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Discussion What is the end result of mass lying?

  • Thread starter gdmorningihateawomn
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Legalise suicide
Nov 1, 2019
If women keep lying on a global level, what will evolution do to them?
I don't know but looking from an evolutionary and historical perspective women always seem to win.
Perhaps ther emight a disillusionment but I doubt it. it will most likely become worse. All the memes here will become reality and it will become more and more absurd.
I don't know tbh
Perhaps ther emight a disillusionment but I doubt it. it will most likely become worse. All the memes here will become reality and it will become more and more absurd.
Too much lying may make the truth no longer a truth. They will punish anyone who doesn’t lie and call that a lie.
Look at our current situation.We're no longer making jokes.
We've become the joke.
The result of mass lying is the society we see today, women have evolutionarily been lying for thousands of years to survive, it's actually a relatively new dysgenic trait in the grand scheme of things, good women probably did exist to a degree a few thousands of years ago, but because of primitive dysgenics forcing negative traits upon women, that's just how they are now. These negative traits actually can easily be bred out using modern eugenics but cucks and Jews would forbid this.

Also most mass lying nowadays is because of the Jews particularly. I doubt many people here even know the truth about ANYTHING.
The result of mass lying is the society we see today, women have evolutionarily been lying for thousands of years to survive, it's actually a relatively new dysgenic trait in the grand scheme of things, good women probably did exist to a degree a few thousands of years ago, but because of primitive dysgenics forcing negative traits upon women, that's just how they are now. These negative traits actually can easily be bred out using modern eugenics but cucks and Jews would forbid this.

Also most mass lying nowadays is because of the Jews particularly. I doubt many people here even know the truth about ANYTHING.
That’s such a low iq theory. To say that all Jews are born with a sneaky, plotting mentality is like saying genders are not fixed.
The result of mass lying is the society we see today, women have evolutionarily been lying for thousands of years to survive, it's actually a relatively new dysgenic trait in the grand scheme of things, good women probably did exist to a degree a few thousands of years ago, but because of primitive dysgenics forcing negative traits upon women, that's just how they are now. These negative traits actually can easily be bred out using modern eugenics but cucks and Jews would forbid this.

Also most mass lying nowadays is because of the Jews particularly. I doubt many people here even know the truth about ANYTHING.

This is why most people dont take you seriously in the incel community. You keep pushing your shitty political agenda. Youre an incel because of looks (jews cant be blamed for that JFL).
women have been lying for 4000000 years tbh
The result of mass lying is the society we see today, women have evolutionarily been lying for thousands of years to survive, it's actually a relatively new dysgenic trait in the grand scheme of things, good women probably did exist to a degree a few thousands of years ago, but because of primitive dysgenics forcing negative traits upon women, that's just how they are now. These negative traits actually can easily be bred out using modern eugenics but cucks and Jews would forbid this.

Also most mass lying nowadays is because of the Jews particularly. I doubt many people here even know the truth about ANYTHING.
Much hate you've received for speaking the truth. Just imagine believing anything the jew- media- education- entertainment- political- (etc...) Systems say!

Indeed, it's hard to know what the truth about anything is... Therefore i only trust my own eyes and experience!

While it's easy to understand why morons support the jews (lazy+gullible+stupid), it's also easy to do enough research to understand why everything bad is actually caused by jews!

Basically, if anyone looks at the top of a ladder of a problem in our world, they will find a nest of jews! Media, food, (legal&illegal) drugs, gov... Etc. Just take a look. They stopped hiding and are now gloating!
They will likely be replaced by something more reliable. Lying is not a good evolutionary trait. You can't deny reality forever, eventually it'll catch up to you. Modern society is a financial collapse, famine, or pandemic away from breaking. The system as it exists is very fragile and falling apart faster as the years go on.

As for evolution of foids, technology will gradually start to fill the roles women play. Primitive versions of this already exist in the forms of sex dolls and waifu/gf chatbots. This tech will only get better with time. If you want to have children and have the means for it. surrogacy is already a better and more stable option than a romantic relationship with a female in the west. We are simply waiting for a proper body substitute and an AI capable of replicating, and thus eliciting, human emotion.

I don't know but looking from an evolutionary and historical perspective women always seem to win.
Because males don't have the ability to reproduce independently of females in other sexually reproductive species. We are 30 years at most away from moving beyond this billion year old evolutionary bottleneck. Technology has impacted humanity more in the past 300 years than 2000 years prior. Tech is forcing us to evolve faster and faster.

This is why most people dont take you seriously in the incel community. You keep pushing your shitty political agenda. Youre an incel because of looks (jews cant be blamed for that JFL).
That’s such a low iq theory. To say that all Jews are born with a sneaky, plotting mentality is like saying genders are not fixed.
You cannot deny that the jewish people have played a large role in the construction, propagation, and perpetuation of feminism, which is a large reason why hypergamy is so prevalent.
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correct, and don't forget the green goblin, i'm sure he's behind this too...
Shame you can't get upvoted here for this cringe, you have to go back.
That’s such a low iq theory. To say that all Jews are born with a sneaky, plotting mentality is like saying genders are not fixed.
Jews Evolutionarily (The Ashkenazi Race specifically), do have a genetic inclination to lie, be nefarious, scheme against others of different races, higher in group racial preference, etc. Not all, not all, not all, but most, which is why even when they're Atheists/Non Jewish they exhibit these same traits, see Marxism. It's not coincidence that Karl Marx, a man descended from a long lineage of Rabbis built a political system which was basically so nefarious and subversive, it's basically the Talmudic Law in political form. They're the only race that has survived for a bit over 2000 years growing up around a religion and culture which literally is designed around lying, and subversion. The only one.
This is why most people dont take you seriously in the incel community. You keep pushing your shitty political agenda. Youre an incel because of looks (jews cant be blamed for that JFL).
Reddit tier normies don't take me seriously because I tell the truth, the Jews objectively can be blamed especially when there are a myriad of examples of women breeding with uglier men in traditionalist societies both now and in the past, aswell as hypergamy being much much lower. Why do you think men in the third reich, were able to get wives and breed? Because in a traditionalist society women had no choice but to breed with who they SHOULD, rather than primitive sexual selection patterns which are dysgenic.

Most of these men would be Truecel if they were born in Berlin Today, or L.A, or London, or any other leftist Jewish hellhole of today.
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Shit like fisherian runaway and mothers curse will catch up to us. Not hard to assume there is a version of that within social cues. The gratification and small benefit of lying will slowly be too much of a risk to endure and be the ultimate end of trust. We are tilting towards an age where acting like a psychopath is an advantage (CEO, boss, manager, etc). We are turning more into machines. We aren't that far away from it considering that we're glued and use electronics that are basically stuck to us 24/7. The only thing seperating that is a surgery.
As time goes by they will have longer noses.
I don't follow your questioning. Lying would do nothing to you. Women have been lying since forever. The easiest time we know of is women accusing others as witches in Salem. Now in modern day it's not witches but the whole "#Metoo" movement.
Do you see a change? The only change is they don't burn you at the stake anymore, but they still kill you off without a real trial. As in killing your name and career.
That’s such a low iq theory. To say that all Jews are born with a sneaky, plotting mentality is like saying genders are not fixed.

Jewish racism is built into their religion, though. So according to their worldview, they're God's chosen people, and everybody and everything else is an animal that serves them. They scheme and subvert everything to their whim precisely because their religion tells them that they're superior, so they do as they please.

It shouldn't truly be any wonder why then, historically, the whole world has been suspicious and distrustful of them. Any idiot can see why. Their arrogance is unmatched in the world.
As time goes by they will have longer noses.
I don't follow your questioning. Lying would do nothing to you. Women have been lying since forever. The easiest time we know of is women accusing others as witches in Salem. Now in modern day it's not witches but the whole "#Metoo" movement.
Do you see a change? The only change is they don't burn you at the stake anymore, but they still kill you off without a real trial. As in killing your name and career.
Well I’m just wondering about the way Chad no longer kills weaker Chads, how will women keep their lying tactics up to date.
He never said that at all or even implied it. And it would be more like saying the genders are fixed and you saying there's a gradient.
Well I don’t believe in determinism but I see where you’re coming from. I just fail to see what modern Jews (aside from ones in Hollywood and other powers) still commit such global scale hostility towards a gentile as they do in violent religions such as Islam.
Well I’m just wondering about the way Chad no longer kills weaker Chads, how will women keep their lying tactics up to date.

Well I don’t believe in determinism but I see where you’re coming from. I just fail to see what modern Jews (aside from ones in Hollywood and other powers) still commit such global scale hostility towards a gentile as they do in violent religions such as Islam.
They lie to Chads.
They lie to Chads so they can cheat on that Chad with another and get them both to give her affection and money.
They also lie about needing Chads to pay child support. They lie to Chads I'm sure about their sex life and other things.

The only thing a girl knows how to do is lie.
Shit like fisherian runaway and mothers curse will catch up to us. Not hard to assume there is a version of that within social cues. The gratification and small benefit of lying will slowly be too much of a risk to endure and be the ultimate end of trust. We are tilting towards an age where acting like a psychopath is an advantage (CEO, boss, manager, etc). We are turning more into machines. We aren't that far away from it considering that we're glued and use electronics that are basically stuck to us 24/7. The only thing seperating that is a surgery.
>We are turning more into machines.
I strongly disagree with this statement. We already are machines. Biological machines, but still machines. I also disagree with the psychopathic assessment. Its only a benefit currently because it acts as a reproductive advantage. In a society where reproduction is guaranteed (one with open access to artificial wombs), it ceases to be an evolutionary advantaged trait. Males, in the absence of females, are far more cooperative, productive, and peaceful.

I foresee in the future, perhaps the next 50 years or even earlier, there could very well likely be a split off of surplus males that go on to reproduce and evolve seperately from the rest of "classical" humanity. Males producing males without females. Reproduction with machines is far easier when you have no choice. I think we, as incels, are the godfathers of this new sub species.
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Foids always win
The end result of massive lying is


(just forget about economic collapse and resource collapse.)

When the environment has reached "carrying capacity" humanity is doomed.
Jews Evolutionarily (The Ashkenazi Race specifically), do have a genetic inclination to lie, be nefarious, scheme against others of different races, higher in group racial preference, etc. Not all, not all, not all, but most, which is why even when they're Atheists/Non Jewish they exhibit these same traits, see Marxism. It's not coincidence that Karl Marx, a man descended from a long lineage of Rabbis built a political system which was basically so nefarious and subversive, it's basically the Talmudic Law in political form.
You do realize that Jewish intellectual hails from both left and the right, like Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager etc.
Why is high iq and in group preference such a bad thing. Only loser stormfrontcel, noodlewhore and BBC fetish foids crave race mixing. Most other races have built up a narrative of tight knit community while Jews take it to a whole new level.
Read the Jewish history they were just as filthy barbaric as the paganist surrounding them. Every year they would gather in the main temple to sacrifice animals and smear their blood in doors and windows. After destruction of the firat temple by Roman the became scripture based. Everyone was required to be able to read and learn. The Christian got literacy of bible after Gutenberg and protestant reformation. Before that Catholic priest just exploited low iq peasant. While in islam forgwt about literacy the first fully written format of quran was complied 300 years after muhammad died. Before that most would just remember by recitation or write some snippets of it down in bones ,leather and stones. Matter of fact most Muslim countries are low iq dimwits the smart ones just escape the islamic shithole to the west causing greater brain drain
You do realize that Jewish intellectual hails from both left and the right, like Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager etc.
I would consider Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager nefarious and subversive, particularly Ben Shapiro. The fact that he wont debate for example Nick Fuentes is proof of that.
Why is high iq and in group preference such a bad thing.
"Muh high IQ Jews", yeah that's not really a thing actually.

As for in group preference, that's not a bad thing at all actually, the difference is their in group preference is parasitic and hostile in nature, unlike any other races in group preference.
Only loser stormfrontcel, noodlewhore and BBC fetish foids crave race mixing. Most other races have built up a narrative of tight knit community while Jews take it to a whole new level.
Again, Jews aren't taking it to a "whole new level", The Japanese have quite high in group preference for other Japanese, and they aren't actively hostile to non Japanese. They haven't built up a culture/society that is designed around dehumanizing, subverting, humiliating, controlling, and destroying non Japanese.

You don't need a high IQ to do these things, you just need to evolve to take advantage of high trust races, such as Europeans, and subvert them. Some Europeans caught onto these and its why they have been kicked out of many nations, hundreds of times.
Read the Jewish history they were just as filthy barbaric as the paganist surrounding them. Every year they would gather in the main temple to sacrifice animals and smear their blood in doors and windows. After destruction of the firat temple by Roman the became scripture based. Everyone was required to be able to read and learn. The Christian got literacy of bible after Gutenberg and protestant reformation. Before that Catholic priest just exploited low iq peasant. While in islam forgwt about literacy the first fully written format of quran was complied 300 years after muhammad died. Before that most would just remember by recitation or write some snippets of it down in bones ,leather and stones. Matter of fact most Muslim countries are low iq dimwits the smart ones just escape the islamic shithole to the west causing greater brain drain
Ashkenazi Jews are Pagan by default, the most high up rabbis believe Lucifer is their Messiah, they sacrifice babies to other Demonic Gods like Moloch, they have descended from Babylonians, Caananites, and Edomites, they are not of the original 13 tribes, they have literal satanic spells in some of their holy books.

Jews are a hostile people, by default, the only Jews we can trust, Ashkenazi Jews, are Jews who EXPOSE the Jews for these things, because Ashkenazi Supremacist Jewish Fundamentalists consider these Jews traitors worse than Goyim. There is nothing worse than a Jew who betrays the Jews, and these Jews are the ones we can trust, and there aren't many, but they are out there. Many of the exposures of the Jews, whether it be the holohoax, child sacrifice, their more satanic connections, etc, have been done by other Jews who actually found this stuff sickening and wanted to expose them, and good on them for doing so.
The average IQ is increasing and more men are waking up to how personality is not what attracts femoids and how difficult it is to get sex in 2019.
Because humans, and humans' ancestors, lived in tribes. Human females had to be insincere liars. A sincere female who would tell directly to the male incel that she hates him would get killed on the spot. So by evolution, only the most insincere and manipulative women were able to survive. It's just how nature is, cruel, lying, manipulative.

Women aren't stupid, they pretend to be, but they really are just good liars. So good liars that they have deluded some "blackpilled" people into thinking that they are dumber than dogs and not manipulative, lying cunts.
Ashkenazi Jews are Pagan by default, the most high up rabbis believe Lucifer is their Messiah, they sacrifice babies to other Demonic Gods like Moloch, they have descended from Babylonians, Caananites, and Edomites, they are not of the original 13 tribes, they have literal satanic spells in some of their holy books.

Jews are a hostile people, by default, the only Jews we can trust, Ashkenazi Jews, are Jews who EXPOSE the Jews for these things, because Ashkenazi Supremacist Jewish Fundamentalists consider these Jews traitors worse than Goyim. There is nothing worse than a Jew who betrays the Jews, and these Jews are the ones we can trust, and there aren't many, but they are out there. Many of the exposures of the Jews, whether it be the holohoax, child sacrifice, their more satanic connections, etc, have been done by other Jews who actually found this stuff sickening and wanted to expose them, and good on them for doing so.

In the first paragraph you're saying that Ashkenazis are Luciferian pagans, and in the next you're saying that they're the only ones we can trust?

In the first paragraph you're saying that Ashkenazis are Luciferian pagans, and in the next you're saying that they're the only ones we can trust?

Try reading it again, I said the only Jews we can trust who are Ashkenazi, are Ashkenazi Jews who EXPOSE other Ashkenazi Jews, OR admit the evils of the evil Jews.
Try reading it again, I said the only Jews we can trust who are Ashkenazi, are Ashkenazi Jews who EXPOSED other Ashkenazi Jews.

Oh, ok. Thanks for clarifying.

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