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What do you think of "smart foids" in smart professions such as scientists.



Aug 17, 2018
Do they even exist or simply the media?

Foids have the ability to think and create?
They don't exist. Women can have high IQ but they lack the systemic mindset of men which eliminates the benefit of a high IQ.
I've gone to top schools/been in the smart classes my entire life. Out of those 18 years so far of schooling, there has been 1 female I would genuinely consider high IQ.
They do exist, very rare however. I can't help myself but to admire genuinely intelligent women, that is to say women who do incredibly well in STEM.
Unfortunately, some smart foods really do exist. I know because 3 foids mog the shit out of me in my University CSCI program. However, smart foids still have feminine characteristics like lack of creativity, cronyism and lack of curiosity. While smart men are interested in improving, smart foids just rely on the IQ that they were born with. They use their born IQ to support families and get chads with bigger dicks.
Unfortunately, some smart foods really do exist. I know because 3 foids mog the shit out of me in my University CSCI program. However, smart foids still have feminine characteristics like lack of creativity, cronyism and lack of curiosity. While smart men are interested in improving, smart foids just rely on the IQ that they were born with. They use their born IQ to support families and get chads with bigger dicks.
They do exist, very rare however. I can't help myself but to admire genuinely intelligent women, that is to say women who do incredibly well in STEM.

So the only smart foids are the ones that can memorize what men wrote and repeat it???

Has there been any good foid inventors?
Yes, still low IQ compared to me
So the only smart foids are the ones that can memorize what men wrote and repeat it???

Has there been any good foid inventors?
intelligence =/= creativity

For creativity and inventiveness you need to have testosterone. This would explain why asians didn't invent the modern world despite being "higher IQ" than whites. Foids are clustered around the middle of the bellcurve, but there are genuinely intelligent foids in the 120-140 IQ range
(((They))) push on the presence of foids in smart professions but look at reality: all achievements in history of science and humanity were reached by men. All genius like Einstein, Marconi, Newton or Tesla, or like Wagner, Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Giotto, Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo da Vinci, were men. What exactly women did for advance our technology or arts in history? Marie Curie discovered radius and polonius, but she worked with her husband, not even alone lulz
Then, I don't remember any woman who I have to thank for the advanced technology of present days. Foids are biologically programmed to take care of their husbands and raise up their children, that's all.
(((They))) push on the presence of foids in smart professions but look at reality: all achievements in history of science and humanity were reached by men. All genius like Einstein, Marconi, Newton or Tesla, or like Wagner, Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Giotto, Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo da Vinci, were men. What exactly women did for advance our technology or arts in history? Marie Curie discovered radius and polonius, but she worked with her husband, not even alone lulz
Then, I don't remember any woman who I have to thank for the advanced technology of present days. Foids are biologically programmed to take care of their husbands and raise up their children, that's all.
this is what I figured but wasnt sure
all the females in my eng degree are actually retarded. they barely come to lectures and are dumb asf but they leech off their obiters in every test. despite being shit they still get better job opportunities. they literally fuck around and then get an easy job afterwards its unfair
all the females in my eng degree are actually retarded. they barely come to lectures and are dumb asf but they leech off their obiters in every test. despite being shit they still get better job opportunities. they literally fuck around and then get an easy job afterwards its unfair
They have the pussy to earn what they have. It makes me rage but this is rational so no problem for me. This is our fate. But we should change this.
all the females in my eng degree are actually retarded. they barely come to lectures and are dumb asf but they leech off their obiters in every test. despite being shit they still get better job opportunities. they literally fuck around and then get an easy job afterwards its unfair

In the job market, confidence = personality = looks >>>>>>>>>>>> skill
They exist but they're still foids, so fuck them
I won't deny that there are some talented foids out there, there were I think some foids that achieved things but those are really rare for a reason, they aren't intellectual beings, they have evolved to reproduce and take care of younglings. Their talent in science and innovation never came close to any mans.

There were always those smart girls in every school that get all As but if you ever talked to them you'd quickly realize that they are not smart, they are merely good at memorizing information given to them and that's how they fake intelligence. What allows them to fake intelligence is that schools only value regurgitating information given to you, they have a whole school system made for them. That's how they get their degrees, that's how they get their jobs. A foid isn't meant to get into science, a foid is meant to breed and care for children.

You know how there's those professors in whose classes males always do better, that's because they know how to actually teach. Most "teachers" I've had in schools only read some sentances and expect you to write them down later on a piece of paper.
Smart foids, the very few of them that exist, are pure cancer. They are even more catty and cuntish to most men (aside from Chad of course) because they see the majority of men as being intellectually beneath them. Even then, the intelligence of these foids does not compare to the intelligence of high IQ men, and for example science companies still have to drop their standards for these supposedly intelligent foids.

In my opinion, women should not be taught how to read or write. Everything a woman is taught, she uses it against men down the line.
I won't deny that there are some talented foids out there, there were I think some foids that achieved things but those are really rare for a reason, they aren't intellectual beings, they have evolved to reproduce and take care of younglings. Their talent in science and innovation never came close to any mans.

There were always those smart girls in every school that get all As but if you ever talked to them you'd quickly realize that they are not smart, they are merely good at memorizing information given to them and that's how they fake intelligence. What allows them to fake intelligence is that schools only value regurgitating information given to you, they have a whole school system made for them. That's how they get their degrees, that's how they get their jobs. A foid isn't meant to get into science, a foid is meant to breed and care for children.

You know how there's those professors in whose classes males always do better, that's because they know how to actually teach. Most "teachers" I've had in schools only read some sentances and expect you to write them down later on a piece of paper.

100% this. Smart foids mostly just have good memories - their logical, deduction and inference skills remain very poor.
I know they exist but like most scientists, I don’t give them much thought
Smart foids, the very few of them that exist, are pure cancer. They are even more catty and cuntish to most men (aside from Chad of course) because they see the majority of men as being intellectually beneath them. Even then, the intelligence of these foids does not compare to the intelligence of high IQ men, and for example science companies still have to drop their standards for these supposedly intelligent foids.

In my opinion, women should not be taught how to read or write. Everything a woman is taught, she uses it against men down the line.

100% this. Smart foids mostly just have good memories - their logical, deduction and inference skills remain very poor.

We are not the Taliban, foids should be taught basic education and then the few smart ones could be taught more, but they should never be in any leadership position or something important like a surgeon. (no twerking during surgery TeeHee)

But the "smart foids" could help a man scientist with his work.

I think its biologically impossible for them to succeed in the jobs I mentioned they should be omitted from. Look how CEO Marissa Myers ruined Yahoo. Or Merkle
all the females in my eng degree are actually retarded. they barely come to lectures and are dumb asf but they leech off their obiters in every test. despite being shit they still get better job opportunities. they literally fuck around and then get an easy job afterwards its unfair
The foids at my College are literally given internships and positions to support the drive for women in stem. For instance, 2 got the JP Morgan CSCI internship for women. Why are women given a leg up but not people with Asperger's? That's the real injustice. They already have a huge advantage without aid but our society thinks it isn't fair enough. Affirmative action for them and genocide for the Asperger's kids!
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They don't exist. Women can have high IQ but they lack the systemic mindset of men which eliminates the benefit of a high IQ.
Why do i see so many foids in professions now
Why do i see so many foids in professions now

1. Affirmative action
2. Companies fearing too look bad to the cucked public if there aren't enough women
3. Cucks wanting to surround themselves with more women in the workplace.
Do they even exist or simply the media?

Foids have the ability to think and create?
Every femoid I encountered in tech is unbearably stupid. Most of them are diversity hires, or desperation hires (when the job market is tight and good specialists go to best companies, so small outfits and start ups have to settle for the bottom of the barrel.

Femoids usually end up the worst to work with for me as a consultant, they fuck up the most, and usually have to have men cleaning up after them. Only time I see them do a half decent job is when they work as "scrum master" or other glorified secretary jobs.
Women will destroy the econom
Based and Bluepilled thread
Realistically you do get high iq foids who can perform at a decent level in maths & science. The problem is that even intelligent ones still seem to bag the same shit as any other foid. Poor decision making & leadership and just an overall lack of affirmative seems to be in their nature no matter their intelligence level.
an intelligent foid is still a foid
Realistically you do get high iq foids who can perform at a decent level in maths & science. The problem is that even intelligent ones still seem to bag the same shit as any other foid. Poor decision making & leadership and just an overall lack of affirmative seems to be in their nature no matter their intelligence level.
Please elab more
What do you think of "smart foids" in smart professions such as scientists.
What do I think? I think:

Affirmative Action.
why the fuck do you keep bumping your old threads man

they are not exists
They don't exist. Women can have high IQ but they lack the systemic mindset of men which eliminates the benefit of a high IQ.
There are smarter women than me, and I want to fuck them.

Unfortunately for me someone of that caliber has tsar bomba level smv. Genuinely smart and funny women are so rare it's better to think they don't exist though.
Just like every fields, they've fucked someone to be there.
Some poor incels are doing their works and they take all the credits.
Just like every fields, they've fucked someone to be there.
Some poor incels are doing their works and they take all the credits.
Genuinely brilliant women exist.
I think it's important to distinct between practical world view where you dont cuck yourself by giving every foid a benefit of doubt and just straight up not believing in outliers.
They exist. But it doesn't matter for the most part

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