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Blackpill What incel copes do you hate the most?



Nov 7, 2017
I hate the sexbot copers, those things are not going to be practical anytime in our lives and if they do they will be expensive as hell.
There is no end to our plight, sex bots are fake news.
Robatic companions sound nice on paper but it will be awhile until they are good enough to replace woman.
Attempting to challenge someone's status as an incel over something as trite as height. Over the top hatred towards groups that genuinely have no impact on your own life. LDAR in general, but it doesn't bother me. It doesn't hurt anyone besides the one person because Incel's can't have kids lul.
The ones who claim they only want a virgin girl. Like they would actually reject an attractive femoid if one was into them cause she been smashed? Yeah fucking right lol, not even chads expect a virgin yet an incel claims to only want a virgin

Only reason why we are virgins, is cause no one wanted us.
whitecel is volcel
1. "Supporting violence against normies "further ruins our chances" of being accepted"
2. NoFap
3. Drugs
4. Neetdom
my least favorite are the religious copers
The escort/prostitution copers. The attention you are getting is a fucking lie.
Racepill and escorts. Both are incredibly dangerous.
most posters here are so fickle lol

if they see a male model who's KHHV they'll be ranting about how his eyes are too buggy or some shit but there can be literally the ugliest subhuman on planet earth, and if he turns out to be a slayer, lots of tinder matches, lots of sex, etc, etc, they'll never stop pumping out "theories" about his success with women jfl.

i see this here so much. being seen with a girl really raises your rating by at least 2-3 points
JBW and "racepill" are pure ethnic cope

also the idea that feminism will destroy itself or something - LOL!!
I think it will just get worse. it is really technology that 'freed' women, not feminism.
People who say Fatcel is Volcel. I only got this fat after I stopped trying to ask out girls. I was skinnier back when I thought I had a chance, I have been rejected by every girl I have asked out. I'm 6'1 with a decent face but even that isnt enough to get a Girlfriend. I'm sick of being a kissless virgin...

Because they try to get women to no avail.
JBW- the biggest cope ever.
Incels who cope with cryptic IOIs
Incels who cope thinking the world hates them (the reality is the world is completely apathetic to incels since most pose 0 threat except whining online)
Incels who cope thinking mass shootings at random people accomplish shit and get people to hear your "plight"
Incels who cope with trying to bargain with people whose entire existence revolves around coming up with excuses for blackpilled realities and pushing feminism (i.e. IT)

JBW- the biggest cope ever.

This too, even though it's legit as fuck, when ugly short ethnics claim they can't get laid because of being racemogged I have to laugh.
I hate the ones who see every single flaw in other men, if you are attractive you are attractive, easy as that, but I have seen too many guys trying to bring down even male models who are obviously good looking
The ones who claim they only want a virgin girl. Like they would actually reject an attractive femoid if one was into them cause she been smashed? Yeah fucking right lol, not even chads expect a virgin yet an incel claims to only want a virgin

Only reason why we are virgins, is cause no one wanted us.
You misplace relationships and sex. If sex, of course no one would reject an used whore, but when it comes to marriage, many expect their girl to be virgin.
Robatic companions sound nice on paper but it will be awhile until they are good enough to replace woman.

Yes but it is necessary to make investments in this, even if we only have something 200 years from now, even if I do not live to see and obviously I will not, I probably not even reach my 40's, I hope incels in the future will be able to make the most of the masculine sexual revolution allied to the technology that WE men founded the base and its diverse ramifications, our creations will be our liberators
You misplace relationships and sex. If sex, of course no one would reject an used whore, but when it comes to marriage, many expect their girl to be virgin.

I can understand wanting a virgin considering I am a virgin. But in reality, the only reason im a virgin is cause no women would fuck me. So for me to expect a virgin girlfriend who would have had to resist sex, I cant really expect that from something I never would have done had I got the chance. I would probably be a bit bitter knowing she sucked other dicks in her past while I rotted jerking off my teenage years while she gave other guys pleasure, but I think that would be a me problem and id have to get over it.

Only true, decent looking Volcels who actually rejected sex would have the right to expect a virgin IMO. Although yeah, itd be very hard or impossible to find.
>You had sex 10 years ago and haven't been laid since? FUCK OFF NORMIE!!!

Probably TRP/gymceling and all the JBW and SFcel nonsense. They are related of course.

>You had sex 10 years ago and haven't been laid since? FUCK OFF NORMIE!!!


Lol yep. I got a warning for saying that exact same thing basically. Funny, because a decade ago at least half of the posters on here probably hadn't even yet grown any fuzz on their peaches.

NoFap and Neetdom are idiotic copes, also a lot of neets from what I've seen on this site dabble in drugs, when you're at home all day doing nothing its not surprising that they end up doing that shit.
The worst copes on this site are:
- jbw
- thinking face > height
- thinking money matters
- thinking muscles matter
- nazis
Gymcelling can work for some so I wouldn't totally discount it. Just don't bloatmaxx/roidmaxx. Most men look better at low bf and with decent musculature.

JBW has merit to it so wouldn't totally discount it. Much easier for a white to attract an ethnik foid than for a ethnik to attract a white girl.

Don't hate on sexbot copers either. I would buy one if I had a place and the money for it.

Only coper I hate are the shameless promoters of plastic surgery. Talking about spending tens of thousands just to end up incelibate.
The escort/prostitution copers. The attention you are getting is a fucking lie.
and they're fueling the female "you go girl" mentality. the fact that you're paying for sex is raising their SMV.
Hating copes is cope.
the religion cope
The worst copes on this site are:
- jbw
- thinking face > height
- thinking money matters
- thinking muscles matter
- nazis
From that lost I would say money is the only thing that matters. It might only get you goldiggers but your life will still be way better and you will be fucking tons of sluts that you wouldn't be fucking if you wherent rich.
I hate meta-coping the most. Thinking that if somebody doesn't pursue girls and sex 24/7, 0-24, that he's automatically coping and in denial.
This will be a hard pill to swallow for some of you, but not everyone finds sex to be the most important thing in the universe, and if someone finds joy doing something else, doesn't mean he's just coping to get his mind off chasing sex all the time.

inb4 'cope'
From that lost I would say money is the only thing that matters. It might only get you goldiggers but your life will still be way better and you will be fucking tons of sluts that you wouldn't be fucking if you wherent rich.

Fair enough, I’d you are a millionaire+ then it can buy goldiggers, but below that it makes no difference. The biggest cope is when incels think having a good middle class career will attract women.
Sexbots, even if it were realistic, are no full replacement due to the lack of consciousness. Simple as that.
Racepill and escorts. Both are incredibly dangerous.
Yeah the racepill if bullshit.
If you're ugly you're ugly no need to blame it on your race. There are people of your slaying so fuck off.
I hate blaming degeneracy. People like to fuck, so what? You're just jealous.

I hate religion, and all desire to bring religion or religious culture back. I don't want to move society backwards, especially not for something as asinine as religion.

I hate blaming Jews. It's a racist, nonsensical conspiracy theory - and it's so far away from not getting laid that it makes me question the person's sanity.
most posters here are so fickle lol

if they see a male model who's KHHV they'll be ranting about how his eyes are too buggy or some shit but there can be literally the ugliest subhuman on planet earth, and if he turns out to be a slayer, lots of tinder matches, lots of sex, etc, etc, they'll never stop pumping out "theories" about his success with women jfl.

i see this here so much. being seen with a girl really raises your rating by at least 2-3 points
most posters here are so fickle lol

if they see a male model who's KHHV they'll be ranting about how his eyes are too buggy or some shit but there can be literally the ugliest subhuman on planet earth, and if he turns out to be a slayer, lots of tinder matches, lots of sex, etc, etc, they'll never stop pumping out "theories" about his success with women jfl.

i see this here so much. being seen with a girl really raises your rating by at least 2-3 points
people that think gym is cope are retarded scum
"death is the ultimate equalizer"

"escortcels aren't fakecels"



sex bots


"murder is bad mmmmmmmkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay?"

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