Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

It's Over What happened when I left this place for months



Nov 12, 2017
Nothing. Just as incel as always, but with more anxiety and nowhere to rant.
So, why did you left? Welcome back, then.
Some famous posters got arrested by mods for fakecelling, another one is who knows where... Things have gotten spookier tbh
Never forget what brought you here.
welcome back
how has life treated you?
this is why i laugh when normies say that all incel communities need to be shutdown, all it would do is further isolate us and expedite us furthER.
I got off all incel related forums for like 6-8 months. Tried to be positive and look and act my best. Asked out about 40 different women irl. Didn't help jfl
Welcome back.
I leave these places because of the cyclical nature, JFL @ leaving here without plans for a major makeover (HGH abuse, PS)
So, why did you left? Welcome back, then.
I was bored, I guess. Also tired of all the negatively, but as I've realized, the less negativity I experience here, the more I internalize IRL.

Some famous posters got arrested by mods for fakecelling, another one is who knows where... Things have gotten spookier tbh
Fakecels, they're everywhere.

Never forget what brought you here.
F A C E.

welcome back
how has life treated you?
It's been alright. Anxiety is worse, especially during public transport. Trying to keep the negative thoughts away, but they won't leave. Was stupid enough to start a roid bulk without finishing my cut, so now I'm a bloatcel. Will be done in 1 month and then back to cutting and reaching my goal of 8-10% bf. Several people have accused me of roiding, but I tell them I don't. Getting bigger has not made me more popular with the ladies, which proves "FACE >>>>>>> BODY." It's not about being huge, but having a nice and lean face without an anorectic body and the frame of a toddler. I could have been super ripped right now, but instead I'm a bloatcel with bigger muscles. I am a master of looksminning.

This Chadlite who sometimes goes to my gym is trying to befriend me for some reason. The guy even talked about starting to take dbol and I had to pretend to not know anything about roids, I guess he is jealous of my muscles (I think I made him start roiding, just lol), but I am jealous of his face. If he knew how much of a loser I am, he would stay away.

Workcelling kind of sucks, but it's doable.

this is why i laugh when normies say that all incel communities need to be shutdown, all it would do is further isolate us and expedite us furthER.
We all need a community, that's what cucktears don't understand.

I got off all incel related forums for like 6-8 months. Tried to be positive and look and act my best. Asked out about 40 different women irl. Didn't help jfl

Sucks. I read about some guy who approached like 1k women and only managed to bang a few. So I guess if you don't hate rejection, you could just keep going. As for myself, I am too afraid of rejection to even approach.
Also tired of all the negatively, but as I've realized, the less negativity I experience here, the more I internalize IRL.
LDARing here is always better, see how quickly you tired of negativity of real world towards you. We have much less here.
whogivesafucc turned out to be a normie who lost his virginity at 14 and has a gf. Just larping around and he is a pathological liar.
Blackletcel is 5'11 with a god-tier face and frame who lived the life of a gigatyrone. cheatings on them, making them cut theirselves, etc.
Tellem--T and whogivesafucc said the same thing lol. Once you make it here you are here for life I guess
whogivesafucc turned out to be a normie who lost his virginity at 14 and has a gf. Just larping around and he is a pathological liar.
Blackletcel is 5'11 with a god-tier face and frame who lived the life of a gigatyrone. cheatings on them, making them cut theirselves, etc.
send blackletcels pics plss
send blackletcels pics plss



That's some Instagram model. I've seen him before. It's certainly not him.
I searched that image on google. Nothing came up. I'm very sure he is no insta model. He might just look like one, which is no surprise since he looks so good.
I searched that image on google. Nothing came up. I'm very sure he is no insta model. He might just look like one, which is no surprise since he looks so good.
That's because it's cropped. If you alter the image in some ways, it won't show up on google image search. And sometimes images don't show up for whatever reason. I am 100% certain I have seen that face on the interwebs before.
Let’s teach that clown we aren’t to be fucked with!
He also says that he benches 275+ and squats alot more than that(I don't remember) at 18. Tall Tyrones like him would probably beat incels to a pulp.
Let’s teach that clown we aren’t to be fucked with!
How much of a fucking disgrace do you have to be to pretend to be an incel on an incel forum and then brag about how much sex you've had?
He also says that he benches 275+ and squats alot more than that(I don't remember) at 18. Tall Tyrones like him would probably beat incels to a pulp.

Dude looks like kind of a twink; I doubt that's the truth. The absolutely absurd degree of slayerhood he claims makes me suspect an element of LARPing at play as well. His post frequency was in the upper tier and he was conversant in incel thought and dialect. How'd he even find this place to begin with? And why would he let his coterie of concubines dissolve just to post with a hundred-odd 20-something virgins? Gives' story was more believable, really.

Take a look at message #2: "the compliments? the validation?" What Chad even thinks in terms of validation? It's his baseline, completely a priori. Being validated would never cross the mind of someone used to it. Story seems meticulously engineered to evoke a response.
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Dude looks like kind of a twink; I doubt that's the truth. The absolutely absurd degree of slayerhood he claims makes me suspect an element of LARPing at play as well. His post frequency was in the upper tier and he was conversant in incel thought and dialect. How'd he even find this place to begin with? And why would he let his coterie of concubines dissolve just to post with a hundred-odd 20-something virgins? Gives' story was more believable, really.
He supposedly took a break from it and used the net more. He is clearly very insecure over his 5'10 height, which may have caused him to larp as a turbo manlet here as a way to vent out and release his angst over it. Similar to fight club how the protagonist went to cancer support meets to have a release from his insomnia. I know short chads who do have a deep wish to be taller. Lots of non incels/virgins post here all the time, i honestly don't blame them. Wrap it together and i can see why he was in this community for a few months.
He also says that he benches 275+ and squats alot more than that(I don't remember) at 18. Tall Tyrones like him would probably beat incels to a pulp.

I still have size and some muscle left over from my gymcelling days, I can take him
Dude looks like kind of a twink; I doubt that's the truth. The absolutely absurd degree of slayerhood he claims makes me suspect an element of LARPing at play as well. His post frequency was in the upper tier and he was conversant in incel thought and dialect. How'd he even find this place to begin with? And why would he let his coterie of concubines dissolve just to post with a hundred-odd 20-something virgins? Gives' story was more believable, really.

Take a look at message #2: "the compliments? the validation?" What Chad even thinks in terms of validation? It's his baseline, completely a priori. Being validated would never cross the mind of someone used to it. Story seems meticulously engineered to evoke a response.
High IQ post. I thought the same, but the clown was urging me to post it into the thread. There's a horde of compulsive liars on this site
nothing will happen
How much of a fucking disgrace do you have to be to pretend to be an incel on an incel forum and then brag about how much sex you've had?
You’d have to sink to the most desperate level of existence. It seems like they have nothing better else to do.
You’d have to sink to the most desperate level of existence. It seems like they have nothing better else to do.
Exactly, at least Zyros admits that he's a blackpilled normie.

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