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What if the incel community/Incels.me released a regular manifesto for the lurkers and journalists?

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Post like the FBI is watching.
May 6, 2018
I don't think we're like Al-Qaeda, lemme just say first off. I don't wanna be like Al-Qaeda, I don't identify with Al-Qaeda, please no one take this out of context. But ONE similarity we share with Al-Qaeda is that media, maybe not that major but media, are listening to try and get examples of how horrible we are. Looking for that scoop on the inside of the incel community.

But what Al-Qaeda did was, they released statements addressed to the media that was watching them. And this helped to clarify what Al-Qaeda's mission and views were. People spied, then Al-Qaeda spoke, and when Al-Qaeda spoke the people listening were like "Hey they said something, let's consider this." So maybe we say something on behalf of the incel community? For all of our followers? So that we can get a message to people instead of a series of disjointed picked cherries? If we have listeners at all, and I think we do, I think it would make a reasonable splash if, I dunno, some kind of video went live from Incels.me commander @SergeantIncel laying out a manifesto, or a plea, or a Q&A session.

Problem is, I'm pretty sure @SergeantIncel wouldn't be down, because he maybe believes he can't speak for Incels.me, even though he owns it. And that Incels.me can't speak for the larger incel community. And maybe that's true. But what matters is that people currently BELIEVE that the incel community as a whole or as a most, is Incels.me. They're watching Incels.me because "This is the incels. This is where all of the incels are." We just need to reach them with a message. But wait, @SergeantIncel is about to say "But there isn't much of a single message that unites us, we're all fightin' and so forth amongst ourselves about what's cucked and what's volcel and what's degenerate and whether the White Pill is something to believe in." But maybe you could say that. Maybe the message from the "incel community as a whole" is "There's a lot of us, we don't really agree on much, not even I as 1st Sergeant Emir of Incels.me could tell you the one whole and true way to be an incel, so this is something you should correct your profiles about."

Maybe this could be once a month. Or just whenever the time called for it. But a regular upload schedule is key to a healthy viewer base, that's what I hear.
We aren't an organization and there is no purpose
Interesting idea. There are certainly a lot of disagreements within the community here but I'm sure we could find some common ground to put forward.

The lack of proper advice for people in our position would be a start. We are fobbed off with the standard utterly vapid rhetoric about how it's all about confidence, the right girl will come along when you least expect it...even typing it makes me cringe. We should let them know that this isn't good enough and just stokes the frustration we see here.
We aren't an organization and there is no purpose

But we need to reach the masses. Well, I feel like we do. Some people are content to just let fools be fools and enjoy the echo chamber, and I can see why a lot of people would prefer that, but I can't do it. It's the whole reason I joined. That, and to spill my heart about all of my shortcomings.
But we need to reach the masses. Well, I feel like we do. Some people are content to just let fools be fools and enjoy the echo chamber, and I can see why a lot of people would prefer that, but I can't do it. It's the whole reason I joined. That, and to spill my heart about all of my shortcomings.
It's a good idea , but we are to small for that atm, it will only bring bad publcity to us and make us look worst than we already are, Give it some time and put that though on ice for some time bro.
It's a good idea , but we are to small for that atm, it will only bring bad publcity to us and make us look worst than we already are, Give it some time and put that though on ice for some time bro.

What kind of numbers would we maybe need to pull?
What kind of numbers would we maybe need to pull?
A lot more, don't count members registered, count active members only. We need huge numbers to pull something big, and to draw attention.
A lot more, don't count members registered, count active members only. We need huge numbers to pull something big, and to draw attention.

But is it Incels.me that needs to be big, or what the mainstream media believes is "The amount of incels out there?"
But is it Incels.me that needs to be big, or what the mainstream media believes is "The amount of incels out there?"
Incels numbers may be huge (and i count those that are not aware they are Incels yet) but they need a place and a voice to represent them.
I don't know if incels.is can help and play this role, i can't predict the future. But what i know is that .me must grow first ,nbefore pulling anything big.
We need a treatise, the word manifesto has a bad rep; but it's practically impossble to agree in every subject.
I don't think we're like Al-Qaeda, lemme just say first off. I don't wanna be like Al-Qaeda, I don't identify with Al-Qaeda,
All of this talk of Al-Qaeda is very suspicious :feelswhere:
But we need to reach the masses. Well, I feel like we do. Some people are content to just let fools be fools and enjoy the echo chamber, and I can see why a lot of people would prefer that, but I can't do it. It's the whole reason I joined. That, and to spill my heart about all of my shortcomings.

Why? What do you think is going to happen if you "reach the masses"
Why? What do you think is going to happen if you "reach the masses"

I actually have a very specific thing I'd like to ask the incel-opinionated at large: When Aghdam did it, when Cho did it, when Stack did it, when the Kolumbine Kids did it, everyone said "Their hate is wrong, but their hate is the product of the world neglecting them. Or something in their hearts and minds that made them feel neglected. This is tragic, but I can admit that these people were very troubled while at the same time not condoning what they did or thought. And that they need our help, not our ridicule."

So how come it's different for incels? Incels who are equally troubled, equally at risk, and who probably won't kill anybody save for themselves? All I ask is that people react consistently to troubled people. It's a crisis of mental health when these past few do it. But it's an entitled man-baby asshole when, say, Rodger does it. Or when we, not hurting anyone, just write an angry diatribe on the Internet. It's entitled when we write a manifesto. But when Cho writes a manifesto, it's proof that he's troubled and needed to be hugged.
I actually have a very specific thing I'd like to ask the incel-opinionated at large: When Aghdam did it, when Cho did it, when Stack did it, when the Kolumbine Kids did it, everyone said "Their hate is wrong, but their hate is the product of the world neglecting them. Or something in their hearts and minds that made them feel neglected. This is tragic, but I can admit that these people were very troubled while at the same time not condoning what they did or thought. And that they need our help, not our ridicule."

So how come it's different for incels? Incels who are equally troubled, equally at risk, and who probably won't kill anybody save for themselves? All I ask is that people react consistently to troubled people. It's a crisis of mental health when these past few do it. But it's an entitled man-baby asshole when, say, Rodger does it. Or when we, not hurting anyone, just write an angry diatribe on the Internet. It's entitled when we write a manifesto. But when Cho writes a manifesto, it's proof that he's troubled and needed to be hugged.

Let's have just a little bit of fun and indulge in a session of make-believe. We all did it while we were young, after all, treating imaginary things as if they actually were. Now, even dreams have their limits and I wouldn't be bold enough to enjoin any proper incel to fantasize about a world in which he was actually lovable. So I'll offer up the next best thing and paint a scenario in which incels, though unlovable, aren't hated.

In this alien world the reality of ugliness is appreciated with all of the gravity it warrants. If a man who has received nothing but revulsion and vitriol from women utters something apparently misogynistic, a legion of thinkers will spend countless hours taking pains to explain precisely why he's adopted his controversial opinion. If said misogynist surrenders to his devils and takes up the gun, shedding blood and ending lives, the specter of History would be invoked, with the ghosts of Fate and Hazard trailing closely behind it, in an attempt to restore order to an otherwise chaotic cosmos. And yes, I realize "chaotic cosmos" is oxymoronic, but we're playing pretend at the moment. We've become children again, after all, if only for a little while longer. So there would be documentaries made by people genuinely trying to understand us rather than just merely exploiting us. We would be cast as the protagonists of grand tragedies instead of victims in pornographic films pandering to the sleaziest and most vicious sadists. There would be poetry comparing us to torn and tattered Prometheus bearing his pitiful flame as he stood up before divinely handsome Zeus clutching bolts of lightning in his hands. Works of art would be painted with our blood for the sake of honoring us, dramas penned with ink intermingled with our tears because the misery of a monster is so much more authentic, and thus more meaningful and more potent, than that of a man.

Were this fanciful scenario someday realized, even though we all know it never will be, it would be just as empty and worthless for the unlovable as the infinitely more honest one in which we're all relegated to the position of devils. Regardless of whether Prometheus is regaled as hero or condemned as a petty thief by both wishers and weepers, the sun will still set upon the exiled titan screaming in agony as vultures drag the viscera from his belly and the gods laugh at his torment.

Every incel gasps his last breath down in Tartarus, utterly divorced from the light of Creation. It's sad that the best we could ever hope for, even during those daring moments we're willing to dream as actual people do and snatch the smallest spark of the light that humanity takes for granted, is a trembling pat on the head from a man guaranteed the Garden or angel promised Heaven as we, the objects of their reluctant pity who can only extract tears from their eyes by holding a gun to their skulls, burn down in Hell.
>What is the blackpill archive
Let's have just a little bit of fun and indulge in a session of make-believe. We all did it while we were young, after all, treating imaginary things as if they actually were. Now, even dreams have their limits and I wouldn't be bold enough to enjoin any proper incel to fantasize about a world in which he was actually lovable. So I'll offer up the next best thing and paint a scenario in which incels, though unlovable, aren't hated.

In this alien world the reality of ugliness is appreciated with all of the gravity it warrants. If a man who has received nothing but revulsion and vitriol from women utters something apparently misogynistic, a legion of thinkers will spend countless hours taking pains to explain precisely why he's adopted his controversial opinion. If said misogynist surrenders to his devils and takes up the gun, shedding blood and ending lives, the specter of History would be invoked, with the ghosts of Fate and Hazard trailing closely behind it, in an attempt to restore order to an otherwise chaotic cosmos. And yes, I realize "chaotic cosmos" is oxymoronic, but we're playing pretend at the moment. We've become children again, after all, if only for a little while longer. So there would be documentaries made by people genuinely trying to understand us rather than just merely exploiting us. We would be cast as the protagonists of grand tragedies instead of victims in pornographic films pandering to the sleaziest and most vicious sadists. There would be poetry comparing us to torn and tattered Prometheus bearing his pitiful flame as he stood up before divinely handsome Zeus clutching bolts of lightning in his hands. Works of art would be painted with our blood for the sake of honoring us, dramas penned with ink intermingled with our tears because the misery of a monster is so much more authentic, and thus more meaningful and more potent, than that of a man.

Were this fanciful scenario someday realized, even though we all know it never will be, it would be just as empty and worthless for the unlovable as the infinitely more honest one in which we're all relegated to the position of devils. Regardless of whether Prometheus is regaled as hero or condemned as a petty thief by both wishers and weepers, the sun will still set upon the exiled titan screaming in agony as vultures drag the viscera from his belly and the gods laugh at his torment.

Every incel gasps his last breath down in Tartarus, utterly divorced from the light of Creation. It's sad that the best we could ever hope for, even during those daring moments we're willing to dream as actual people do and snatch the smallest spark of the light that humanity takes for granted, is a trembling pat on the head from a man guaranteed the Garden or angel promised Heaven as we, the objects of their reluctant pity who can only extract tears from their eyes by holding a gun to their skulls, burn down in Hell.

Even if I'm incel, right now all I need is for people to care. Or at the very least be consistent in their principles. If they can look at Cho and say "He's not a monster, just messed up" then I should get the same. How am I hated more when I'm equally messed up, but didn't even kill anybody? If we can just settle that, I can work on my clinical loneliness later.
Let's have just a little bit of fun and indulge in a session of make-believe. We all did it while we were young, after all, treating imaginary things as if they actually were. Now, even dreams have their limits and I wouldn't be bold enough to enjoin any proper incel to fantasize about a world in which he was actually lovable. So I'll offer up the next best thing and paint a scenario in which incels, though unlovable, aren't hated.

In this alien world the reality of ugliness is appreciated with all of the gravity it warrants. If a man who has received nothing but revulsion and vitriol from women utters something apparently misogynistic, a legion of thinkers will spend countless hours taking pains to explain precisely why he's adopted his controversial opinion. If said misogynist surrenders to his devils and takes up the gun, shedding blood and ending lives, the specter of History would be invoked, with the ghosts of Fate and Hazard trailing closely behind it, in an attempt to restore order to an otherwise chaotic cosmos. And yes, I realize "chaotic cosmos" is oxymoronic, but we're playing pretend at the moment. We've become children again, after all, if only for a little while longer. So there would be documentaries made by people genuinely trying to understand us rather than just merely exploiting us. We would be cast as the protagonists of grand tragedies instead of victims in pornographic films pandering to the sleaziest and most vicious sadists. There would be poetry comparing us to torn and tattered Prometheus bearing his pitiful flame as he stood up before divinely handsome Zeus clutching bolts of lightning in his hands. Works of art would be painted with our blood for the sake of honoring us, dramas penned with ink intermingled with our tears because the misery of a monster is so much more authentic, and thus more meaningful and more potent, than that of a man.

Were this fanciful scenario someday realized, even though we all know it never will be, it would be just as empty and worthless for the unlovable as the infinitely more honest one in which we're all relegated to the position of devils. Regardless of whether Prometheus is regaled as hero or condemned as a petty thief by both wishers and weepers, the sun will still set upon the exiled titan screaming in agony as vultures drag the viscera from his belly and the gods laugh at his torment.

Every incel gasps his last breath down in Tartarus, utterly divorced from the light of Creation. It's sad that the best we could ever hope for, even during those daring moments we're willing to dream as actual people do and snatch the smallest spark of the light that humanity takes for granted, is a trembling pat on the head from a man guaranteed the Garden or angel promised Heaven as we, the objects of their reluctant pity who can only extract tears from their eyes by holding a gun to their skulls, burn down in Hell.

Hey, maybe you should write something; you have potential.
Hey, maybe you should write something; you have potential.

Isn't he a star. If TheWitchKing was writing on virtually any other subject he would have his own column in The Washington Post. Sadly there is no market as such for his eloquent discourse.
Wouldn't surprise.
>What is the blackpill archive
it is forbidden. some say only janitors are allowed. some say it doesn’t even exist. what’s certain is you do not speak about the archives. and you do not try to find them
Were this fanciful scenario someday realized, even though we all know it never will be, it would be just as empty and worthless for the unlovable as the infinitely more honest one in which we're all relegated to the position of devils. Regardless of whether Prometheus is regaled as hero or condemned as a petty thief by both wishers and weepers, the sun will still set upon the exiled titan screaming in agony as vultures drag the viscera from his belly and the gods laugh at his torment.

Every incel gasps his last breath down in Tartarus, utterly divorced from the light of Creation. It's sad that the best we could ever hope for, even during those daring moments we're willing to dream as actual people do and snatch the smallest spark of the light that humanity takes for granted, is a trembling pat on the head from a man guaranteed the Garden or angel promised Heaven as we, the objects of their reluctant pity who can only extract tears from their eyes by holding a gun to their skulls, burn down in Hell.

Powerful words.
I always thought we should do this, posting highiq blackpill posts could fuck up some normies, especially in threads that we know will get traction or featured on IT.
I always thought we should do this, posting highiq blackpill posts could fuck up some normies, especially in threads that we know will get traction or featured on IT.

People already do this on Twitter. When they bring attention to biases and racism and other issues they care about. They acknowledge the blackpill, they just don't call it "The Blackpill" or react to it like we do.
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