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Story What is the single most bluepilled thing you've done

  • Thread starter Deleted member 22572
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Deleted member 22572

Deleted member 22572

Nov 12, 2019
For me it was watching charisma on command, alpha m and teachingmensfasion and one time I spent like an hour writing notes on how to get a gf from this 30min bs video I watched 3 times (I'll try and find it)
I actually believed in PUA tactics, from the game "Super Seducer".
I approached too many times. still surprised that I'm not in prison
started lifting because i thought i'd slay once i got my numbers up
Paid real money (like $80) for some training package that purported to teach you the secrets of how to slay in online dating
Actually helped a girl IRL with some homework questions back in college
Watching PUA youtubers and believing in NoFap
Mine is both bluepilled and cucked. I sent a girl I orbited some game related currency when she was in need of it. I was 12 back then and it was the first and last time I ever did something bluepilled.
Probably applying PUA canned indirect openers. But I did it just for a little while and moved to direct natural game. Indirect game is 100% bullshit unless you're super gl, and even if you are, it's useless because you can use direct and things will work better and easier.

Either the girl found you attractive and is able to kiss right now or not. If the two criteria are met, you'll get the girl, if one of them ins't, it's over.

Btw I just stopped to realize OP has both one of the best usernames and best avis around here :lul:
I bought a perfume to a girl for her birthday.

50€ gone forever.
I bought a perfume to a girl for her birthday.

50€ gone forever.

She surely smelled deliciously rosy as chad laid her down and fucked her that night.
I wrote poetry for foids when I was 15.
When I think about it now, it's so cringy that I'm torn between puking and shooting myself in the face
I wrote poetry for foids when I was 15.
When I think about it now, it's so cringy that I'm torn between puking and shooting myself in the face
I knew someone who did that :(
I thought that personality matters. Tried talking to foids in an open way explaining how I felt and who I really am and that I was really looking for a serious relationship and love. That was fucking retarded of me and I rightfully got punished for it.
Be an emotional tampon for the only girl that ever approached me.
I told a foid that she was pretty and i liked her then i got brutally rejected but i thought it was because i wasn't confident enough :feelskek:
when i was younger i took the wrap for a foid when she stole a flash drive from a computer lab. got suspended for several days. when i got back i had to remind her why i wasnt at school. she forgot about me.
It's been so long I honestly don't remember.
Too much shit to go over. I keep thinking that if I just emulate the normalfags just one more time then maybe it will all change and I'll wake up, like the black pill was all some bad dream. But it never ends, it's not a dream no matter how much I wish it was.
when i was younger i took the wrap for a foid when she stole a flash drive from a computer lab. got suspended for several days. when i got back i had to remind her why i wasnt at school. she forgot about me.
Now you know
orbit a foid
Been there done that
used tinder. also bought clothes thinking it would get oneitis to notice me
I texted this foid for 2 months listening to her vent about her Chad ex, telling her how beautiful I thought she was every single day, wasting hours of my life just texting her back and forth giving her attention, affection, and validation, only for her to reject me and ghost me when I asked her out.
Back in my late teens (we're going back ~15 years) I met this guy through a D&D forum and attended a house party with him. Awkward as fuck, couldn't talk to anyone. We kept in touch though and he got me interested in LARPing. Said he would come over with a girl to build a foam sword for me. He would bring a girl. He said that he used to date her, and that he thought we might click. He was basically mogging me the entire time though, and she avoided me at the subsequent event and ended up going out with this buff muscular guy with a huge beard with a bigger weapon who made his own chainmail. I had actually hoped I would be cool at that event and impress her but basically didn't form any relationships with anyone.
Believe that personality is what matters.
Having a female sibling means you are cucked and bluepilled forcefully for 18+ years. This is why I can cope so well because I was on the other side of the coin. Also fuck parents for paying more attention and spending more money on her. Her clothes budget was through the roof compared to mine, that plus jewelry, perfume etc.
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