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Blackpill What do you think of Incels and LTN's who cope with foreign women ?

To koniec

To koniec

Apr 14, 2020
I'm not calling any racial group in this or standard SEAmaxxing, EEmaxxing, LATAMmaxxing type of guys. Many of them are just going for cheap sex + they will either marry their own after having fun with non local women.

Some of incels ( mostly bluepilled ) and sometimes even here ''Blackpilled'' incels do this. What i wanted to say that spending time on 4chan and here i realized that mostly autisticcels really sometimes simp hard for foids of other ethnicities and do this without any kind of irony. I can't imagine marrying women from outside of ethnic group even if polettas are quite awful. I guess that what inceldom does to mofo's, they might betray their own ethnicity.

If you are truly blackpilled you should know that all people prefer their own ( yes even noodles ). and such behavior will lower smv of your own race ( see what curries do when they see white women, mayofoids feel like gods in india )

some users who do this

@Rabbi Schneerson

interested boyos

@Fat Link
i don't really care tbh
they must be aware that reality is different from their fantasies, otherwise what are they even doing in an incel forum?
i assume they're shitposting for fun. if not, if they derive any sort of happiness out of it, even if they're genuinely being retarded, it's fine by me. though i guess one day they may face the harsh truth, but that's not my problem
Race/phenotype preserving some phenotype is mostly subhuman cope no one cares about it irl. It's all usually looks. Women/men generally do have an inclination towards people of their own race but looks still triumph these preferences
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Race/phenotype preserving some phenotype is mostly subhuman cope no one cares about it irl. It's all generally looks. Women/men generally do have an inclination towards people of their own race but looks still triumph these preferences
true, but good looking person will chose good looking person of their phenotype over too ''distant'' one
I personally believe it's kinda cucked and doomed to fail due to cultural and language barriers, but I really couldn't a shit.
They simp for they because they is more possibikity, that they will want them
It's what happens once you've been rejected by the women of your own race. You start to fetishize ethnic women under the (not necessarily false) belief that you might have a chance with them.
It's what happens once you've been rejected by the women of your own race. You start to fetishize ethnic women under the (not necessarily false) belief that you might have a chance with them.
there was time when i simped for russian women :feelspuke:
I do this too. I fucking hate how local foids mistreated me my whole life that I start deluding myself into thinking that foreign toilets might be somehow different.
true, but good looking person will chose good looking person of their phenotype over too ''distant'' one
This is correct in countries like poland where everyone is the same race but in multi cultural environment this inclination is reduced since everyone sees ethnics everyday and it still ties back to looks at the end of the day. A GL ethnic is exotic and ugly ethnic is just a rapefugee. A GL white is an aryan holidaying in Thailand and a ugly white guy is just a pathetic sex tourist
I do this too. I fucking hate how local foids mistreated me my whole life that I start deluding myself into thinking that foreign toilets might be somehow different.
i think after such phase you realize that simping for both local and non local toilets is cucked as hell

''.....NNNN-NOO bro...foreign women are better than our whores :feels::feels::feels:''
This is correct in countries like poland where everyone is the same race but in multi cultural environment this inclination is reduced since everyone sees ethnics everyday and it still ties back to looks at the end of the day. A GL ethnic is exotic and ugly ethnic is just a rapefugee. A GL white is an aryan holidaying in Thailand and a ugly white guy is just a pathetic sex tourist
Very true, in the end racism is just variation of lookism
i think after such phase you realize that simping for both local and non local toilets is cucked as hell

''.....NNNN-NOO bro...foreign women are better than our whores :feels::feels::feels:''
It's a subconscious thing since I've never even spoken with foreign toilets.:feelsrope::feelsrope:

"Our women are the most beautiful" hits hard. I still don't get why they do it. Only reason might be a retarded sense of nationalism.
I'm not calling any racial group in this or standard SEAmaxxing, EEmaxxing, LATAMmaxxing type of guys. Many of them are just going for cheap sex + they will either marry their own after having fun with non local women.

Some of incels ( mostly bluepilled ) and sometimes even here ''Blackpilled'' incels do this. What i wanted to say that spending time on 4chan and here i realized that mostly autisticcels really sometimes simp hard for foids of other ethnicities and do this without any kind of irony. I can't imagine marrying women from outside of ethnic group even if polettas are quite awful. I guess that what inceldom does to mofo's, they might betray their own ethnicity.

If you are truly blackpilled you should know that all people prefer their own ( yes even noodles ). and such behavior will lower smv of your own race ( see what curries do when they see white women, mayofoids feel like gods in india )

some users who do this

@Rabbi Schneerson

interested boyos

@Fat Link
those women aren't stupid lmao - betabuxx different country edition. "i can't afford betabuxing in the US so let me go betabux somewhere cheaper" yeah right lmao.

i'd rather cut my dick off
Filipinas look good but I think other races look better. I'd rather fuck big booty latinas hoes since their accent doesn't sound like nails on a chalkboard like overseas Filipinas back in the homeland
Most Polish women are either my height or taller than me. Asian women tends to be shorter.
I'm not obsessed with foreign foids, I just think lifting a foreign foid out of poverty is my best shot at being given a chance.
I think I would have better odds of keeping a woman than attracting one.
they might betray their own ethnicity.
Why would I care about a group I've been excluded from ?
imagine leaving your country just to fuck woman
just pay a escort at this point or convince some women to fuck for money if its ilegal on your contry
Why would I care about a group I've been excluded from ?
Used to think the same...but then realized that to ethnics, ricemen, kfcmen i'm ugly short AND white blond blue eyed slav ( all 3 are seen as negative ) and even bigger outsider


i'm ugly short AND white blond blue eyed slav ( all 3 are seen as negative ) and even bigger outsider
Being an outsider isn't always a bad thing. You can be an outsider and still be part of the new society.
You can be an outsider without being completely excluded.
But I am not planning on going to live in the third world, I'm planning on bringing the foid back to my country.

There's a risk she divorces me once she finds someone else or once she can stay in the country without me but if I get years to make her love me and still fail, then it's over but at least I did what I could.
Whilst i understand your point about marrying within your ethnicity. The local females may have treated them badly, so they look toward foreign ethnicities. Another issue that may arise is that they may be not fully one ethnicity. I have that issue, so if i got a female from either of my main ethnicities, it'll still be considered race-mixing
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Being an outsider isn't always a bad thing. You can be an outsider and still be part of the new society.
You can be an outsider without being completely excluded.
But I am not planning on going to live in the third world, I'm planning on bringing the foid back to my country.

There's a risk she divorces me once she finds someone else or once she can stay in the country without me but if I get years to make her love me and still fail, then it's over but at least I did what I could.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1e1duig/comment/lcw57xo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

honestly i stopped caring about non white women, white people are hated with burning passion sadly
still good luck to you i wouldn't want to racemix in anyway but if it's good for you then it's not my buisness
they hate us because they want to be us, it's just their way of coping.
yep i realized this kinda

everybody, every age group, ethnicity, race, nation, political orientation, social class, fandom thinks they are better than others. White people conquered entire world and invented vast majority of things in last 500 years.

Non whites envy that most europeans have white skin if not pale, colored eyes, different hair colors other than just dull same black. I myself find many white women mid but some phenos with neoteny ( alpinids or danubian nordids ) is just :owo:

I realized that for many years i wanted to be tooo nice to non whites and in general being kind or empathetic person is just road to grave.
I realized that for many years i wanted to be tooo nice to non whites
using their envy to steal one of their women isn't being nice
you just have to pick ethnics who have a chance of passing as whites so your kids can be white too

and in general being kind or empathetic person is just road to grave.
unfortunately true, you can only afford to be kind if you are in a position of superiority (which is why people love when chad is nice but not when an incel is nice)
unfortunately true, you can only afford to be kind if you are in a position of superiority (which is why people love when chad is nice but not when an incel is nice)
This world is based on cruelty and especially for many autistic which cannot grasp it

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