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What is prom? What is it to incels?



Dec 23, 2017
I am Greek so I don’t really know what it is. From my understanding it is a school dance at the end of high school in USA, but I don’t know the details or what makes it different from the others.

What is prom mean for incels? Did any americels go? If not what did you do instead and why? How was it?
It was fun and suicide fuel at the same time. Some of my good friends had girlfriends. I didn't. At least there were a couple of us who were single.
Something truecels could only ever dream of going to.
I went there alone and had fun, better to go there by yourself than inviting some roastie who doesn't even want to be there
It was fun and suicide fuel at the same time. Some of my good friends had girlfriends. I didn't. At least there were a couple of us who were single.
Can you describe how it was and what you did?
During my junior prom, I was at the fucking orthodontist.

During my senior prom, I was playing video games all by myself while my dad was a hockey game. So I don't know what prom is.
didnt go no girl to go with... TRUECEL / a formal dance with a girl with music... food and drinks included
Can you describe how it was and what you did?

It's just music, dancing, and socializing. Nothing specific. I just stuck with my friends and talked.

Prom was funny because we elected an incel (but NT, funny, likable guy) as Prom King and the school's Stacy as Prom Queen. They danced together and had official pictures taken. Kek, it'll live forever.
It's just music, dancing, and socializing. Nothing specific. I just stuck with my friends and talked.

Prom was funny because we elected an incel (but NT, funny, likable guy) as Prom King and the school's Stacy as Prom Queen.
Did he slay her?
Didnt go. You dress up, get in a limo, go out to eat, then go to a dance i think, then have sex if i remember right from over hearing conversations at school.
Something I'm not going to.
It's a chance to flaunt your social status as a high schooler/have a good time with your date/friends.
Didnt go. You dress up, get in a limo, go out to eat, then go to a dance i think, then have sex if i remember right from over hearing conversations at school.
lel that's only the royalty that gets picked up from class. The rest LDAR in class
I went there alone and had fun
Pretty much this.

I got rejected 3 times asking girls i liked to dance, but it was still a fun event. After that I just hung out with my arab friend who played runescape w/ me and copied his dance moves.
You went to prom? lol I stayed as far away as I could from school whenever I could.
In the UK it's when you finish secondary school at 16. All I see it as is an excuse to buy a suit.

Prom in UK is pretty boring, no after parties or anything.
I went there alone and had fun, better to go there by yourself than inviting some roastie who doesn't even want to be there
What does one do there alone
What does one do there alone
look stupidly at other people with girls dancing who are gonna get laid after they leave..
It's a day you stay home and play vidya.

It's the same thing in the UK except you can get completely tanked. Good fun tbh.
Didn't go to the after party afterwards though
i didnt go. best to save myself the humiliation.
80% of this forum probably lost their virginity on prom.
The other 20 played vidya alone.
I have know idea dude.
Who goes to prom without a date? Waste of time.
Prom is an American rite of passage which concludes with femoids, virgins and roasties alike, defiling themselves with Chads and Chadlites. It is traditionally perceived as the time when whores lose their virginity, though that is no longer truthful, since most lose it at 16 or less. It was originally conceived as an innocent dance to celebrate high school's conclusion, but its sexual ramifications didn't take long to surface at the forefront of it. Most teenage femoids are looking forward to getting themselves fucked by Chad that night, and getting fucked has consequently become the primary reason for the event's anticipation.

It is utterly sickening in every way imaginable, especially for incels.
You don't bring a date to prom like in US in every country though.
Lol I remember my prom, all my chad friends and hottest girls in the year booked a hotel room out and just had sex with each other after prom and parties all night.

I didn't even a invite and went home and played COD with some other friend. Last time I ever spoke to any of those prom cunts again, they are the first people I want to run over with my future supercar kek.
Stacy chad and normies to celebrate fucking around for 4 years in high school and then doing drugs and smoking alcohol.

My parents where angry as fuck that I didn’t go because my siblings and relatives all went and had pictures of them in suits, fuck that I had no friends to go with.

I stayed home and fapped to imouto paradise 2 and watched stardust crusaders
A scam. $100 to stand on the sidelines without a date
I had no friends, don't dance, couldn't drive, and don't have a tux. Fakecel if you went.
The 1578th of 7999 Friday/Saturday nights rotting alone.
It's the same thing in the UK except you can get completely tanked. Good fun tbh.
Didn't go to the after party afterwards though
they do anyways in the US. spike the punch or whatever
prom is just a fancy formal dance but with shit radio music.

after prom is where the magic happens. lots of couples go on mini vacations in groups. one of my friends and his date went to this log cabin with like 20 people unsupervised. you know it was a giant fuckfest. he lost his virginity that night and slept with her too. suifuel
I am Greek so I don’t really know what it is. From my understanding it is a school dance at the end of high school in USA, but I don’t know the details or what makes it different from the others.

What is prom mean for incels? Did any americels go? If not what did you do instead and why? How was it?
I was home from uni over spring break and had to watch my Stacy little sister go to prom.
I never went to prom so it was fucking suicide fuel
While all the normies were preparing for pron I went to the arcade with a fat fakecel (he got a gf as soon as he went to college, but she was a fatass) and played DDR. That night when chad was fuckign stacy after prom I was playing counterstrike.
It’s fun if you have friends to go with or if your date isn’t a whore.
It's a chance to flaunt your social status as a high schooler/have a good time with your date/friends.
Exactly. Just a concentrated shitstain of every other day. If ur cool and hot it’s awesome. And if ur invisible u don’t go and nobody misses you.

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