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What is the best country for an incel to live? Which one the worse?



Mar 2, 2020
I would say Finland, the worst one must be usa or India.
If white, SEA is best

Top 3 cities in US are the worst; NYC, LA, Chicago
they might as well be separate countries
US is probably the worst. In Eastern Europe I still felt more normalcy among the generation population, whereas every state I visited in the US you saw some form of whorish female nature and cucked males
I haven't lived in many countries so I can't say
US for both. Good luck.
Best: probably some region in South America that is away from urban areas

Worst: Anglo nations, China and India
the constant war and strife in the Middle East and parts of Africa probably aren't great either
The Netherlands. :feelsEhh:
Definitely no!!
Lies. I have been in Finland, well, probably because I'm Italian and i find Finland quite better, but trust me when I say life in there is quite good for Incels. A nice cabin in the wood 500Km away from the neighboard and 30 minutes of sun per day. Me, my dog, my beer, and f.a.q. the world.
Lies. I have been in Finland, well, probably because I'm Italian and i find Finland quite better, but trust me when I say life in there is quite good for Incels. A nice cabin in the wood 500Km away from the neighboard and 30 minutes of sun per day. Me, my dog, my beer, and f.a.q. the world.
Yeah but you'll still be incel
Not sure tbh. Definitely not this one though.
Canada is definitely the worst, there are way to many Chads and Stacys, and the people hate you for existing.
Eastern European countries if you are an incel or introvert.

Japan is best for incels cause so many copes plus women still know their place in public.
Japan is best for incels cause so many copes plus women still know their place in public.

Agreed. No country is perfect but japan is at least relatively incel friendly. Not only do women know their place, but it’s not a white knight simp culture. It’s also a great place for an introvert as Japs mind their own business. Also, by western standards, Japanese dudes are creepy and awkward, which would make an incel feel normal
Best country USA. If you have good outdoor skills you can live indefinitely in pristine wilderness eating organic game meat. Worst country, North Korea, most incels end up in the military, malnourished , parasites ridden bag of bones.
I would say Finland, the worst one must be usa or India.
Worst countries would be United States and Europe, basically any white dominated country.

The poorest countries are best for richcels

Incels have alot of ground to make up

It never began for truecels
A country with a healthcare system that understands the life destroying effects of having an ugly and disfigured face would be the best country, America is the worst.
chadstralia- worst
thailand- best
best - japan
worst - any developed country
How’s Canada over the US? The main appeal of Canada is that there’s barely any spicks up there. Good, because I’d rather French than that retarded Spanish.
That's the point, I don't care anymore about females. I'm fine incel, I guess soon I'll promote to volcel.
The zen-like stage I reached well over a decade ago, ultimate acceptance of the Blackpill and just fully focusing on LDARing and not even thinking of foids. Or anytime I did I would kill the thought with vodkamaxxing.

UK is ok if you are on NEETbux and in supported housing like I'm in, basically just LDAR in comfort and carers fix my meals and deal with chores like cleaning the place etc. As long as you accept you will be Incel forever, and are happy to LDAR in peace. Just like the video in my signature :cool:
The zen-like stage I reached well over a decade ago, ultimate acceptance of the Blackpill and just fully focusing on LDARing and not even thinking of foids. Or anytime I did I would kill the thought with vodkamaxxing.

UK is ok if you are on NEETbux and in supported housing like I'm in, basically just LDAR in comfort and carers fix my meals and deal with chores like cleaning the place etc. As long as you accept you will be Incel forever, and are happy to LDAR in peace. Just like the video in my signature :cool:
A paddy living in the UK. How’s like over there?
A paddy living in the UK. How’s like over there?
Love it tbh mate, have lived in the South West for 13 years. Despite the fact I spent 5 and a half years as a Homelesscel here up until December 2019, I still preferred it to Ireland. Little village I live in is literally about 80/20 male-female, plus the vast majority of men are either Oldcel like mid 50's onwards farmer types who never married, as they didn't want a foid to have half of their land in a potential divorcerape. Or they may have been married but divorced decades ago and haven't even smelt a woman in a month of Sunday's, So are Forever Alone types. Hardly ever see foids, if there is any they are all again, in their mid 50's and incredibly haggard and unattractive so nothing to get any man triggered over. I managed to survive as a Homelesscel by sleeping anywhere I could, and people were 9 times outta 10 very helpful with food, money, let me crash on their sofa etc.. I was a well known Alcoholiccel so everyone in this village kinda looked out for me, used to crash above the local pub on and off for years as I spent like 95% of my NEETbux in there a week (Approx £200 a week).

I left Ireland as was fed up of the shit flaring up around the border where I grew up and lived, plus all the Tyrone Nigerians and Eastern European gangsters had taken a stranglehold of the place then and the country I grew up in and loved was in ashes effectively. South West UK is my kinda place, chilled out and this village is like all white (I'm not that racist btw, just scarred from 1000's of Nigerians suddenly being imposed on us where I grew up and given vastly preferential treatment over Native Irish people) and vast majority male, so ideal.
best i dunno
worst i dunno too but i would vote dinaric alps 7bhn9l
Love it tbh mate, have lived in the South West for 13 years. Despite the fact I spent 5 and a half years as a Homelesscel here up until December 2019, I still preferred it to Ireland. Little village I live in is literally about 80/20 male-female, plus the vast majority of men are either Oldcel like mid 50's onwards farmer types who never married, as they didn't want a foid to have half of their land in a potential divorcerape. Or they may have been married but divorced decades ago and haven't even smelt a woman in a month of Sunday's, So are Forever Alone types. Hardly ever see foids, if there is any they are all again, in their mid 50's and incredibly haggard and unattractive so nothing to get any man triggered over. I managed to survive as a Homelesscel by sleeping anywhere I could, and people were 9 times outta 10 very helpful with food, money, let me crash on their sofa etc.. I was a well known Alcoholiccel so everyone in this village kinda looked out for me, used to crash above the local pub on and off for years as I spent like 95% of my NEETbux in there a week (Approx £200 a week).

I left Ireland as was fed up of the shit flaring up around the border where I grew up and lived, plus all the Tyrone Nigerians and Eastern European gangsters had taken a stranglehold of the place then and the country I grew up in and loved was in ashes effectively. South West UK is my kinda place, chilled out and this village is like all white (I'm not that racist btw, just scarred from 1000's of Nigerians suddenly being imposed on us where I grew up and given vastly preferential treatment over Native Irish people) and vast majority male, so ideal.
I see man. I guess it is what it is when a nation starts losing its identity due to the migrant crisis.

No offense, what do you think should be the situation in Ireland since Brexit is still in transition. Do you think the status quo should be maintained (incl. the Good Friday agreement) since the south of the island already exists for Republicans if the Loyalists wanted to stay, or should there be a united and independent Ireland?
I'm a Nationalist (though not a Republican), so I would like to see a United Ireland. However, I also believe in democracy, so I think the Good Friday agreement should always be respected (by both sides of the house) and until such time as there is a real appetite for a Border Poll the status quo should be maintained. If and when there ever is a Border Poll then the results should be respected by the losing side whatever the outcome. If the majority of Northern Ireland voted to remain in the UK then so it should, even though as a nationalist I would be disappointed but would respect the result and accept it.

Even that been said, the way Northern Ireland works, I think a Border Poll is gonna open a Pandoras Box full of shit regardless of the outcome, because of the simple fact that neither side will inevitably accept the result should it go against them. Then you are looking at a world of crap and potential return to the bad old days of 1960's-1998.

Let's just say I'm glad i'm outta there lol :feelsYall:
I see man. I guess it is what it is when a nation starts losing its identity due to the migrant crisis.

No offense, what do you think should be the situation in Ireland since Brexit is still in transition. Do you think the status quo should be maintained (incl. the Good Friday agreement) since the south of the island already exists for Republicans if the Loyalists wanted to stay, or should there be a united and independent Ireland?
I'm a Nationalist (though not a Republican), so I would like to see a United Ireland. However, I also believe in democracy, so I think the Good Friday agreement should always be respected (by both sides of the house) and until such time as there is a real appetite for a Border Poll the status quo should be maintained. If and when there ever is a Border Poll then the results should be respected by the losing side whatever the outcome. If the majority of Northern Ireland voted to remain in the UK then so it should, even though as a nationalist I would be disappointed but would respect the result and accept it.

Even that been said, the way Northern Ireland works, I think a Border Poll is gonna open a Pandoras Box full of shit regardless of the outcome, because of the simple fact that neither side will inevitably accept the result should it go against them. Then you are looking at a world of crap and potential return to the bad old days of 1960's-1998.

Let's just say I'm glad i'm outta there lol :feelsYall:
I see. How about if Ireland becomes united but re-integrated as part of the UK (with a devolved government and parliament and equal citizenship to both Catholics and Protestants) or a Crown dominion where Ireland as a whole remains highly independent but still shares the monarchy (similar status to Commonwealth countries under the Statute of Westminster like Canada or Australia)?

I’ve been researching the Troubles and the history between the UK and Ireland, and I lean more towards that the North should reunite with the rest of Ireland as a Republic, but I also understand that that wouldn’t be a simple solution as many people in the north believe that Northern Ireland/Ulster is rightfully British and would lead back to conflict anyways, so I think it’s best for both sides to maintain the status quo since an independent republic exists for those who want it that covers most of the island.
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Indonesia is the best netherlands is the worst - because the average height is like 6ft +
Any country where you can get neetbux.
I see. How about if Ireland becomes united but re-integrated as part of the UK (with a devolved government and parliament and equal citizenship to both Catholics and Protestants) or a Crown dominion where Ireland as a whole remains highly independent but still shares the monarchy (similar status to Commonwealth countries under the Statute of Westminster like Canada or Australia)?

I’ve been researching the Troubles and the history between the UK and Ireland, and I lean more towards that the North should reunite with the rest of Ireland as a Republic, but I also understand that that wouldn’t be a simple solution as many people in the north believe that Northern Ireland/Ulster is rightfully British and would lead back to conflict anyways, so I think it’s best for both sides to maintain the status quo since an independent republic exists for those who want it that covers most of the island.
I think given the 700 years (pre the 26 counties gaining independence) of oppression would stray me from the idea of any "Rejoining" of Ireland to the United Kingdom. Although with the current climate of mass immigration to both the UK and Ireland, we would seem to share a mutual interest in perhaps reuniting under one government with a strict anti-immigration policy and protecting these islands from a cultural wipeout, but you just can't trust the British to uphold any kind of promise of equality or treaty as they (like the USA with in Native Americans) have a history of reneging on treaties after they are signed.

Having lived in England for 13 years though, I must say my attitudes have vastly softened with regards to hard Irish nationalism, the idea of Ireland rejoining the commonwealth gets floated every now and then and usually gets met with a muted response. Although it does really appear to be gaining weight now, even the Sinn Fein President is open to the idea, something unthinkable even a few years ago for Republicans. I personally see it as a nice halfway-house solution which may allay Unionist fears and make them feel more comfortable with the idea of a United Ireland.

Best= Brazil
Worst= Sweden
Worst country-this gay earth
Best country-rope land

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