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Serious What is the minimum percentage of men being incel needed so that men start rebelling?



Apr 15, 2021
What do think? 50% or more? I cant imagine 70% of the male population being partnerless and there not being a group of men who become a threat to the current social structure?
Most men are too brainwashed and bluepilled to even do anything about it, they're happy with the leftovers and betabuxxing.
If I could bet money on it I definitly wouldn't bet on an incel "rebellion" starting anytime soon or ever tbh
No one's gonna "rebel" over sexlessness, save for a handful of men with pre-existing mental illnesses. For most men, celibacy is an annoyance, a frustration, but not anything worth rebelling over.
Most men are too brainwashed and bluepilled to even do anything about it, they're happy with the leftovers and betabuxxing.
If I could bet money on it I definitly wouldn't bet on an incel "rebellion" starting anytime soon or ever tbh
Percentage of the total doesn't matter, but the percentage among men in the elites.

Look at Japan, at least >50% of men there aged 18-25 are incels and you see no incel rebellion there, you see men turning into herbivores
Most men are too brainwashed and bluepilled to even do anything about it, they're happy with the leftovers and betabuxxing.
If I could bet money on it I definitly wouldn't bet on an incel "rebellion" starting anytime soon or ever tbh
it's the estrogen in the drinking water.
men are so fucking estrogen infested it would need at least 97% Incels to start a rebellion.
Incelistan will be a reality soon. :feelsdevil:
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What do think? 50% or more? I cant imagine 70% of the male population being partnerless and there not being a group of men who become a threat to the current social structure?
%100 or 90 something
Any mans are cucks
There won't be an actual "beta uprising", but there WILL be severe consequences. Widespread male apathy, lack of ambition, lack of concern for society's future, no investment in society, vastly increased animosity and distrust toward women, rise in drug/alcohol problems, sharp rise in crime, etc, will eventually leave society so economically and socially destabilized it can no longer sustain itself. And no amount of propaganda, shaming or force will stop the decline because all of society's "solutions" to these problems will be based on false, politically correct ideas. There is only a bleak future in store for normies' children and grandchildren. Count yourselves VERY fortunate you don't have any of your own to worry about! Hypothetically, the West can still be saved, but people are too set in their ways to even consider any solutions that would actually work, like widely affordable plastic surgery and legalization of anabolic steroids.
Truth is it doesn't matter if men rebel, it wouldn't fix things.

Only fix is to have way more women than men in the world. It would counter the fact that women are a lot more picky than men.

Eugenics too.
%100 or 90 something

Ya in Singapore I think the number was 89% of 27 year old men were single the entire of last year.

And they don't seem remotely close to rebelling.

One thing is only Chads could lead a rebellion. Normies would get behind a Chad only... eg.. how normies worship Chad athletes.

But Chads are living it up so don't want to rebel.
100% of the non-elite. Most men are that accepting of bs these days.
The last incel rebellion began over 2000 years ago. So idk how long we'll have to wait for the next one.
There won't be an actual "beta uprising", but there WILL be severe consequences. Widespread male apathy, lack of ambition, lack of concern for society's future, no investment in society, vastly increased animosity and distrust toward women, rise in drug/alcohol problems, sharp rise in crime, etc, will eventually leave society so economically and socially destabilized it can no longer sustain itself. And no amount of propaganda, shaming or force will stop the decline because all of society's "solutions" to these problems will be based on false, politically correct ideas. There is only a bleak future in store for normies' children and grandchildren. Count yourselves VERY fortunate you don't have any of your own to worry about! Hypothetically, the West can still be saved, but people are too set in their ways to even consider any solutions that would actually work, like widely affordable plastic surgery and legalization of anabolic steroids.
High IQ :feelsokman:
There won't be an actual "beta uprising", but there WILL be severe consequences. Widespread male apathy, lack of ambition, lack of concern for society's future, no investment in society, vastly increased animosity and distrust toward women, rise in drug/alcohol problems, sharp rise in crime, etc, will eventually leave society so economically and socially destabilized it can no longer sustain itself. And no amount of propaganda, shaming or force will stop the decline because all of society's "solutions" to these problems will be based on false, politically correct ideas. There is only a bleak future in store for normies' children and grandchildren. Count yourselves VERY fortunate you don't have any of your own to worry about! Hypothetically, the West can still be saved, but people are too set in their ways to even consider any solutions that would actually work, like widely affordable plastic surgery and legalization of anabolic steroids.

Ya you are right that is the way it will go. You know its a problem for all ruling elites, is they all have one political correctness or another. But its important the rulers don't actually believe it themselves, and then can make decisions based on how things really are.

But what always happens is over time the elites children do actually believe the political correctness - they are the most fervent believers. And then they make decisions based on their ideology. Which are disastrous. And that leads to their eventual downfall, but it can take a long time.
Ya you are right that is the way it will go. You know its a problem for all ruling elites, is they all have one political correctness or another. But its important the rulers don't actually believe it themselves, and then can make decisions based on how things really are.

But what always happens is over time the elites children do actually believe the political correctness - they are the most fervent believers. And then they make decisions based on their ideology. Which are disastrous. And that leads to their eventual downfall, but it can take a long time
This reminds me of the time prostitution was accidentally legalized for a few years in the state of Rhode Island. As soon as that happened, rape rates fell by about 30%. A few years later, the lawmakers realized their mistake and" made it illegal again. Rape rates IMMEDIATELY shot back up to where they were before!! The PC crowd really fucking struggled to find a PC explanation for this because it challenges the myth that rape is all and only about "power". And that myth has done more harm than good. All of society's "solutions" to rape are founded on this bullshit belief, and then they wonder why nothing they do ever works. Watch what happens over the next 10 years. Rape rates are gonna skyrocket, and every single one of their PC/feminist-indoctrinated attempts at a solution will only serve to accelerate the trend even MORE! People will start questioning the "power" myth and pointing out the damage it's done TO WOMEN, but they will be brutally silenced. The sociopath "feminists" who push this shit are all about their man-hating agenda, willing to throw as many women under the bus as it takes to make men's lives miserable. These feminists activists ain't normal females. They're worse. They're seriously sick in the head.
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This reminds me of the time prostitution was accidentally legalized for a few years in the state of Rhode Island. As soon as that happened, rape rates fell by about 30%. A few years later, the lawmakers realized their mistake and" made it illegal again. Rape rates IMMEDIATELY shot back up to where they were before!! The PC crowd really fucking struggled to find a PC explanation for this because it challenges the myth that rape is all and only about "power". And that myth has done more harm than good. All of society's "solutions" to rape are founded on this bullshit belief, and then they wonder why nothing they do ever works. Watch what happens over the next 10 years. Rape rates are gonna skyrocket, and every single one of their PC/feminist-indoctrinated attempts at a solution will only serve to accelerate the trend even MORE! People will start questioning the "power" myth and pointing out the damage it's done TO WOMEN, but they will be brutally silenced. The sociopath "feminists" who push this shit are all about their man-hating agenda, willing to throw as many women under the bus as it takes to make men's lives miserable.

Ya inconvenient truths.. but all our societies organizations to get promoted and stay in the job you have to be a 100% believer in the political correctness whatever it is.

People are more than willing to make other people suffer to hold onto their beliefs.

The art of politics is doing what the dogma says and what the dumb masses say in public and on tv. But in reality not doing that stuff.

Eg.. prostitution can be illegal and denounced on tv as about power. But by not enforcing laws with control of the police, or having the most minor penalties for violators that those penalties are not publicized.. you can give the illusion of a society that is fighting against prostitution, while in reality it goes on.

A reason imo feminists are losing power is they are too dogmatic. Women are stupid enough with ideas they believe dogmas 100%. Its funny but we need people who can go on tv yelling to ban prostitution and passing new legislation against it.. but then so duplicitous that they give orders to the police to not enforce it.
There won't be an actual "beta uprising", but there WILL be severe consequences. Widespread male apathy, lack of ambition, lack of concern for society's future, no investment in society, vastly increased animosity and distrust toward women, rise in drug/alcohol problems, sharp rise in crime, etc, will eventually leave society so economically and socially destabilized it can no longer sustain itself. And no amount of propaganda, shaming or force will stop the decline because all of society's "solutions" to these problems will be based on false, politically correct ideas. There is only a bleak future in store for normies' children and grandchildren. Count yourselves VERY fortunate you don't have any of your own to worry about! Hypothetically, the West can still be saved, but people are too set in their ways to even consider any solutions that would actually work, like widely affordable plastic surgery and legalization of anabolic steroids.
:bigbrain: High IQ. Incels are the only real sociologists left.
This reminds me of the time prostitution was accidentally legalized for a few years in the state of Rhode Island. As soon as that happened, rape rates fell by about 30%. A few years later, the lawmakers realized their mistake and" made it illegal again. Rape rates IMMEDIATELY shot back up to where they were before!! The PC crowd really fucking struggled to find a PC explanation for this because it challenges the myth that rape is all and only about "power". And that myth has done more harm than good. All of society's "solutions" to rape are founded on this bullshit belief, and then they wonder why nothing they do ever works. Watch what happens over the next 10 years. Rape rates are gonna skyrocket, and every single one of their PC/feminist-indoctrinated attempts at a solution will only serve to accelerate the trend even MORE! People will start questioning the "power" myth and pointing out the damage it's done TO WOMEN, but they will be brutally silenced. The sociopath "feminists" who push this shit are all about their man-hating agenda, willing to throw as many women under the bus as it takes to make men's lives miserable. These feminists activists ain't normal females. They're worse. They're seriously sick in the head.

I somewhat disagree. There is high quality porn to take the edge off. Masturbating to HD pornography can be likened to a sex session without touch, and perhaps the lack of touch and sex smells is a little bit compensated for by the variety and good looks (rarely beautiful though) of the female talents. This is why porn is going to stay regardless of social conservatives being all :soy::soy: about it. Also, it's absurd to go after porn while allowing women to dress like sluts and provoke male sexual desire needlessly, quite honestly a form of sexual assault IMO.
I believe I've read somewhere that a revolution requires around 20-25% percent of the population on board to be successful. Obviously it depends on context. A conservative rebellion is far more likely than an incel one and it's still not gonna happen
There won't be an actual "beta uprising", but there WILL be severe consequences. Widespread male apathy, lack of ambition, lack of concern for society's future, no investment in society, vastly increased animosity and distrust toward women, rise in drug/alcohol problems, sharp rise in crime, etc, will eventually leave society so economically and socially destabilized it can no longer sustain itself. And no amount of propaganda, shaming or force will stop the decline because all of society's "solutions" to these problems will be based on false, politically correct ideas. There is only a bleak future in store for normies' children and grandchildren. Count yourselves VERY fortunate you don't have any of your own to worry about! Hypothetically, the West can still be saved, but people are too set in their ways to even consider any solutions that would actually work, like widely affordable plastic surgery and legalization of anabolic steroids.
No one's gonna "rebel" over sexlessness, save for a handful of men with pre-existing mental illnesses. For most men, celibacy is an annoyance, a frustration, but not anything worth rebelling over.
What do think? 50% or more? I cant imagine 70% of the male population being partnerless and there not being a group of men who become a threat to the current social structure?
80% probably
There won't be an actual "beta uprising", but there WILL be severe consequences. Widespread male apathy, lack of ambition, lack of concern for society's future, no investment in society, vastly increased animosity and distrust toward women, rise in drug/alcohol problems, sharp rise in crime, etc, will eventually leave society so economically and socially destabilized it can no longer sustain itself. And no amount of propaganda, shaming or force will stop the decline because all of society's "solutions" to these problems will be based on false, politically correct ideas. There is only a bleak future in store for normies' children and grandchildren. Count yourselves VERY fortunate you don't have any of your own to worry about! Hypothetically, the West can still be saved, but people are too set in their ways to even consider any solutions that would actually work, like widely affordable plastic surgery and legalization of anabolic steroids.
Based. :bigbrain::feelsthink:
maybe 25-30%. Look at what happened with the arab spring in Egypt for example. The media said there were too many "unemployed" young men but we know what the real issue was. lol
What do think? 50% or more? I cant imagine 70% of the male population being partnerless and there not being a group of men who become a threat to the current social structure?
Normies will never rebel they will just blame themselves for not meeting women’s astronomically high standards
Definitely more than half.
you need more than half blackpilled incel for anything significant to happen. and thats not going to happen
Poor retards having more babies while they drink their miserable lives away. Inflation is here and the poor retards getting desperate. Only three States left with free rent.

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