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what is the minimum height to live a normal life?

what height is minimum to have a normal life?

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Sep 12, 2022
Assuming youre at least MTN. NT MTNs with normal lives exist so MTN is not a bad cutoff. A normal life constitutes of not getting severely mistreated and reaching milestones except slaying girls. You'd still get girls but only once every year or two.
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even in high class areas id say below 6’, so like 5’8. 6’ is more than enough for a normal life. Most people arent slayers.
even in high class areas id say below 6’, so like 5’8. 6’ is more than enough for a normal life. Most people arent slayers.
only slayers "live" did you forget about hypergamy whats the point being with a foid that hates your guts and will leave you in millisecond for someone better, fuck this gay earth.
only slayers "live" did you forget about hypergamy whats the point being with a foid that hates your guts and will leave you in millisecond for someone better, fuck this gay earth.
I said normal as in statistically normal.
honestly, any vote over 5'10 is overkill
now days 5'10 and 6/10 is bare minimum
Strictly talking about "normal"? 5'8" or 5'9"
Nigger weren't you complaining about not being taller kys nigger I hate tallFAGS like you
This isn't about getting girls, it's about having a statistically normal life, aka you can be a normie
Nigger weren't you complaining about not being taller kys nigger I hate tallFAGS like you
and we tallfags hate you as much too so fuck you
5'9 is the standard normie height. Most foids don't care at that point unless they're extremely picky stacies
i voted 5'8, id say anything that still blends in the crowds if fine
Nigger weren't you complaining about not being taller kys nigger I hate tallFAGS like you
also, im not a tallfag in the slightest. I'm in the average range for height.
5'9 is the standard normie height. Most foids don't care at that point unless they're extremely picky stacies
this isn't about strictly getting girls. It's about having a statistically normal life aka being a normie. I've seen 5'8 guys in social circles get treated normally. Sub 5'8 and you are turbomanlet though. Even amongst nerds, you'd be seen as a wimp.
Shut your ass up nigger you wouldn't last a day
you wound't last a second in a room with me so shut your bitch ass up
Idk but I hate tallfags.
This isn't about getting girls, it's about having a statistically normal life, aka you can be a normie
And getting girls is part of living a normal life. All normies had gf’s in high school. If you didn’t, you are not a normie and will be judged
And getting girls is part of living a normal life. All normies had gf’s in high school. If you didn’t, you are not a normie and will be judged
Not all normies at my hs had gfs. Not having a gf in grade 12 is not the end of the world for your social life, thats more 20-21. Maybe your definition is different from mine. I think normal is having friends and getting a girl maybe once every 1-2 years.
Not all normies at my hs had gfs. Not having a gf in grade 12 is not the end of the world for your social life, thats more 20-21. Maybe your definition is different from mine. I think normal is having friends and getting a girl maybe once every 1-2 years.
I’m thinking the people you consider “normies” are nerd tier guys who are not good with women, but still not too autistic to have a social life. In my school, all normies had gfs and would judge the shit out of you for never having one. Heck, even my family members judge me for never having a gf
I’m thinking the people you consider “normies” are nerd tier guys who are not good with women, but still not too autistic to have a social life. In my school, all normies had gfs and would judge the shit out of you for never having one. Heck, even my family members judge me for never having a gf
Not nerd tier guys but not guys with gfs in high school either. Average person loses their virginity at 17 in most western coutnries, so being a virgin in grade 12 isn't that unusual.
I raised my height to be over 6ft on my dating profile and that didnt help at all, no matches. So you tell me
Not nerd tier guys but not guys with gfs in high school either. Average person loses their virginity at 17 in most western coutnries, so being a virgin in grade 12 isn't that unusual.
I know that’s the official statistic, but I believe most people are losing it way earlier than that from what I saw. In school, almost everyone had a girlfriend in the 10th grade and even 9th grade dance. Only the losers didn’t go because they didn’t have a gf. In 12th grade prom, basically EVERYBODY had a gf, even the fat guys and uglier guys. Only the absolute truecel autists were left out. I believe, in my area anyway, that it’s over once you leave high school without any experience
Where I live, it's 6'1" minimum
depending on where you live, always the average. so if 5,8 is the average you live then 5,8. if 6 ft is the average then you must be 6ft. at minimum

if you can get the money too geomax, go too a place with a lower average, the height mog might be enough too get some prostitute for the standard price instead of the ugly tax
only slayers "live" did you forget about hypergamy whats the point being with a foid that hates your guts and will leave you in millisecond for someone better, fuck this gay earth.
I would say 5'10
only slayers "live" did you forget about hypergamy whats the point being with a foid that hates your guts and will leave you in millisecond for someone better, fuck this gay earth.

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