to be a sinner, and that's just a matter of birth

A black child is more likely to end up a drug dealer because they need the money and because black culture is about buying shit and showing off to have status, a white child is going to be a diligent student instead as their grades, economic well being, etc is their status

Lets not even bring up Asians who trounce even whites with their culture
There are no upsides. It's brutal as fuck. It helps you understand the reason for your miseries, how you failed as a human at birth and tells you that unless you looksmax there is no hope for you.

The best thing about learning the blackpill is that you'll never get cucked.
Lol most in here will eventually betabuxx, they thought they wouldnt now, but being 20-35 and lonely is nothing compared to being old and lonely.

If not that, and they manage to avoid paying for a gf / betabuxxing, then the loneliness and sex drive would drive them to spend a lot of money on prostitutes or strippers, just lol. Theyre cucked either way.

Jfl I seen 50yo men whos wife dont give a shit about them paying strippers just to cuddle and chat with them, and theyre normies, imagine how bad incels would have it in old age..

I mean how many here will actually have the guts to kill themselves?
Most wont, at about 30, all your friends drift off, this means w/o gf/wife most men would be socially isolated. My dad literally have no friends, hes so desperate to communicate with his kids that it annoys us. Literally aint got nothing going on besides his kids and his terrible wife. Old men live sad lifes from what i seen. Whereas divorced 40/50 yo foid have a lot of suitors ready to entertain them to get a whiff of that pussy, just lol.

Which is why suicide is so high for men in their 50s who recently gotten through divorce. They aint got shit to live for...
It takes a while to free you.

You'll have to go through the 5 stages of grief first...
There is no upside to most things unless you have the mindset (persepctive) and knowledge to utilize it

You could be born the chaddest chad on the planet but if you think you're a "gay bottom" all that looks is going to go towards you just getting fucked in the ass for the rest of your life

If your perspective on life is not compatible with the black pill then you are just going to waste your awareness of the black pill, you'll do nothing with it

For example, an agnostic black piller will stop wasting his time looksmaxxing, will maybe wealthmaxx and no longer have to work, and he can now spend his time solely focused on his own enjoyments, travel, games, anime, women (of course paid for), etc

A "religious black piller" (which I'd say is an oxymoron) will just cope and tell himself that "he'll get his revenge one day when normies go to hell", he'll become complacent and let life pass him by, and do nothing to improve his current life, he may ironically end up killing himself due to choosing this part, so he suffered and still went to hell

People always say "knowledge is power" but that's complete BS, perspective is power, if you have knowledge but lack the perspective required to take advantage of it, its like you don't know anything at all
People always say "knowledge is power" but that's complete BS, perspective is power, if you have knowledge but lack the perspective required to take advantage of it, its like you don't know anything at all
high iq
There are no upsides. It's brutal as fuck. It helps you understand the reason for your miseries, how you failed as a human at birth and tells you that unless you looksmax there is no hope for you.

The best thing about learning the blackpill is that you'll never get cucked.
No, with God comes COPE

"Those who are enjoying degeneracy while I resist/can't take part will be punished by God one day"

"One day I'll be rewarded in heaven, all this suffering is worth it"

Etc, all lies to feel better about your shitty existence, its nothing but coping, that ironically MAKES YOU COMPLACENT AND KEEPS YOU FROM DOING WHATS NECESSARY TO ESCAPE THAT MOLD

The black pill is the reality that some people are just born to have a better existence than you, and there is no "pay day" waiting for those who have "missed out" or those who willingly "sacrificed" and resisted the temptation of "sin", in fact more likely than not those who were born better than others will make it to heaven because they'll have more advantages, be less hateful, more charitable, more likely to believe that God has blessed them and therefore "serve God", etc

Its nothing but a cope that rich people go to hell, rich people are usually the most generous, the kindest, less prone to commit acts of violence and crime, etc

Easiest most obvious comparison of this dynamic is to compare black american communities to white american communities, while blacks who were disenfranchised by slavery and/or their genetics, are today lacking resources, education, etc, and face rampant crime and degeneracy, those born white into white homes are less likely to lead the kind of life that the typical black american does

Just look up a typical black "music video" and compare it to a white one, the culture is drastically different

One racial group has a culture that tends to celebrates "sin", the other has a culture that tends to celebrate "wholesomeness"

Its obvious who is more likely to be a sinner, and that's just a matter of birth

A black child is more likely to end up a drug dealer because they need the money and because black culture is about buying shit and showing off to have status, a white child is going to be a diligent student instead as their grades, economic well being, etc is their status

Lets not even bring up Asians who trounce even whites with their culture
Yikes on that last sentence unless you are just takking about japanese only.
You can stop trying to self-improve, since no amount of self-improvement will ever be able to compete with Chad's genetics when it comes to attracting foids.
I think once you get past the self hatred for things you can’t control part, you start developing some self compassion. You realize that nothing is your fault. You had no control over who you were born as and and what kind of environment you were born into. For me, it helped absolved me of the guilt I’ve been conditioned to feel for not reaching milestones in life due to a perceived lack of effort and willpower. Idk, there’s something liberating about it.
Cope, the blackpill basically tells you how shit your life will be because of factors outside your control and there is little to nothing you can do about it besides roping.
You can stop trying to self-improve, since no amount of self-improvement will ever be able to compete with Chad's genetics when it comes to attracting foids.
Exactly, the blackpill only gives us the drive to rope even more.
in many ways it helped me realise it was over, to cut my losses and move on. i was able to redirect my time on better things instead of pointlessly "improving" myself for people who only existed in my fantasies and weren't real as all foids are the same. i still workout, but i do it for different reasons now

it's also helped me realise a lot of things don't really matter. i used to get worked up over politics, but now whenever i see illogical and stupid posts by commies and alt-autists i just remind myself the shit these losers talk about doesn't even matter
the blackpill snapped me into reality. the depression was there when i was bluepilled, it was there when i was redpilled and it's there when i'm blackpilled. that's not going away. sad but true

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